
An Object for passwords - Stop leaking passwords to logs or stacktraces!

1.0.0 2019-03-22 09:29 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-26 17:21:43 UTC


An Object for passwords - Stop leaking passwords to logs or stacktraces!

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This package contains an Object that can be used and passed just like you would use a plaintext-password. The only difference is that the plaintext-password will not be accidentaly leaked into log-files or stacktraces or var_dump-output.

The scope is not to provide a Cryptographically Secure Password or a ValueObject that you can just pass to your Persistence-Layer for storage. On the contrary. You shall never store this Object

This is only a thin wrapper around your password-string that tries to guard you from accidentally leaking the password string where you don't want to see it.

The object stores the password encrypted using sodium_crypto_secretbox. So should one find a way to expose the private property to the public there will only be an encrypted binary code. The nonce and the key to encrypt and decrypt are stored in constants and will be replaced on every request. So when you create two Password-objects within one request they will both use the same nonce and key. As those value are stored as constants they will not leak by accident. You will have to actively address them. Preventing that is outside the scope of this package!

As the goal of this Object is not to store the password in a secure way (you will use a hashing algorithm for that, won't you?) but to prohibit it from accidentally leaking in cleartext that is a compromise I'm willing to take.


The discussions that spun up around twitter leaking passwords to logfiles left me thinking.

It can actually happen quite easily to have passwords come up into log-files when you put stack-traces into logs. And that brought me to thinking how to avoid that accidentally. The answer to me is a vaule-object with a bit of logic that handles the password but won't accidentaly leak it.

Just today (21st of March 2019) another leakage of cleartext passwords was announced. This time multiple 100 million accounts at facebook where leaked over multiple years. Read more on Krebs on Security or directly at Facebook


This is best installed using composer like this:

composer require org_heigl/password


Instead of passing the password as a string create a Password-Object and pass that.

$password = Password::createFromPlainText($request->getParam('password'));
// Do not forget to remove the password from your request-object!!
$request->setParam('password', '*****');

You can additionally directly use PHPs password-hashing API:


Additionally you can get a new hash for the password like this:

$hash = $password->getNewHash();

And to wrap up the API of PHPs password-hashing API there's also a method to check whether the password should be rehashed


And to be able to store the password securely in a database you can retrieve the password hashed using

$password->hash($algorithm, $options);

where $argument and $options are the corresponding arguments to password_hash

If you really need to get the plaintext password the password-object was initialized with (f.e. for use with ldap_bind) you can do that as well:

$plaintextPassword = $password->getPlainTextPasswordAndYesIKnowWhatIAmDoingHere();