oscar-team / reepay-php-api
Installs: 2 505
Dependents: 0
Suggesters: 0
Security: 0
Stars: 4
Watchers: 5
Forks: 9
Open Issues: 1
- php: >=5.4
- ext-curl: *
- ext-json: *
- ext-mbstring: *
Requires (Dev)
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer: ~1.12
- phpunit/phpunit: ~4.8
- satooshi/php-coveralls: ~1.0
- squizlabs/php_codesniffer: ~2.6
REST API to manage Reepay resources
This PHP package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version: 1
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.PhpClientCodegen
About Reepay (by reepay)
Reepay is a payment gateway as well as a subscription billing platform for multiple web shops and merchants online. Reepay also is an acquirer for VISA and Mastercard.
This is an unofficial repo done by enthusiasts, we highly appreciate the work and effort going in to this.
PHP 5.4.0 and later
Installation & Usage
To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json
"require": {
"oscar-team/reepay-php-api": "dev-master"
Then run composer install
Manual Installation
Download the files and include autoload.php
To run the unit tests:
composer install
Getting Started
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
<?php require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); // Configure API key authorization: apiKey Reepay\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('X-Auth-Token', 'YOUR_API_KEY'); // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed // Reepay\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKeyPrefix('X-Auth-Token', 'Bearer'); // Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth Reepay\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setUsername('YOUR_USERNAME'); Reepay\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setPassword('YOUR_PASSWORD'); $apiInstance = new Reepay\Api\AccountApi(); try { $result = $apiInstance->createPrivateKey(); print_r($result); } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'Exception when calling AccountApi->createPrivateKey: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; } ?>
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to https://api.reepay.com/ except for Session, which is https://checkout-api.reepay.com/.
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AccountApi | createPrivateKey | POST /v1/account/privkey | Create private key |
AccountApi | createPublicKey | POST /v1/account/pubkey | Create public key |
AccountApi | expirePrivateKey | POST /v1/account/privkey/{key}/expire | Expire private key |
AccountApi | expirePublicKey | POST /v1/account/pubkey/{key}/expire | Expire public key |
AccountApi | generateWebhookSecret | POST /v1/account/webhook_settings/secret | Generate new webhook secret |
AccountApi | getCurrentAccount | GET /v1/account | Get account |
AccountApi | getDiscountSettings | GET /v1/account/discount_settings | Get discount settings |
AccountApi | getMailSettings | GET /v1/account/mail_settings | Get mail settings |
AccountApi | getPrivateKeys | GET /v1/account/privkey | Get list of private keys |
AccountApi | getPublicKeys | GET /v1/account/pubkey | Get list of public keys |
AccountApi | getWebhookSettings | GET /v1/account/webhook_settings | Get webhook settings |
AccountApi | updateAccountJson | PUT /v1/account | Update account |
AccountApi | updateDiscountSettings | PUT /v1/account/discount_settings | Update discount settings |
AccountApi | updateMailSettingsJson | PUT /v1/account/mail_settings | Update mail settings |
