
Wrapped all basic reusable php function which I always on on project.

1.3 2022-10-13 08:26 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-13 14:01:12 UTC


Wrapped all basic reusable php function which is always useful while working on other project. This class might also be useful to beginners

This class provides general-purpose PHP functions to process several functions, it can perform several types of manipulation of string values and other executions.

Currently, it can:

  • Create a random value string, int, key, salt or letters of a given length
  • Convert timestamp values into a time format for use on social media sites or forum comments
  • Generate and validate a unique identifier string
  • Generate Unified Public Consultation (UPC)
  • Generate European Article Number (EAN) or (EAN13)
  • Genrate Big Integer based on min and max
  • Check if a string is a valid email address
  • Check a password complexity count, using general secure password pattern
  • Encrypt password string to create a hash value
  • Decrypts a password hash and verifies if it matches
  • Calculate a list of item's average rating point
  • Formats a currency value to add decimal places
  • Discount a value by percentage
  • Increase a value by percentage
  • Fixed or Round a number to counts
  • Creates a badge from an array
  • Creates a button badge from an array
  • Gets the current user's IP address
  • Get the list of hours
  • Format the user input to protect again cross site scripting attacks
  • Convert string characters to HTML entities
  • Copy files and folder to a new directory
  • Serve a file for download on the browser
  • Truncate text
  • Base64 encoded string to a parameter in a URL
  • Base64 decode encoded URL encoded string
  • Stripe unwanted characters from a string
  • Extract domain name from subdomain
  • Mask email address
  • Mask string by position
  • Deletes files and folders
  • Write a new log line
  • Save log and replace old content
  • Find the log file


Installation is super-easy via Composer:

composer require peterujah/php-functions


use \Peterujah\NanoBlock\Functions;
$func = new Functions();

Or extend the class and create your own new function like below.

class MyFunction extends \Peterujah\NanoBlock\Functions{
  public function __construct(){
  public function myFunction(){
    //do anything
  public static function myStaticFunction(){
    //do anything

And call initialize your custom class

$func = new MyFunction();

Available Static Methods

Make a random string/number

Functions::Random(10, Functions::INT);

Make a time ago from php timestamp, returns string


Generate a uuid string, returns string


Verify a uuid string return true or false


Verify email address is valid or not return true or false


Create a password hash key


Verify a password against hash key

Functions::Decrypt($password, $hash);

Check password strength

Functions::strongPassword($password, $minLength = 8,$maxLength = 16, $complexity=4);

Extract main domain name from subdomain

Functions::removeSubdomain(""); //returns

Calculate items average rating point

Functions::calcAverageRating($total_user_reviews, $total_rating_count);

Format number to money

Functions::Money($number, $fractional);

Discount from an (int, float, double) value by percentage

Functions::Discount(100, 10); // return 90

Increase interest of an (int, float, double) value by percentage

Functions::Interest(100, 10); //return 110

Fixed/Round a number

Functions::Fixed(12345.728836, 2);

Randome number using min and max

Functions::BigInteger(12345, 728836);

Create a tag/badge from array

    ["php", "js", "css"], 

Create a button tag/badge from array

    ["php", "js", "css"], 

Returns user ip address


List time hours, returns array


Secure/format user input based on required data type

Functions::XSS("Rhd53883773", "int");

Formats Convert string characters to HTML entities

Functions::htmlentities($string, $encode);

Generate UPC product id

Functions::UPC($prefix = 0, $length = 12);

Generate EAN13 id

Functions::EAN($country = 615, $length = 13);

Copy files and folder to a new directory

Functions::copyFiles("path/from/file/", "path/to/file/");

Copy files and folder to a new directory

    "path/to/download/", //string filepath to download
    "", // string file name to download
    false // bool delete file after download is complete true or false

Truncate text based on length

    $text, //string text to truncate
    $length // int length to display

Base64 encode string for url passing


Base64 decode encoded url encoded string


Mask email address

    $email, // string email address
    "*" // character to mask with

Mask string by position

    $string, // string to mask
    "#", // character to mask with
    $position  //string position to mask left|right|center"

Determine password strength, if it meet all basic password rules such as

  1. Does password meet the the minimum and maximum length?
  2. Does password contain numbers?
  3. Does password contain uppercase letters?
  4. Does password contain lowercase letters?
  5. Does password contain special characters?
Functions::strongPassword($password, $minLength, $maxLength);

Deletes files and folders

    "path/to/delete/file/", // path to delete files
    false // delete base file once sub files and folders has been deleted

Write new log line file

    "path/to/logs/", // string path to save logs
    "info.php",  // string log file name, use .php extension to secure log file from accessible in browser
    $data, // mixed log content
    $secure, // bool set true if file is using .php extension security method 
    $serialize, // bool serialize log content
    $replace // bool replace old log content

Save log a short hand replace parameter in Functions::writeLog

    "path/to/logs/", // string path to save logs
    "info.php",  // string log file name, use .php extension to secure log file from accessible in browser
    $data, // mixed log content
    $secure, // bool set true if file is using .php extension security method 
    $serialize, // bool serialize log content

Find log file

    "path/to/logs/info.php", //string filepath to log
    $unserialize // bool unserialize content if it was saved in serialize mode

Stripes unwanted characters from string and display text in new line in textarea

    $string, // string text to stripe unwanted characters
    $rules, // array rules array("[br/]" =>  "&#13;&#10;","<script>"    => "oops!",)
    $textarea // bool display text inside textarea