
Smart time parser

v1.0.1 2014-11-02 16:49 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-12 16:32:40 UTC


Build Status Latest Stable Version Latest Unstable Version License


Add pronto to your composer.json file:

"require": {
  "pacely/pronto": "dev-master"

Use composer to install this package.

$ composer update

Registering the Package

If you are using Laravel Framework, we've made a Service Provider and Facade for you.

Register the service provider within the providers array found in app/config/app.php:

'providers' => array(
	// ...

Add an alias within the aliases array found in app/config/app.php:

'aliases' => array(
	// ...
	'Pronto' => 'Pacely\Pronto\Facades\Pronto',



Matches integers only. <=9 converts to hours, >9 converts to minutes.

echo Pronto::parse(10)->toTime(); // 09:00
echo Pronto::parse(9)->toTime(); // 00:10


Matches decimal values (float, double). Comma and period characters allowed.

  1.  	| 01:00
echo Pronto::parse('0,5')->toTime(); // 00:30
echo Pronto::parse(1.5)->toTime(); // 01:30


Matches time range.

echo Pronto::parse('09-10')->toTime(); // 01:00
echo Pronto::parse('09:00 - 10:00')->toTime(); // 01:00
echo Pronto::parse('09:00-')->toTime(); // Time between 09:00 and NOW


Matches short-time from m(minutes) to w(week). 1 day equals 7.5 hours. 1 week equals 5 days.

echo Pronto::parse('1d 2h 30m')->toTime(); // 10:00
echo Pronto::parse('2 h 2 m')->toTime(); // 02:02
echo Pronto::parse('1w 2d 20m')->toTime(); // 52:50

Helper methods

(int) parse(string)

Returns converted time in seconds

$pronto = new Pronto;

echo $pronto->parse('0.5'); // 1800
(int) toMinutes()

Converts seconds to minutes

echo $pronto->parse('0.5')->toMinutes(); // 30
(double) toDecimal()

Converts seconds to decimal hours

echo $pronto->parse('2h 30m')->toDecimal(); // 2.5
(string) toTime()

Returns converted time the format HH:mm

echo $pronto->parse('0.5')->toTime(); // 00:30