AccountApi | updateWebhookSettingsJson | PUT /v1/account/webhook_settings | Update webhook settings |
AdditionalCostApi | cancelAdditionalCost | POST /v1/additional_cost/{handle}/cancel | Cancel pending additional cost |
AdditionalCostApi | createAdditionalCostJson | POST /v1/additional_cost | Create additional cost |
AdditionalCostApi | getAdditionalCost | GET /v1/additional_cost/{handle} | Get additional cost |
AdditionalCostApi | getAdditionalCosts | GET /v1/additional_cost/subscription/{handle} | Get additional costs for subscription |
AgreementApi | createCardGatewayAgreement | POST /v1/agreement/card_gateway | Create card gateway agreement |
AgreementApi | deleteCardGatewayAgreement | DELETE /v1/agreement/card_gateway/{id} | Delete card gateway agreement |
AgreementApi | disableCardGatewayAgreement | POST /v1/agreement/card_gateway/{id}/disable | Disable card gateway agreement |
AgreementApi | enableCardGatewayAgreement | POST /v1/agreement/card_gateway/{id}/enable | Enable card gateway agreement |
AgreementApi | getCardGatewayAgreement | GET /v1/agreement/card_gateway/{id} | Get card gateway agreement |
AgreementApi | getCardGatewayAgreements | GET /v1/agreement/card_gateway | Get all card gateway agreements |
AgreementApi | updateCardGatewayAgreement | PUT /v1/agreement/card_gateway/{id} | Update card gateway agreement |
AuthenticateApi | login | POST /v1/authenticate/login | User login |
AuthenticateApi | renew | POST /v1/authenticate/renew | Renew user login |
AuthenticateApi | verifyAuthentication | GET /v1/authenticate/verify | Verify authentication |
ChargeApi | cancelCharge | POST /v1/charge/{handle}/cancel | Cancel charge |
ChargeApi | createCharge | POST /v1/charge | Create charge |
ChargeApi | getCharge | GET /v1/charge/{handle} | Get charge |
ChargeApi | getCharges | GET /v1/charge | Get charges |
ChargeApi | settleCharge | POST /v1/charge/{handle}/settle | Settle charge |
CouponApi | createCoupon | POST /v1/coupon | Create coupon |
CouponApi | deleteCoupon | DELETE /v1/coupon/{handle} | Delete coupon |
CouponApi | expireCoupon | POST /v1/coupon/{handle}/expire | Expire coupon |
CouponApi | getCoupon | GET /v1/coupon/{handle} | Get coupon |
CouponApi | getCoupons | GET /v1/coupon | Get list of coupons |
CouponApi | updateCoupon | PUT /v1/coupon/{handle} | Update coupon |
CouponApi | validateCode | GET /v1/coupon/code/validate | Validate coupon |
CreditApi | cancelCredit | POST /v1/credit/{handle}/cancel | Cancel credit |
CreditApi | createCreditJson | POST /v1/credit | Create credit |
CreditApi | getCredit | GET /v1/credit/{handle} | Get credit |
CreditApi | getCredits | GET /v1/credit/subscription/{handle} | Get credits for subscription |
CustomerApi | activatePaymentMethod | POST /v1/customer/{handle}/payment_method/{method_id}/activate | Activate payment method |
CustomerApi | addCardJson | POST /v1/customer/{handle}/payment_method/card | Add card payment method |
CustomerApi | createCustomerInvoice | POST /v1/customer/{handle}/invoice | Create invoice for customer |
CustomerApi | createCustomerJson | POST /v1/customer | Create customer |
CustomerApi | createCustomerNoteJson | POST /v1/customer/{handle}/note | Create customer note |
CustomerApi | deleteCustomer | DELETE /v1/customer/{handle} | Delete customer |
CustomerApi | getCard | GET /v1/customer/{handle}/payment_method/card/{id} | Get card |
CustomerApi | getCardDetails | GET /v1/customer/{handle}/payment_method/card/{id}/details | Get gateway card details |
CustomerApi | getCustomer | GET /v1/customer/{handle} | Get customer |
