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0.x-dev 2022-01-10 15:50 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-10 22:10:50 UTC



Do a global search-and-replace on the string __PROJECT__ to replace it with the top-level namespace for your project.

Application Services

Create Application Service classes in the src/Domain/App/ directory. Use the __invoke() method as the main method.

The __invoke() method should always-and-only return a Domain Payload; cf. src/Domain/Payload.php.

The App::run() method is a wrapper around the __invoke() main method to catch exceptions from the domain and report them as errors.

Actions and Action Templates

You can create an action and its corresponding template like so:

php bin/otto-action.php {$VERB} {$PATH} {$DOMAIN}

  • {$VERB} is an HTTP verb; e.g. GET
  • {$PATH} is the URL path leading to the action, with dynamic placeholders as needed; e.g. /user/{userId}
  • {$DOMAIN} is a domain subclass, e.g. App\\User\\FetchUser

Calling the above command will create an Action in the right place (in this case, src/Sapi/Http/Action/User/GetUser.php) with an html template in the right place (resources/responder/html/action/User/GetUser.php).

You will then need to edit the new Action class to set the typehints on the parameters (if any), and touch up the Domain call to add or modify any needed arguments.

If you decide that the basic action class template is not suitable for your purposes, edit resources/action.tpl as you see fit.

Other Templates

All templates are in resources/responder/{$FORMAT}, where {$FORMAT} is html or json.

Layout templates are in the {$FORMAT}/layout/ subdirectory. For HTML, these provide the common site wrapper display. For JSON, this provides a final chance to manipulate the template variables that will be JSON-encoded for the Response.

Status templates are in the {$FORMAT}/status/ subdirectory. These are used when a domain payload is present but an action-specific template. The payload status will determine which status template is used.

Front templates (for presenting uncaught Throwables) are in the {$FORMAT}/front/ subdirectory. Front templates are named for the Throwable class they will display. If the specific Throwable does not have a template, Otto will try its parent class, then its parent class, and so on, until it reaches the topmost parent class(either Exception or Error).

In general, you should not depend on the front templates too much for Throwable presentation. Instead, your Application Service should return Payload objects with an ERROR status, and your action or status templates should present those errors appropriately.


Overall, the vast majority of your work should not be in the action.