ondrej-vrto / laravel-visitors
Laravel package that allows you to associate views with Eloquent models and create traffic and statistics.
Fund package maintenance!
- php: ^8.1|^8.2
- illuminate/contracts: ^9.0
- illuminate/support: ^9.0
- jaybizzle/crawler-detect: ^1.2
- markbaker/enumhelper: 1.0.2
- ondrej-vrto/php-linechart: 1.1.0
- spatie/laravel-package-tools: ^1.13.0
Requires (Dev)
- driftingly/rector-laravel: ^0.14.1
- elfsundae/laravel-facade-phpdoc-generator: ^0.1.2
- laravel/legacy-factories: ^1.3
- laravel/pint: ^1.2
- nunomaduro/collision: ^6.0
- nunomaduro/larastan: ^2.3.4
- orchestra/testbench: ^v7.17.0
- pestphp/pest: ^1.22
- pestphp/pest-plugin-faker: ^1.0
- pestphp/pest-plugin-laravel: ^1.1
- pestphp/pest-plugin-mock: ^1.0
- pestphp/pest-plugin-parallel: ^1.2
- phpstan/extension-installer: ^1.2.0
- phpstan/phpstan: ^1.9
- phpunit/php-code-coverage: ^9.2
- phpunit/phpunit: ^9.5
- rector/rector: ^0.14.7
- roave/security-advisories: dev-latest
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-01 00:39:25 UTC
A Laravel package that allows you to track Eloquent model traffic.
This tool enables basic monitoring of user activity without the use of cookies or consent according to the European GDPR guidelines. It creates overall statistics, which take a long time to generate, in the background, and therefore displaying results even in large volumes of data is fast.
You can install the package via composer:
composer require ondrej-vrto/laravel-visitors
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="OndrejVrto\Visitors\VisitorsServiceProvider" # or separately php artisan vendor:publish --tag=visitors-config php artisan vendor:publish --tag=visitors-migrations php artisan vendor:publish --tag=visitors-translations
Basic usage visit counter
Apply contract "Visitable" and trait "InteractsWithVisits" to model
class Post extends Model implements Visitable { use InteractsWithVisits; // Remove visits on delete model protected $removeDataOnDelete = true; // ... }
Some in frontend controler add visit counter.
public function show() { $post = Post::find(5); $post->incrementVisit(); $commercial = Commercial::find(100); $commercial->incrementVisit(); return view('post.show', compact('post', 'commercial')); }
Basic usage display statistics
In dashboard
public function dashboard() { $topTenYearVisitsByPerson = Traffic::list() ->visitedByPersons() ->orderByLast365Days() ->withRelationship() ->limit(10) ->get(); $sumarAllVisitFromWeb = Traffic::summary() ->visitedByPersons() ->inCategory(VisitorCategory::WEB) ->first(); $sumarAllVisitFromApi = Traffic::summary() ->visitedByCrawlersAndPersons() ->inCategory(VisitorCategory::API) ->first(); return view( 'dashboard', compact('topTenYearVisitsByPerson', 'sumarAllVisit', '$sumarAllVisitFromApi') ); }
Or list of posts in admin controller.
public function index() { $posts = Post::withTraffic()->paginate(10); return view('post.index', compact('posts')); }
Or in detail post in admin controller.
public function show(Post $post) { $visits = Traffic::single($post) ->inCategory(VisitorCategory::WEB) ->visitedByPersons() ->first(); return view('post.show', compact('post', 'visits')); }
Customization visit counter
Increment methods
// methods from model $post->incrementVisit(); $post->incrementVisitForce(); // or with Facade Visit::model($post)->increment(); // or with helper function visit($post)->increment();
// Check expiration time for ip address, model and category is is set visit($post)->increment(); // Expiration time off visit($post)->forceIncrement(); // With defining different categories for the record from Backed Enums visit($post)->inCategory(VisitorCategory::WEB)->increment(); // Crawlers detection enabled/disabled. Rewrite config settings visit($post)->withCrawlers()->increment(); visit($post)->withoutCrawlers()->increment(); // Rewrite default expires time $expiresAt = now()->addHours(3); // `DateTimeInterface` instance $expiresAt = 60; // minutes in Integer visit($post)->expiresAt($expiresAt)->increment(); // dynamicaly create ip ignore list visit($post)->addIpAddressToIgnoreList(['', ''])->increment();
Manually added data.