CustomerApi | getCustomerNotes | GET /v1/customer/{handle}/note | Get customer notes |
CustomerApi | getCustomerPaymentMethods | GET /v1/customer/{handle}/payment_method | Get payment methods |
CustomerApi | getCustomers | GET /v1/customer | Get list of customers |
CustomerApi | importCardJson | POST /v1/customer/{handle}/payment_method/card_import | Import card payment method |
CustomerApi | inactivatePaymentMethod | POST /v1/customer/{handle}/payment_method/{method_id}/inactivate | Inactivate payment method |
CustomerApi | reactivateCard | POST /v1/customer/{handle}/payment_method/{card_id}/card_reactivate | Reactivate failed card |
CustomerApi | updateCustomerJson | PUT /v1/customer/{handle} | Update customer |
DiscountApi | createDiscount | POST /v1/discount | Create discount |
DiscountApi | deleteDiscount | DELETE /v1/discount/{handle} | Delete discount |
DiscountApi | getDiscount | GET /v1/discount/{handle} | Get discount |
DiscountApi | getDiscounts | GET /v1/discount | Get list of discounts |
DiscountApi | undeleteDiscount | POST /v1/discount/{handle}/undelete | Undelete discount |
DunningPlanApi | createDunningPlanJson | POST /v1/dunning_plan | Create dunning plan |
DunningPlanApi | deleteDunningPlan | DELETE /v1/dunning_plan/{handle} | Delete dunning plan |
DunningPlanApi | getDunningPlan | GET /v1/dunning_plan/{handle} | Get dunning plan |
DunningPlanApi | getDunningPlans | GET /v1/dunning_plan | Get list of dunning plans |
DunningPlanApi | updateJson | PUT /v1/dunning_plan/{handle} | Update dunning plan |
EventApi | getEvent | GET /v1/event/{id} | Get event |
EventApi | getEvents | GET /v1/event | Get list of events |
InvoiceApi | cancelAllDunningPending | POST /v1/invoice/cancel_all_dunning_pending/subscription/{handle} | Cancel all dunning and pending |
InvoiceApi | cancelInvoice | POST /v1/invoice/{id}/cancel | Cancel invoice |
InvoiceApi | cancelSettleLater | POST /v1/invoice/{id}/settle/cancel | Cancel settle later |
InvoiceApi | cancelTransaction | POST /v1/invoice/{id}/transaction/{transaction}/cancel | Cancel transaction |
InvoiceApi | detachFromSubscription | POST /v1/invoice/{id}/detach | Detach from subscription |
InvoiceApi | getInvoice | GET /v1/invoice/{id} | Get invoice |
InvoiceApi | getInvoices | GET /v1/invoice | Get list of invoices |
InvoiceApi | manualSettle | POST /v1/invoice/{id}/manual_settle | Manual settle |
InvoiceApi | reactivateInvoice | POST /v1/invoice/{id}/reactivate | Reactivate invoice |
InvoiceApi | settle | POST /v1/invoice/{id}/settle | Settle |
InvoiceApi | transaction | GET /v1/invoice/{id}/transaction/{transaction} | Get transaction |
InvoiceApi | transactionDetails | GET /v1/invoice/{id}/transaction/{transaction}/details | Get transaction details |
InvoiceApi | transactionList | GET /v1/invoice/{id}/transaction | Get transaction list |
MailTemplateApi | getSample | GET /v1/mail_template/sample | Get sample data |
OrganisationApi | getOrganisation | GET /v1/organisation | Get organisation |
OrganisationApi | update | PUT /v1/organisation | Update organisation |
PlanApi | createPlanJson | POST /v1/plan | Create plan |
PlanApi | deletePlan | DELETE /v1/plan/{handle} | Delete plan |
PlanApi | getCurrentPlan | GET /v1/plan/{handle}/current | Get plan |
PlanApi | getPlan | GET /v1/plan/{handle}/{version} | Get plan version |
PlanApi | getPlans | GET /v1/plan/{handle} | Get list of plan versions |
PlanApi | getPlansList | GET /v1/plan | Get list of plans |
