
OpenID-Connect/OAuth2 Social Login with LOA & Federation builtin

V1 2015-01-28 21:44 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-16 07:05:20 UTC


Intro OidConnect is a Laravel5 component for Social login using OAuth2/OpenID-Connect. It implements a real federated model, where users may have more than one social providers pointing to the same local account. It also allows users to have a different local email/name than the one used at the IDP level.

It supports out of the box

  • Facebook OAuth2
  • Google OpenID-Connect
  • Yahoo OAuth2
  • Microsoft OAuth2
  • LinkedIn OAuth2
  • Orange OpenID-Connect
  • PayPal OpenID-Connect
  • FranceConnect OpenID-Connect
  • GitHub OAuth2
  • Local Password

Last but not least it supports multiple level of assurances. Allowing application to choose the level of thrust depending on the source of Social authentication or the quality of the profile they provide.

OpenId Connect Social Login Screenshot

L5/Socialite: Why did I stop using Socialite ? I started my project with L5/Socialite. Unfortunately Socialite had too many constrains.

  • Lack of easy OO extendability. Adding a new IDP requires to edit core source components. Changing Socialiste's User model is not really possible. Design with multiple very small methods makes debug process harder than it should.
  • Weak security model. Socialite exclusively relies on IDP provided email for its local authentication. This might be acceptable with provider that certify emails. But it cannot work with providers like GitHub that allow end users to select any email they want without any control. An other class of unsolved issue is with providers like Yahoo or Orange that do not return user's email.
  • No support for OpenID-Connect. With OID-Connect we receive from IDPs user's UID attached with the authorization token. If this user is already known in federation table, then it is not necessary to move lower in OAUTH2 flow as we have enough information to return directly local user's ID without request IDP's Identity APIs.


  1. Download & install a fresh Laravel-5 distribution

    composer create-project 'laravel/laravel' 'yourDirProjectName' dev-develop cd yourDirProjectName composer require 'openid/oid-connect'

NOTE: with composer OidConnect is located in ./vendors/openid/oid-connect

  1. Direct install from Github by passing composer. Install OidConnect dependencies manually to use OidConnect outside composer

    clone git source code directory in your L5 project root

    git clone

    Update your composer.json

    Add OidConnect into 'psr-4' namespace

    "psr-4": { "AppNameSpace\": "app/", "OidConnect\": "OidConnect/" // where is the Directory where you installed OidConnect archive }

    Add "guzzlehttp/guzzle" module

    "require": { "laravel/framework": "~5.0", "guzzlehttp/guzzle": "~5.0", // this is mandatory for OAuth2 and OpenID

    }, composer dumpautoload # update autoloader cache composer update # upload guzzle dependencies

NOTE: with direct GIT installation you can place OidConnect where ever you want. You may even use a share directory to keep in sync multiple L5 project.

  1. Optional Route annotation to run samples.

OidConnect does not depend on annotation, but samples use route annotation. If you want to run sample out of the box you should install "laravel-annotations" that is one of LaravelCollective packages.

 composer require "laravelcollective/annotations" #
 composer update

note: as annotation is not validate by default anymore within Laravel you should run route:scan command to create routes artisan route:scan

  1. If you want to use Orange provider for test, create an alias on localhost

    ex: in your /etc/hosts " oidconnect.localnet"

  2. Check you basic install works

    • add the alias oidconnect.localnet in /etc/hosts pointing to
    • start a local server with : php -t public -S
    • point a browser on: http://oidconnect.localnet:8080

    Note: you can replace oidconnect.localnet if you only test with GitHub+Facebook

    If you get L5 welcome page, you're ready for next step

----- Configure your distribution ------

Warning: if you installed OidConnect directly through composer and not from git. Directory 'OidConnect/' should be replace by 'vendors/openid/oid-connect'

A) Create an SQL database of configure sqlite and check it worked

-> mysql --user=oiddemo --password='123456' oiddemo

B) Create the .env file [L5 is unclear about config subdir]

  APP_KEY=123456789 # result of ./artisan key:generate

C) Create DB tables: federation, users and email verification tables

The simplest way is to replace all L5 distrib migration files with the one from this DEMO. In your application you may want your own users repository organization but to keep the demo as simple as possible let's use a shortcut path.

rm database/migrations/*
cp OidConnect/Samples/Datebase/2014_1* database/migrations/

./artisan migrate
    Migration table created successfully.
    Migrated: 2014_10_12_100000_create_password_resets_table
    Migrated: 2014_12_09_170132_create_users_table
    Migrated: 2014_12_09_180945_create_federation_key_table
    Migrated: 2014_12_09_190950_create_check_code_table

D) Update your service providers and alias in config/app

 * Add OidConnect Providers...

 * Optional annotation module used in sample controller for route and middleware annotations


  * Add OidConnect Aliases
 'IdpFactory' => 'OidConnect\DriverManager\IdpFactoryFacade',
 'UserProfile'=> 'OidConnect\UserManagement\UserProfileFacade',
 'Auth'       => 'OidConnect\LoaAuth\LoaAuthFacade',

  * comment out L5 Auth Service provider and Facade Alias
  //'Auth'      => 'Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth',

te: we replace the original L5 Auth module, because OidConnect
inherits from Auth and is 100% backward compatible.

E) Update Middleware. OidConnect is shipped with a set of standard middleware to handle LOA access restriction on controllers.

