
Elasticsearch migrations for Laravel

v1.3.2 2021-02-09 20:12 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-10 05:09:28 UTC


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Elasticsearch migrations for Laravel allow you to easily modify and share indices schema across the application's environments.



The current version of Elastic Migrations has been tested with the following configuration:

  • PHP 7.2-7.4
  • Elasticsearch 7.x
  • Laravel 6.x-8.x

Fork changes

This specific forked version doesn't need MySQL to save migrations results. You may use Elasticsearch only. To do this you just need: Set environment variables



change this configs in file elastic.migrations.php

After this you have to create this elastic index (will be automated in future versions) with mapping:

    "mappings" : {
        "properties" : {
            "batch" : {
                "type" : "integer"
            "migration" : {
                "type" : "keyword"


The library can be installed via Composer:

composer require babenkoivan/elastic-migrations

If you want to use Elastic Migrations with Lumen framework check this guide.


Elastic Migrations uses babenkoivan/elastic-client as a dependency. If you want to change the default client settings (and I'm pretty sure you do), then you need to create the configuration file first:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="ElasticClient\ServiceProvider"

You can change Elasticsearch host and other client settings in the config/elastic.client.php file. Please refer to babenkoivan/elastic-client for more details.

If you want to change the migration default table name, the migrations directory or set an index name prefix, publish Elastic Migrations settings as well:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="ElasticMigrations\ServiceProvider"

The published configuration can be found in the config/elastic.migrations.php file.

Finally, don't forget to run Laravel database migrations to create Elastic Migrations table:

php artisan migrate

Writing Migrations

You can effortlessly create a new migration file using an Artisan console command:

php artisan elastic:make:migration create_my_index

This command creates a migration class in the elastic/migrations directory.

Every migration includes two methods: up and down. up is used to alternate the index schema and down is used to revert that action.

You can use ElasticMigrations\Facades\Index facade to perform basic operations over Elasticsearch indices:

Create Index

Create an index with the default settings:


or use a modifier to configure mapping and settings:

Index::create('my-index', function (Mapping $mapping, Settings $settings) {
    // to add a new field to the mapping use method name as a field type (in Camel Case), 
    // first argument as a field name and optional second argument as additional field parameters  
    $mapping->text('title', ['boost' => 2]);

    // you can define a dynamic template as follows
    $mapping->dynamicTemplate('my_template_name', [
        'match_mapping_type' => 'long',
        'mapping' => [
            'type' => 'integer',
    // you can also change the index settings 
         'number_of_replicas' => 2,
         'refresh_interval' => -1
    // and analisys configuration
        'analyzer' => [
            'title' => [
                'type' => 'custom',
                'tokenizer' => 'whitespace'    

There is also an option to create an index only if it doesn't exist:


Update Mapping

Use the modifier to adjust the mapping:

Index::putMapping('my-index', function (Mapping $mapping) {
    $mapping->text('title', ['boost' => 2]);

Update Settings

Use the modifier to change the index configuration:

Index::putSettings('my-index', function (Settings $settings) {
         'number_of_replicas' => 2,
         'refresh_interval' => -1

You can update analysis settings only on closed indices. The putSettingsHard method closes the index, updates the configuration and opens the index again:

Index::putSettingsHard('my-index', function (Settings $settings) {
        'analyzer' => [
            'title' => [
                'type' => 'custom',
                'tokenizer' => 'whitespace'

Drop Index

You can unconditionally delete the index:


or delete it only if it exists:



Finally, you are free to inject Elasticsearch\Client in the migration constructor and execute any supported by client actions.

Running Migrations

You can either run all migrations:

php artisan elastic:migrate

or run a specific one:

php artisan elastic:migrate 2018_12_01_081000_create_my_index

Use the --force option if you want to execute migrations on production environment:

php artisan elastic:migrate --force

Reverting Migrations

You can either revert the last executed migrations:

php artisan elastic:migrate:rollback 

or rollback a specific one:

php artisan elastic:migrate:rollback 2018_12_01_081000_create_my_index

Use the elastic:migrate:reset command if you want to revert all previously migrated files:

php artisan elastic:migrate:reset 

Starting Over

Sometimes you just want to start over and rollback all the changes to migrate them again immediately:

php artisan elastic:migrate:refresh

Migration Status

You can always check which files have been already migrated and what can be reverted by the elastic:migrate:rollback command (the last batch):

php artisan elastic:migrate:status


If you see one of the messages below, please execute the mentioned action:

  • Migration table is not yet created - run the php artisan migrate command
  • Migration directory is not yet created - create a migration file using the elastic:make:migration command or create a the migrations directory manually