PlanApi | supersedePlanJson | POST /v1/plan/{handle} | Supersede plan |
PlanApi | updatePlanJson | PUT /v1/plan/{handle} | Update plan |
RefundApi | createRefund | POST /v1/refund | Create refund |
RefundApi | getRefund | GET /v1/refund/{id} | Get refund |
SessionApi | createSession | POST /v1/session/charge | Create charge session |
SessionApi | deleteSession | DELETE /v1/session/{id} | Delete session |
SubscriptionApi | cancelSubscription | POST /v1/subscription/{handle}/cancel | Cancel subscription |
SubscriptionApi | changeNextPeriodStartJson | POST /v1/subscription/{handle}/change_next_period_start | Change next renewal date |
SubscriptionApi | changeSubscription | PUT /v1/subscription/{handle} | Change subscription |
SubscriptionApi | createSubscriptionDiscount | POST /v1/subscription/{handle}/discount | Add subscription discount |
SubscriptionApi | createSubscriptionInvoice | POST /v1/subscription/{handle}/invoice | Create invoice ondemand for subscription |
SubscriptionApi | createSubscriptionJson | POST /v1/subscription | Create subscription |
SubscriptionApi | deleteSubscriptionDiscount | DELETE /v1/subscription/{handle}/discount/{sdHandle} | Delete subscription discount |
SubscriptionApi | expire | POST /v1/subscription/{handle}/expire | Expire subscription |
SubscriptionApi | getSubscription | GET /v1/subscription/{handle} | Get subscription |
SubscriptionApi | getSubscriptionDiscount | GET /v1/subscription/{handle}/discount/{sdHandle} | Get subscription discount |
SubscriptionApi | getSubscriptionDiscounts | GET /v1/subscription/{handle}/discount | Get subscription discounts |
SubscriptionApi | getSubscriptionPaymentMethods | GET /v1/subscription/{handle}/payment_method | Get payment methods |
SubscriptionApi | getSubscriptionPeriodBalance | GET /v1/subscription/{handle}/period_balance | Get the period balance for subscription |
SubscriptionApi | getSubscriptions | GET /v1/subscription | Get list of subscriptions |
SubscriptionApi | intervalAmount | GET /v1/subscription/{handle}/interval_amount | Calculate interval amount |
SubscriptionApi | onHold | POST /v1/subscription/{handle}/on_hold | Subscription on hold |
SubscriptionApi | reactivateSubscription | POST /v1/subscription/{handle}/reactivate | Reactivate subscription on hold |
SubscriptionApi | redeemCouponCode | POST /v1/subscription/{handle}/coupon | Redeem coupon code for subscription |
SubscriptionApi | removeAllPaymentMethods | DELETE /v1/subscription/{handle}/payment_method | Remove all payment methods |
SubscriptionApi | removePaymentMethod | DELETE /v1/subscription/{handle}/payment_method/{method_id} | Remove payment method |
SubscriptionApi | setPaymentMethod | POST /v1/subscription/{handle}/payment_method | Set payment method |
SubscriptionApi | uncancel | POST /v1/subscription/{handle}/uncancel | Uncancel subscription |
UserApi | deleteUser | DELETE /v1/user/{id} | Delete user |
UserApi | getUser | GET /v1/user/{id} | Get user |
UserApi | getUsers | GET /v1/user | Get users |
UserApi | inviteUser | POST /v1/user/invite | Invite user |
UserApi | inviteUserAccept | POST /v1/user/invite/{token} | Accept invite |
UserApi | inviteUserGet | GET /v1/user/invite/{token} | Get invite |
UserApi | resetPassword | POST /v1/user/reset_password | Reset password request |
UserApi | resetPasswordWithToken | POST /v1/user/reset_password/{token} | Reset password |
UserApi | updateAuth | PUT /v1/user/{id}/groups | Update user groups |
UserApi | updatePassword | PUT /v1/user/{id}/password | Change password |