 // In app/Http/kernel.php add following filters after L5 ones
 protected $routeMiddleware = [
	'auth.basic' => 'Illuminate\Auth\Middleware\AuthenticateWithBasicAuth',
	'guest' => 'xxxxxxx\Http\Middleware\RedirectIfAuthenticated',

	'auth.loa0'  => 'OidConnect\LoaAuth\Loa00Middleware',
	'auth.loa1'  => 'OidConnect\LoaAuth\Loa01Middleware',
	'auth.loa2'  => 'OidConnect\LoaAuth\Loa02Middleware',
	'auth.loa3'  => 'OidConnect\LoaAuth\Loa03Middleware',

F) Get API keys from IDPs authentication providers.

This is probably the longest part. You may check Samples/Config/OidConnect.php. Select the one you like and request an application KEY. You will find developer console URL at the top of each provider sample. Note that only few providers accept to work with localhost redirect. GitHub is the easiest one for test. Facebook and Orange accept Localhost redirect in development mode. Google and Yahoo do not accept redirect on localhost.

Warning: For Orange you should not use localhost:8080 as redirect for your test, but oid.localnet:8080 that you point in your /etc/hosts on While this alias approach is not mandated for them, GitHub and Facebook support it.

When you're done, your resources/config/OidConnect.php file should have a valid key and redirect URL for each providers you wish to use.

G) Go in Sample directory install: cp Samples/Controllers/* app/Http/Controllers/. cp -r Samples/Templates/* resources/views/. cp Samples/Config/* config/.

---- We are now ready to write our 1st OpenId Connect app ----------------

Copy the two controllers and templates sample to your "app" dir. Note that sample controller use "App" namespace, you may want to change this.

The demo has two controllers. First one handle login, second one simulate an application controller that need to be protected by LOA. The controller have very limited graphic design in order to keep them as basic as possible.

OidZoneController: it the simplest one. Each method is protected by a simple middleware corresponding to the level of wanted LOA. Note that an LOA=0 does not mean the user is not logged, it only mean that we have absolutely no confidence in his identity. Nevertheless LOA=0 can still be acceptable to leave comment on a blog, or store user preferences. They is no real need for a login page, when a user hit a protected page, when needed he is redirected for authentication.

WARNING: I used annotation in my controller sample, and it looks like they where will be removed from L5. Until annotation come back as un external package. You may have either to use an older version of L5 or build your route and middleware as before.


__construct: read OidConnect config file and build drivers table. This is a demo scenario. In real live we should have one controller per IDP.


this method only display a small table with every IDPs configured in your Config file. Note that IDP's UID are free but should remain unique.


they are all based on the same model. Idp-Login URL is the one you have to declare when requesting an API client KEY on provider's development console. The scenario is the same as within Socialite if you ever used it.

When user client click on the 'github' link generated by IdpList(). He is redirected to githubLogin(). As this is a simple redirect he comes without any authorisation code. Method getIdpAuthorization() is then called and redirect user's browser to IDP login service with the adequate argument extracted from config/OidConfig. When user returns from IDP authentication service, he has an authorisation code and controller calls getIdpSocialUser($request). This last method returns directly a socialuser object that contains enduser profile and eventually a localuser profile if ever this user was already federated.

public function githubLogin (HttpRequest $request) {

	// at 1st call user has not the IDP code we redirect for authentication
	$hasCode = $request->has('code');
	if (!$hasCode) return $this->idpdriver->getIdpAuthorization();

	// second call we are returning from IDP and we should have a code
	$socialuser = $this->idpdriver->getIdpSocialUser($request);

	// we got a social user let's federate and log
    return $this->federateAndLog($socialuser);


This method will take a socialuser as returned from getIdpSocialUser() and handle 3 cases.

  1. socialuser already federated, in this case we can login.
  2. socialuser is new, but localuser is currently login. In this case we add a new federation link to this existing localuser
  3. socialuser is unknown and we have no valid login session. In this case we need to ask for user consent and eventually check his profile. This later step is done through set/getUserConsent


First method will serialize and push current socialuser in session. Then it posts a form. When user has confirm his profile and return getUserConsent() will try to create and federate local/socialuser. If user creation succeeds this method will call userProfile::sendVerificationCode to send a verification code by email. Note that depending on IDP's LOA this step might not be necessary. Most IDP return verified email.

WARNING: demo controller use L5 annotation for routes and middleware. you should declare both controllers in app/RouteServiceProvider and apply "php artisan route:scan" to built routes and filter before usage.

protected $scan = [

Mail: Demo will try to send a validation mail to new users. If you did not configure properly resources/config/mail this part will fail. Alternatively you may comment out userProfile::sendVerificationCode line in Login controller.

Note on SSL and Login. Some provider will refuse you to log when you're not comming from a valid SSL URL. For testing purpose this should be an issue, but when going to production it probably will. For help on how to install a self issue certificate You may check

------------- Extending OidConnect --------------------------------- OidConnect should be pretty easy to extend.

LOA middleware, build your own class that extends LoaAclMiddleware.

New Provider, build you own one that extends from _DriverSuperClass and declare your new provider in resources/config/OidConnect you do not have to be in OidConnect namespace and your customization can remains 100% independent of OidConnect code. For OAUTH2 providers you may use Facebook or LinkedIn as sample. For native OpenIdConnect you should use Google or Orange. Orange is my reference platform for OpenIdConnect implementation.

I hope I'm not been too long, and that you did not get lost in the middle of my README.