
Convert multi-dimensional arrays into ASCII Tabled, and vise-versa.

1.1.0 2016-09-24 21:26 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-16 20:16:08 UTC


This class will convert multi-dimensional arrays into ASCII Tables, and vice-versa.

Setup & Use

Include ascii_table.php and call a new instance of the object. You can then call one of three functions:

  • make_Table($array, [$title], [$return], [$autoalign_cells]) will make a table with the multi-dimensional $array passed. Additionally you can specify an optional $title that will be centered on a line above the table. The $return variable gives you 3 options; True will return the table as an array, False will output the array directly, and a String will attempt to save the array in a text file with the given name/location and will return true/false upon completlion. If false the error message will be logged to the $error class variable. The parameter $autoalign_cells, if set to True, all columns containing only numeric datatypes will be aligned to the right of the cell.
  • break_Table($table) Takes an table or a filename that containing a text file output from make_table() and will return a multi-dimensional array similar to the one that you would have given it make_table() to create it.
  • scrape_Table($table, $key, [$value]) will take a table or link to a file containing a table as break_table() does but will only return they key/value pairs you request. If you do not include the value it will use the key as the value and return it in a numeric array. It should be noted that if you use both key and value that muliple keys will overrite eachother and the returning array will only contain the last one in the table.


Examples of the classes functionality can be found in examples.php, and a text output can be found in example.txt. Table will be output or returned like this:

                                       Colors in Various Formats
| color  | HEX     | Red | Green | Blue | Hue | Saturation | Lightness | Cyan | Magenta | Yellow | Key |
| Red    | #FF0000 | 255 | 0     | 0    | 0   | 100        | 50        | 0    | 100     | 100    | 0   |
| Orange | #FFA500 | 255 | 165   | 0    | 39  | 100        | 50        | 0    | 100     | 35     | 0   |
| Yellow | #FFFF00 | 255 | 255   | 0    | 60  | 100        | 50        | 0    | 0       | 100    | 0   |
| Green  | #008000 | 0   | 128   | 0    | 120 | 100        | 25        | 100  | 0       | 100    | 50  |
| Blue   | #0000FF | 0   | 0     | 255  | 240 | 100        | 50        | 100  | 100     | 0      | 0   |
| Indigo | #4B0082 | 75  | 0     | 130  | 275 | 100        | 25        | 42   | 100     | 0      | 49  |
| Violet | #EE82EE | 238 | 130   | 238  | 300 | 76         | 72        | 0    | 45      | 0      | 7   |