visit($post) ->fromIP('') ->isCrawler() ->isPerson() ->inLanguage('Esperanto') ->fromBrowserAgent('custom browser agent string ....') ->fromOperatingSystem(OperatingSystem::WINDOWS) ->visitedAt(Carbon::now()->addMinute(5)) ->increment();
Pruning models
Note: Pruning run automaticaly before start generator statistics and trafic
php artisan visitors:clean
// in App\Console\Kernel $schedule->command('model:prune')->daily(); // OR $schedule->command('model:prune', [ '--model' => [VisitorsData::class, VisitorsExpires::class], ])->daily(); // OR Artisan::call("visitors:clean");
Generate traffic data
Note: Queue service is required
php artisan visitors:fresh
// Manual in controller Artisan::call("visitors:fresh"); // OR (new TrafficGenerator())->run(); // Automatic in Scheduler (in App\Console\Kernel) $schedule->command(VisitorsFreshCommand::class)->everyThreeHours();
Scheduler is implement in package.
If is set schedule_generate_traffic_data_automaticaly
to true
nothing else needs to be set up.
View traffic data
With preety graph in SVG, count of language and operating system statistics.
Aggregated data from several models
Note: Return only one record
// summary global $sumary = Traffic::summary()->first(); // with Facade $sumary = traffic()->summary()->first(); // with helper function // summary for all type models and all categories $sumary = Traffic::summary()->visitedByPersons()->first(); $sumary = Traffic::summary()->visitedByCrawlers()->first(); $sumary = Traffic::summary()->visitedByCrawlersAndPersons()->first(); // summary for all type models and one category $sumary = Traffic::summary()->inCategory(VisitorCategory::WEB)->first(); // summary for one type model and all categories $sumary = Traffic::summary()->forModel(Post::class)->first(); $sumary = Traffic::summary()->forModel('App\Models\Post')->first(); // speciffic select $sumary = Traffic::summary() ->forModel(Post::class) ->inCategory(VisitorCategory::WEB) ->visitedByCrawlersAndPersons() ->first();
Trafic for a one specific model
Note: Return only one record
$post = Post::find(1); // Return model instance Traffic or null $single = Traffic::single($post)->first(); // with Facade $single = traffic()->single($post)->first(); // with helper function // adds relationships to the Visitable Model $single = Traffic::single($post)->withRelationship()->first();
Other options similar to statistics in the previous chapter
// summary for one model for all categories visited by persons $single = Traffic::single($post)->visitedByPersons()->first(); // summary for one model for one category and all bots $single = Traffic::single($post)->inCategory(VisitorCategory::WEB)->first(); // summary for one model for one category visited only persons $single = Traffic::single($post) ->inCategory(VisitorCategory::WEB) ->visitedByCrawlersAndPersons() ->first();
Lists of top visit models
Note: Return Collection of model instances Traffic
// Return Eloquent Builder $traffic = Traffic::list(); // with Facade $traffic = traffic()->list(); // with helper function // Return collection, first model from collection or paginator $traffic = Traffic::list()->get(); $traffic = Traffic::list()->first(); $traffic = Traffic::list()->paginate(); // adds relationships to the Visitable Model $traffic = traffic()->list()->withRelationship()->get(); // only specific models type $models = [VisitableModel::class, AnotherVisitableModel::class, "App\Models\Post"]; $traffic = Traffic::list($models)->get();
Other options
$traffic = Traffic::list($models) ->inCategory(VisitorCategory::WEB) ->inCategories([VisitorCategory::WEB, VisitorCategory::API]) ->forModel(Post::class) ->addModels([Example::class]) ->orderByTotal() ->orderByLastDay() ->orderByLast7Days() ->orderByLast30Days() ->orderByLast365Days() ->orderBy('column_name', 'asc') ->visitedByPersons() ->visitedByCrawlers() ->visitedByCrawlersAndPersons() ->withRelationship() ->limit(10) ->get(); //->first(); //->paginate();
Relationship scope for model is posible
Join all traffic data to Visitable model
$post = Post::find($id)->withTraffic()->first(); // all scopes $posts = Post::query() ->withTraffic() ->orderByTotal() ->orderByLastDay() ->orderByLast7Days() ->orderByLast30Days() ->orderByLast365Days() ->paginate();
Get the status and additional data about the latest traffic generation process
Displays the parameters of the last run of the generator and the difference from the current data
$info = Traffic::info();
Enum classes 'OperatingSystem' and 'VisitorCategory' are translatable.
