
Clear-db-url parser.

1.0.0 2021-12-28 18:06 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:36:53 UTC


Clear-db-url parser. Cleardb is a db as service. Useful for heroku users.

GitHub CI Autofix Coverage Status

How to use

Install package

composer require otis22/cleardb-url

For heroku users

Heroku server put clearDb url to environments. This function use env with name CLEARDB_DATABASE_URL.

use function Otis22\ClearDb\credential;

$credential = credential();

$credential->db(); #db name
$credential->driver(); #db type(mysql, pgsql, ...)
$credential->host(); #host
$credential->pass(); #password
$credential->user(); #user   

For phinx on heroku

use function Otis22\ClearDb\phinx;

    'environments' => [
        'default_migration_table' => 'phinxlog',
        'default_environment' => 'production',
        'production' => phinx()->asArray()

Parse custom clearDb url

use Otis22\ClearDb\ParsedUrl;
use Otis22\ClearDb\Credential;

$credential = new Credential(
    new ParsedUrl('mysql://user:pass@host/dbname?reconnect=true')
# Available for getting db credentials


For run all tests

make all

or connect to terminal

make exec

or use built in php server http://localhost:8080

# start server on 8080 port
make serve 
# custom port 8081
make serve PORT=8081

Dafault php version is 7.4. Use PHP_VERSION= for using custom version.

make all PHP_VERSION=8.0
# run both 
make all PHP_VERSION=7.4 && make all PHP_VERSION=8.0

all commands

# composer install
make install
# composer install with --no-dev
make install-no-dev
# check code style
make style
# fix code style
make style-fix
# run static analyze tools
make static-analyze
# run unit tests
make unit
#  check coverage
make coverage