
laravel geo location, ip services, proxy and vpn detected

Fund package maintenance!

1.2.1 2021-11-06 09:05 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-06 16:03:53 UTC


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Package Support

Providers Features

Provider Require Api Free Limit Paid Limit Support Languages Support Security Support Currenices Support Location
IpHub 1k/day up to 200k/day
IpRegistry 100k/once Per Paid Package
Ip-Api 45/minute unlimited
IpInfo 50k/month up to 2.5m/month
IpData 1.5k/day up to 100k/day
IpApi.com 1k/month up to 2m/month
ProxyCheck 1k/day up to 10m/day
GeoPlugin Unknown
IpGeoLocation 1k/day up to 20m/month

This package can be used to handle all ip services as a Laravel package. It Can Help With:

  1. Determine the geographical location of website visitors based on their IP addresses
  2. Detected Vpn, Proxy, Tor and Hosting Ip's.
  3. retrieve Language, Currencies and Location Data.
  4. Block connections via Connections Type Filters.
  5. Cache ip data in cache drivers
  6. Block Connections by country(dev).

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You can install the package via composer:

composer require oravil/laravel-guard

You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Oravil\LaravelGuard\LaravelGuardServiceProvider"

This is the contents of the published config file:

// config for Oravil/LaravelGuard config/guard.php
return [
    // laravel guard version
    'version' => '1.2',

    | Cache Driver
    | To use cache tags you should support one of cache drivers Redis / Memcached / Array

    'cache_enable' => false, // set true to enable cache

    'cache_tag_name' => 'lg-location', // cache tag name

    'cache_expires' => 30, // seconds

    | Provider
    | The default provider you would like to use for geo ip retrieval.

    'provider' => 'ip-api',

    | Driver Fallbacks
    | The providers you want to use to retrieve the users geo ip
    | if the above selected driver is unavailable.
    | These will be called upon in order (first to last).

    'fallbacks' => [

    | Location
    | Here you may configure the position instance that is created
    | and returned from the above drivers. The instance you
    | create must extend the built-in Position class.

    'location' => Oravil\LaravelGuard\Support\Location::class,

    | Localhost Testing
    | If your running your website locally and want to test different
    | IP addresses to see location detection, set 'enabled' to true.
    | The testing IP address is a Google host in the United-States.

    'testing' => [
        'enabled'  => env('GUARD_TESTING', false),
        'valid_ip' => '',
        'cloud_ip' => '',
        'proxy_ip' => '',
        'tor_ip'   => '',
        'bogon_ip' => '',

    | Security Filters

    'security' => [
        'enabled' => env('GUARD_SECURITY', false),
        'middleware' => [
            //\Oravil\LaravelGuard\ShouldBlockMiddleware::class, copy to Http/kernel.php
            'enabled' => false,
            'block_message' => 'Your connection has been blocked, Our system has identified you as a threa',
            'abort_code' => 403
        'filters' => [
            'is_cloud' => true,
            'is_anonymous' => true,
            'is_threat' => true,
            'is_bogon' => true,

    | Providers List Configure

    'providers' => [
        'ipregistry' => [  // ip registry https://ipregistry.co/docs/
            'class' => \Oravil\LaravelGuard\Providers\IpRegistry::class, //provider class path
            'api_key' => env('IPREGISTRY_API_KEY', null), // api key
            'api_url' => 'https://api.ipregistry.co/', // api base url
            'currencies_enabled' => env('GUARD_CURRENCIES', true), // if you need currencies data
            'language_enabled' => env('GUARD_LANGUAGE', true), // if you need langauge data
            'security_enabled' => env('GUARD_SECURITY', true), //security status

        'iphub' => [ // ip hub https://iphub.info/
            'class' => \Oravil\LaravelGuard\Providers\IpHub::class, //provider class path
            'api_key' => env('IPHUB_API_KEY', null), // api key
            'api_url' => 'http://v2.api.iphub.info/ip/', // api base url
            'security_enabled' => env('GUARD_SECURITY', true), //security status

        'ip-api' => [ // ip api https://ip-api.com/
            'class' => \Oravil\LaravelGuard\Providers\IpApi::class, //provider class path
            'pro_api_url' => 'https://pro.ip-api.com/json/', // pro services
            'api_key' => env('IPAPI_API_KEY', null), // api key
            'api_url' => 'http://ip-api.com/json/', // api base url
            'currencies_enabled' => true, //  support currenices code only
            'security_enabled' => env('GUARD_SECURITY', true), //security status

        'proxycheck' => [ // ip api https://proxycheck.io/
            'class' => \Oravil\LaravelGuard\Providers\ProxyCheck::class, //provider class path
            'api_key' => env('PROXYCHECK_API_KEY', null), // api key
            'api_url' => 'http://proxycheck.io/v2/', // api base url
            'security_enabled' => env('GUARD_SECURITY', true), //security status
            'block_score' => 33

