
Additional classes and functions to help with writing code for WooCommerce

1.0.1 2023-02-03 08:28 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:39:35 UTC


Additional classes and functions to help with writing code for WooCommerce

Getting Started

Basic usage is to use the RWC() function which is an alias for RenderWooCommerce instance (RenderWooCommerce::get_instance())

// Most basic version, this will create a variation metabox group with two text inputs
add_action('renderwoocommerce_loaded', function () {
    $panel = RWC()->variationPanel();
    $group = $panel->addGroup();
    $group->text( 'some_text_field_A' );
    $group->text( 'some_text_field_B' );

NOTE: renderwoocommerce_loaded runs early in the plugins_loaded hook. So you can hook into any action that runs on or after plugins_loaded.

More options...

// Example Product Data Panels
$args = [
    'id'            => 'panel_id',
    'label'         => "Panel Ttitle",
    'conditionals'  => [ 'show_if_condition', 'show_if_other_condition' ],
    'wrapper_class' => '',
    'priority'      => 1,
    'icon'          => "\\f469",
$panel = RWC()->dataPanel( $args );

// ...or Group
$args  = [
    'id'       => 'payment_gateway',
    'hook'     => 'woocommerce_product_options_general_product_data',
    'priority' => 1,
$group = RWC()->dataGroup($args);

// Example Variation Panels/Groups
$panel = RWC()->variationPanel();
$group = RWC()->variationGroup()

// Example Addons Panels/Groups
$panel = RWC()->addonPanel();
$group = RWC()->addonGroup();

// You can add fields to either a panel or a group
$panel->datetime( [
    'id'          => '_start_date',
    'label'       => 'Start Date',
    'desc_tip'    => TRUE,
    'description' => 'When should it start?',
] );

$group->select( [
    'id'          => '_some_options',
    'label'       => 'Select One',
    'options'     => [
        NULL => '--- Select ---',
        1    => 'Option 1',
        2    => 'Option 2',
        3    => 'Option 3',
] );

$panel->text( 'some_text_field' );

$group->hidden('some_hidden_field', [
    'conditionals' => 'show_if_something',
    'filter_cb'    => function ( $post_id, $post, $value, $field ) {
        if ( isset( $value ) ) {
            update_post_meta( $post_id, $field['id'], $value );
        } else {
            delete_post_meta( $post_id, $field['id'] );

// Support for datalists. Can be added off the RWC() instance or the panel/group instance
$color_list_id = RWC()->datalist( [ '#FF0000', '#FF9900', '#FFFF00' ] );

$group->text( '_some_color', [ 'type' => 'color', 'custom_attributes' => [ 'list' => $color_list_id ], ] );

The field methods for product data are aliases for the woocommerce_wp_* methods provided by WooCommerce, with a few enhancements and extra features. However, if you're familiar with those functions, the arguments are basically the same. The variation and addon fields have been added to work the same way, making the calls interchangeable. They act like polymorphic functions. The input parameters for, say, datatime() is the same regardless if the $panel or $group is from a product data, variation, or addon section.

The purpose of this is to make it easier and, more importantly, faster to write code that works with any of the three contexts. Rather than managing three different sets of code that do the same thing, just in different areas of a product page.

Available Fields

Available $args

Alphabetical order.

  • cbvalue (string) - checkbox. the value of the checkbox IF checked. Defaults to 1
  • class (string)
  • config (array) - select2
  • custom_attributes (array) - any additional html attributes to add to the field
  • data_type (string) - WooCommerce field type
  • desc_tip (bool) - whether to show the description as a tooltip. Defaults to FALSE
  • description (string)
  • id (string)
  • label (string)
  • name (string)
  • options (array) - radio, select, select2, product, variation
  • placeholder (string)
  • style (string)
  • type (string) - HTML form type attribute
  • value (string) - can be auto-populated from the post meta
  • wrapper_class (string)

Available Classes

In addition to the conditional classes (that can be placed on panels, groups and fields in the conditionals $args key)...

  • show_if_* and show_if_*_is_*
  • hide_if_* and hide_if_*_is_*
  • require_if_ and require_if_*_is_*
  • no_require_if_ and no_require_if_*_is_*

NOTE: the *_if_*_is_* also matches on field value. The value is converted to lowercase alphanumeric characters with '_' and '-'.

So a field named some_number with a value equal to 1 could have a conditional like show_if_some_number_is_1.

Or if a field named some_color has a value of #FF0000 could have a conditional like hide_if_some_color_is__ff0000.

Or if a field name some_text has a value of [@field] #-100.5! could have a conditional like no_require_if_some_text_is___field___-100_5_.

...There are also a few wrapper classes (that can be placed on groups and fields in the wrapper_class $args key).

Variation Field wrapper_class options

  • form-row-first - field column is 50% width, placed first

  • form-row-last - field column is 50% width, placed last

  • form-row-first-third - field column is 33.3% width, placed first

  • form-row-middle-third - field column is 33.3% width, placed as the middle

  • form-row-last-third - field column is 33.3% width, placed last

Add-on Field wrapper_class options

  • rwc-pao-column-1-2 - field column is 50% width
  • rwc-pao-column-1-3 - field column is 33.3% width
  • rwc-pao-column-2-3 - field column is 66.7% width

Add-on Groups wrapper_class options

  • rwc-pao-columns-1-2 - all child field columns are 50% width
  • rwc-pao-columns-1-3 - all child field columns are 33% width
  • rwc-pao-columns - all child field columns are auto-sized