
Spryng SMS Notification Channel for Laravel

1.0.3 2023-06-21 11:20 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:39:43 UTC


This repository provide the the laravel notification channel to send sms via Spryng sms.


composer require oscar-team/spryngsms

You can also publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=spryngsms-config

spryngsms.php You can find more info of config options here info https://docs.spryngsms.com/#9-simple-http-api

return [
    | Authentication token
    | Here we need to define the token for api authentication
    'token' => env('SPRYNG_SMS_API_TOKEN'),

    | From / Originator
    | The sender of the message. Can be alphanumeric string (max. 11 characters)
    | or phonenumber (max. 14 digits in E.164 format like 31612345678)
    'originator' => env('SPRYNG_SMS_FROM_NAME', 'Oscar'),

    | Route
    | Your given route to send the message on. Can be a valid route
    | ID supplied by Spryng or the default business route.
    'route' => env('SPRYNG_SMS_ROUTE', 'business'),

    | Route
    | Character encoding of the body. Value can be: plain, unicode or auto
    'encoding' => env('SPRYNG_SMS_ENCODING', 'auto'),

    | Reference
    | A client reference.
    'reference' => env('SPRYNG_SMS_REFERENCE')


You can use the channel in your via() method inside the notification:

use Oscar\Spryngsms\SpryngsmsChannel;
use Oscar\Spryngsms\SpryngsmsMessage;

class BookingNotification extends Notification
  public function via(object $notifiable): array
      return [

  public function toSpryngsms(mixed $notifiable): SpryngsmsMessage|string
      return new SpryngsmsMessage($message, $recipients, $originator, $encoding, $route, $reference);

Add a routeNotificationForSpryngsms method to your Notifiable model to return the phone number:

public function routeNotificationForSpryngsms(): string
    return $this->phone_number;

SpryngsmsMessage::class parameters

  • $message (required)
  • $recipients (optional)
  • $originator (optional)
  • $encoding (optional)
  • $reference (optional)


phpunit tests


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.