        'ipapicom' => [ // ip api https://ipapi.com/
            'class' => \Oravil\LaravelGuard\Providers\IpApiCom::class, //provider class path
            'api_key' => env('IPAPICOM_API_KEY', null), // api key
            'api_url' => 'http://api.ipapi.com/api/', // api base url
            'security_enabled' => env('GUARD_SECURITY', false), //security status
            'security_plan_enable' => false, // if you plan is BUSINESS PRO
            'currency_plan_enable' => false, // if you plan is STANDARD or above

        'ipdata' => [ // ip data https://ipdata.co/
            'class' => \Oravil\LaravelGuard\Providers\IpData::class, //provider class path
            'api_key' => env('IPDATA_API_KEY', null), // api key
            'api_url' => 'https://api.ipdata.co/', // api base url
            'currencies_enabled' => env('GUARD_CURRENCIES', true), // if you need currencies data
            'language_enabled' => env('GUARD_LANGUAGE', true), // if you need langauge data
            'security_enabled' => env('GUARD_SECURITY', true), //security status

        'ipinfo' => [ // ip data https://ipdata.co/
            'class' => \Oravil\LaravelGuard\Providers\IpInfo::class, //provider class path
            'api_key' => env('IPINFO_API_KEY', null), // api key
            'api_url' => '//ipinfo.io/', // api base url
            'security_enabled' => env('GUARD_SECURITY', true), //security status

        'geoplugin' => [ // ip data http://www.geoplugin.net
            'class' => \Oravil\LaravelGuard\Providers\GeoPlugin::class, //provider class path
            'api_url' => 'http://www.geoplugin.net/json.gp?ip', // api base url
            'currencies_enabled' => env('GUARD_CURRENCIES', true), // if you need currencies data

        'ipgeolocation' => [ // ip data https://ipgeolocation.io
            'class' => \Oravil\LaravelGuard\Providers\IpGeoLocation::class, //provider class path
            'api_key' => env('IP_GEO_LOCATION_API_KEY', null), // api key
            'api_url' => 'https://api.ipgeolocation.io/ipgeo', // api base url
            'currencies_enabled' => env('GUARD_CURRENCIES', true), // if you need currencies data
            'language_enabled' => env('GUARD_LANGUAGE', true), // if you need langauge data


#global functions
echo getIp();                                    // get location instance for client ip | testing ip if testing_enable => true
echo getIp('');                           // LaravelGuard::get('');
echo laravelGuard('');                    // LaravelGuard::get('');
echo laravelGuard()->echoApiResponse(''); // LaravelGuard::echoApiResponse('');
echo laravelGuard()->echoApiResponse();          // LaravelGuard::echoApiResponse('');
echo laravelGuard()->testing('type');            // testing connection type(valid, proxy, vpn, tor, cloud, bogon), default: valid
laravelGuard()->flushCache();                    // flushed locations cache
//laravel facade
use Oravi/LaravelGuard/Facades/LaravelGuard;
echo LaravelGuard::get();                        // get location instance for client ip | testing ip if testing_enable => true
echo LaravelGuard::get('');               // get location instance
echo LaravelGuard::echoApiResponse('');   // get request from api for client ip
echo LaravelGuard::echoApiResponse();   // get request from api for client ip | testing ip if testing_enable => true
echo LaravelGuard::testing('type');              // testing connection type(valid, proxy, vpn, tor, cloud, bogon), default: valid
LaravelGuard::flushCache();                      // flushed locations cache

Security Filters

// app/http/kernel.php
protected $middleware = [

'security' => [
        'enabled' => env('GUARD_SECURITY', true), //set true to enable security filters
        'middleware' => [
            //\Oravil\LaravelGuard\ShouldBlockMiddleware::class, copy to Http/kernel.php
            'enabled' => true, // set true to enable middleware
            'block_message' => 'Your connection has been blocked, Our system has identified you as a threa', //edit block message
            'abort_code' => 403 //edit abort code
        'filters' => [
            'is_cloud' => true,
            'is_anonymous' => true,
            'is_threat' => true,
            'is_bogon' => true,

to retrive ip data from middleware without block connection

// set security true
'middleware' => [
    //\Oravil\LaravelGuard\ShouldBlockMiddleware::class, copy to Http/kernel.php
    'enabled' => false, // set false to disable block connections
// get ip data
//check should block connection
// check block type


