
A Laravel package for integrating Upayments gateway.

v1.0.0 2024-10-27 12:22 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-27 13:07:42 UTC


A Laravel package for integrating the Upayment payment gateway. It provides a convenient way to interact with the Upayment API, allowing you to create payments, refunds, manage cards, and more.

Image 2


  1. Require the package using Composer:

    Run the following command in your terminal:

    composer require osa-eg/laravel-upayments
  2. Publish the configuration file:

    php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Osama\Upayments\Providers\UpaymentsServiceProvider" --tag="config"
  3. Configure your environment:

    Update your .env file with the following:



After publishing, the configuration file config/upayments.php will be created. You can modify it according to your needs.


return [
    'api_key'           => env('UPAYMENTS_API_KEY', ''), // Your Upayments API key
    'api_base_url'      => env('UPAYMENTS_API_URL', 'https://sandboxapi.upayments.com'),
    'logging_channel'   => env('UPAYMENTS_LOGGING_CHANNEL', 'stack'),
    'logging_enabled'   => env('UPAYMENTS_LOGGING_ENABLED', true),

Configuration Options

  • api_key: Your Upayments API key.
  • api_base_url: The base URL for the Upayments API. Use the sandbox URL for testing.
  • logging_channel: Specifies the logging channel to be used for logging requests and responses. Default is 'stack'.
  • logging_enabled: Enables or disables logging. Set to true to enable logging or false to disable it.


The package includes logging functionality to help you debug and monitor API requests and responses.

  • Enabling/Disabling Logging: You can enable or disable logging by setting the UPAYMENTS_LOGGING_ENABLED value in your .env file to true or false.
  • ging Channel: Specify the logging channel in your .env file using UPAYMENTS_LOGGING_CHANNEL. This should correspond to a channel defined in your config/logging.php file.

Example Logging Configuration

In your .env file:


In your config/logging.php:

'channels' => [
    // Other channels...
    'upayments' => [
        'driver' => 'single',
        'path' => storage_path('logs/upayments.log'),
        'level' => 'info',


Basic Usage

  1. Add a product and create a payment:

    use Upayment;
    $response = Upayments::addProduct('Test Product', 'Description', 100.0, 1)
            'id' => 'ORD123',
            'reference' => 'REF123',
            'description' => 'Order Description',
            'currency' => 'USD',
            'amount' => 100.0,
            'uniqueId' => 'CUST123',
            'name' => 'John Doe',
            'email' => 'john.doe@example.com',
            'mobile' => '+1234567890',
        ->markAsWhiteLabeled() // or markAsNonWhiteLabeled()
    if ($response['status']) {
        echo "Payment link: " . $response['data']['link'];
    } else {
        echo "Error: " . $response['error']['message'];
  2. Retrieve payment status:

    $response = Upayments::getPaymentStatus('ORD123', 'trackId');
  3. Create a refund:

    $response = Upayments::createRefund('ORD123', 50.0, [
        'customerFirstName' => 'John',
        'customerEmail' => 'john.doe@example.com',
        'reference' => 'REF12345',
        'notifyUrl' => 'https://example.com/refund-notify'
  4. Multi-vendor refund:

    $response = Upayments::addRefundVendor([
            'refundRequestId' => 'REF123',
            'ibanNumber' => 'KW91KFHO0000000000051010173254',
            'totalPaid' => '100.0',
            'refundedAmount' => 0.0,
            'remainingLimit' => 100.0,
            'amountToRefund' => 10.0,
            'merchantType' => 'vendor'
            'refundRequestId' => 'REF124',
            'ibanNumber' => 'KW31NBOK0000000000002010177457',
            'totalPaid' => '200.0',
            'refundedAmount' => 0.0,
            'remainingLimit' => 200.0,
            'amountToRefund' => 20.0,
            'merchantType' => 'vendor'
        ->createMultiVendorRefund('ORD123', [
            'reference' => 'REF12345',
            'notifyUrl' => 'https://example.com/multi-refund-notify'

Available Methods

Payment Methods

  • addProduct($name, $description, $price, $quantity)
  • setOrder($orderData)
  • setCustomer($customerData)
  • setPaymentGateway($source)
  • setReturnUrl($url)
  • setCancelUrl($url)
  • setNotificationUrl($url)
  • setNotificationType() //in case setPaymentGateway('create-invoice')
  • markAsWhiteLabeled()
  • markAsNoneWhiteLabeled()
  • createPayment()
  • setLanguage()
  • getPaymentStatus($id, $type = 'invoiceId')
  • checkPaymentButtonStatus()

Refund Methods

  • createRefund($orderId, $totalPrice, array $optionalParams = [])
  • getRefundStatus($orderId)
  • checkSingleRefundStatus($orderId)
  • deleteRefund($orderId, $refundOrderId)

Multi-Vendor Methods

  • addRefundVendor(array $vendorData)
  • createMultiVendorRefund($orderId, array $optionalParams = [])
  • deleteMultiVendorRefund($generatedInvoiceId, $orderId, $refundOrderId, $refundArn)

Card Management Methods

  • createCustomerUniqueToken($customerUniqueToken)
  • addCard($returnUrl, $customerUniqueToken)
  • retrieveCustomerCards($customerUniqueToken)

Middleware Support

The package includes retry and logging middleware to handle request retries and log requests for debugging purposes.

Unit Tests

To run the tests, use the following command:



Feel free to submit issues or pull requests for improvements and bug fixes.


The Laravel Upayment Integration package is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.

This `README.md` provides comprehensive documentation on how to use the package, including installation, configuration, usage examples, and available methods. It serves as a guide for integrating and utilizing the Laravel Upayment Integration package effectively.