Configuration package
/* / -------------------------------------------------------------------------- / Eloquent settings / -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* / Here you can configure the table names in database. */ 'table_names' => [ 'info' => 'visitors_info', 'data' => 'visitors_data', 'expires' => 'visitors_expires', 'traffic' => 'visitors_traffic', ], /* / -------------------------------------------------------------------------- / Categories / -------------------------------------------------------------------------- / / Use one of the options of the enum VisitCategory to set / the default category. / / Default: OndrejVrto\Visitors\Enums\VisitorCategory::UNDEFINED */ 'default_category' => OndrejVrto\Visitors\Enums\VisitorCategory::UNDEFINED, /* / -------------------------------------------------------------------------- / Default expires time in minutes / -------------------------------------------------------------------------- / / If you want set expiration time for ip adress and models in minutes. / Ignore this setting apply forceIncrement() method / / Default: 15 */ 'expires_time_for_visit' => 15, /* / -------------------------------------------------------------------------- / Ignore Bots and IP addresses / -------------------------------------------------------------------------- / / If you want to ignore bots, you can specify that here. The default / service that determines if a visitor is a crawler is a package / by JayBizzle called CrawlerDetect. / / Default value: false */ 'storage_request_from_crawlers_and_bots' => false, /* / Ignore views of the following IP addresses. */ 'ignored_ip_addresses' => [ // '', ], /* / -------------------------------------------------------------------------- / Statistics and traffic data / -------------------------------------------------------------------------- / / The number of days after which traffic data will be deleted from today. / Warning: Older data will be permanently deleted. / / Value range : 1 day - 36500 days / Default value: 730 (two years) */ 'number_days_traffic' => 730, /* / Create separate daily traffic graphs for used categories. / / Warning: Slows down data generation. / Default: false */ 'generate_traffic_for_categories' => false, /* / Create separate daily traffic graphs for crawlers and persons. / / Note : If is set "storage_request_from_crawlers_and_bots" to true or apply withCrawlers() method. / Warning: Slows down data generation. / Default: false */ 'generate_traffic_for_crawlers_and_persons' => false, /* / Schedule the generation of traffic data and statistics within / the internal scheduler of this package. It will run every three hours. / / Note : Equivalent to setting in the scheduler (in App\Console\Kernel) / $schedule->command(VisitorsFreshCommand::class)->everyThreeHours(); / Default: true */ 'schedule_generate_traffic_data_automaticaly' => true, /* / -------------------------------------------------------------------------- / Line graphs in SVG / -------------------------------------------------------------------------- / / Note: https://github.com/OndrejVrto/php-linechart */ 'generate_graphs' => true, 'graphs_properties' => [ 'maximum_value_lock' => null, 'maximum_days' => null, 'order_reverse' => false, 'width_svg' => 1000, 'height_svg' => 50, 'stroke_width' => 2, 'colors' => ['#4285F4', '#31ACF2', '#2BC9F4'], ],
composer test
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The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.