// testing using ipregistry provider
return laravelGuard()->testing(); // or laravelGuard()->testing('valid');
//output: {"ip":"","countryName":"Egypt","countryCode":"EG","regionCode":"EG-C","regionName":"Al Q\u0101hirah","cityName":"Cairo","zipCode":"09893","latitude":"30.07795","longitude":"31.28525","areaCode":1001450,"isEU":false,"currencyStatus":true,"currencyName":"Egyptian Pound","currencyCode":"EGP","currencySymbol":"EGP","langStatus":true,"langName":"Arabic","langNative":"\u0627\u0644\u0639\u0631\u0628\u064a\u0629","langCode":"ar","timeZone":"Africa\/Cairo","currentTime":"2021-11-05T06:57:33+02:00","securityStatus":true,"isCloudProvider":false,"isThreat":false,"isAnonymous":false,"isBogon":false,"provider":"IpRegistry","provider_class":"Oravil\\LaravelGuard\\Providers\\IpRegistry","isCached":null}

return laravelGuard()->testing('cloud');
// output: {"ip":"","countryName":"United States","countryCode":"US","regionCode":null,"regionName":null,"cityName":null,"zipCode":null,"latitude":"37.75096","longitude":"-97.822","areaCode":9629091,"isEU":false,"currencyStatus":true,"currencyName":"US Dollar","currencyCode":"USD","currencySymbol":"$","langStatus":true,"langName":"English","langNative":"English","langCode":"en","timeZone":"America\/Chicago","currentTime":"2021-11-04T23:59:59-05:00","securityStatus":true,"isCloudProvider":true,"isThreat":false,"isAnonymous":false,"isBogon":false,"provider":"IpRegistry","provider_class":"Oravil\\LaravelGuard\\Providers\\IpRegistry","isCached":null}

return laravelGuard()->testing('proxy'); // or laravelGuard()->testing('vpn');
//output: {"ip":"","countryName":"Germany","countryCode":"DE","regionCode":"DE-BE","regionName":"Berlin","cityName":"Berlin","zipCode":"10178","latitude":"52.51965","longitude":"13.40687","areaCode":357021,"isEU":true,"currencyStatus":true,"currencyName":"Euro","currencyCode":"EUR","currencySymbol":"\u20ac","langStatus":true,"langName":"German","langNative":"Deutsch","langCode":"de","timeZone":"Europe\/Berlin","currentTime":"2021-11-05T06:00:43+01:00","securityStatus":true,"isCloudProvider":false,"isThreat":true,"isAnonymous":false,"isBogon":false,"provider":"IpRegistry","provider_class":"Oravil\\LaravelGuard\\Providers\\IpRegistry","isCached":null}

return laravelGuard()->testing('tor')
//output: {"ip":"","countryName":"Indonesia","countryCode":"ID","regionCode":"ID-BT","regionName":"Banten","cityName":"Tangerang","zipCode":null,"latitude":"-6.17836","longitude":"106.63184","areaCode":1919440,"isEU":false,"currencyStatus":true,"currencyName":"Indonesian Rupiah","currencyCode":"IDR","currencySymbol":"IDR","langStatus":true,"langName":"Indonesian","langNative":"Indonesia","langCode":"id","timeZone":"Asia\/Jakarta","currentTime":"2021-11-05T12:02:37+07:00","securityStatus":true,"isCloudProvider":true,"isThreat":true,"isAnonymous":true,"isBogon":false,"provider":"IpRegistry","provider_class":"Oravil\\LaravelGuard\\Providers\\IpRegistry","isCached":null}

return laravelGuard()->testing('bogon')
//output: {"ip":"","countryName":null,"countryCode":null,"regionCode":null,"regionName":null,"cityName":null,"zipCode":null,"latitude":"-4.0E-5","longitude":"4.0E-5","areaCode":0,"isEU":false,"currencyStatus":true,"currencyName":null,"currencyCode":null,"currencySymbol":null,"langStatus":true,"langName":null,"langNative":null,"langCode":null,"timeZone":"Africa\/Sao_Tome","currentTime":"2021-11-05T05:03:28Z","securityStatus":true,"isCloudProvider":false,"isThreat":true,"isAnonymous":false,"isBogon":true,"provider":"IpRegistry","provider_class":"Oravil\\LaravelGuard\\Providers\\IpRegistry","isCached":null}

Flushed locations cache

// console

php artisan guard:flush


return laravelGuard()->flushCache();


  • add api service providers.
  • push to Github
  • push Pre-release
  • add to Packagist
  • add cache driver
  • add cache flush console command
  • add global functions
  • push version 1.1
  • block connections via filters
  • block connections via midlleware
  • push version 1.2
  • add create custom provider console command
  • push version 1.3
  • add fallbacks for limit requests
  • add github documentation
  • push version 2.0


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.

Thanks To:



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.