UserApi | updateUser | PUT /v1/user/{id} | Update user |
UserApi | verifyEmail | POST /v1/user/verify_email/{token} | Verify email |
UserApi | verifyEmailRequest | POST /v1/user/{id}/verify_email | Send verification email |
WebhookApi | disableWebhooks | POST /v1/webhook/disable | Disable webhooks |
WebhookApi | getWebhook | GET /v1/webhook/{id} | Get webhooks |
WebhookApi | getWebhookRequests | GET /v1/webhook/{id}/request | Get webhook requests |
WebhookApi | getWebhooks | GET /v1/webhook | Get list of webhooks |
WebhookApi | resendJson | POST /v1/webhook/resend | Re-send webhooks |
WebhookApi | updateWebhooks | POST /v1/webhook/update | Update and resend webhooks |
Documentation For Models
- Account
- AnydayTransaction
- AccountLogin
- AddOn
- AddOnSearch
- AdditionalCost
- BancontactTransaction
- BlikTransaction
- CancelSubscription
- Card
- CardGatewayAgreement
- CardImport
- CardToken
- CardTransaction
- ChangeNextPeriodStart
- ChangeSubscription
- Charge
- ChargeSearch
- ChargeSource
- Coupon
- CouponRedemption
- CouponSearch
- CreateAddOn
- CreateAdditionalCost
- CreateCardGatewayAgreement
- CreateCharge
- CreateCoupon
- CreateCredit
- CreateCreditNoteLine
- CreateCustomer
- CreateCustomerInvoice
- CreateCustomerNote
- CreateDiscount
- CreateDunningPlan
- CreateOrder
- CreateOrderLine
- CreateRefund
- CreateSession
- CreateSubscription
- CreateSubscriptionAddOn
- CreateSubscriptionAdditionalCost
- CreateSubscriptionDiscount
- CreateSubscriptionInvoice
- CreateSubscriptionPlan
- Credit
- CreditInvoice
- CreditNoteLine
- Customer
- CustomerNote
- CustomerSearch
- Discount
- DiscountSearch
- DiscountSettings
- DunningPlan
- EpsTransaction
- ErrorResponse
- EstoniaBanksTransaction
- Event
- EventList
- ExpireSubscription
- GiropayTransaction
- IdealTransaction
- IntervalAmount
- InviteUser
- InviteUserAccept
- Invoice
- InvoiceBillingAddress
- InvoiceCreditNote
- InvoiceSearch
- InvoiceShippingAddress
- Key
- KlarnaTransaction
- LatviaBanksTransaction
- LithuaniaBanksTransaction
- MailSettings
- ManualRefundTransfer
- ManualSettleTransfer
- ManualTransaction
- MbwayTransaction
- MpsSubscription
- MpsTransaction
- MultibancoTransaction
- MybankTransaction
- OnHoldSubscription
- OrderLine
- Organisation
- OrganisationLogin
- PaymentMethods
- P24Transaction
- PayconiqTransaction
- PaypalTransaction
- PaysafecardTransaction
- PayseraTransaction
- Plan
- PostfinanceTransaction
- ReactivateSubscription
- RecursTransaction
- RedeemCouponCode
- Refund
- SantanderTransaction
- SatispayTransaction
- SepaTransaction
- Session
- SetPaymentMethod
- Settle
- SettleCharge
- Subscription
- SubscriptionAddOn
- SubscriptionChange
- SubscriptionDiscount
- SubscriptionLinks
- SubscriptionPeriodBalance
- SubscriptionSearch
- SupersedeSubscriptionPlan
- SwishTransaction
- Transaction
- TransactionSearch
- TrustlyTransaction
- UpdateAccount
- UpdateAddOn
- UpdateCardGatewayAgreement
- UpdateCoupon
- UpdateCustomer
- UpdateDunningPlan
- UpdateOrganisation
- UpdateSubscriptionPlan
- UpdateUser
- UpdateUserGroups
- UpdateUserPassword
- UpdateWebhookSettings
- User
- UserAccount
- UserLogin
- UserRenew
- UserResetRequestPassword
- VerkkopankkiTransaction
- ViabillTransaction
- VippsRecurringTransaction
- Webhook
- WebhookDisableRequest
- WebhookRequest
- WebhookResendRequest
- WebhookSettings
- WebhookUpdateRequest
- WeChatPayTransaction
Documentation For Authorization
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: X-Auth-Token
- Location: HTTP header
- Type: HTTP basic authentication