
Phalcon Incubator Events

v1.0.1 2021-10-06 07:37 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-19 23:02:02 UTC


Usage examples of the features is here:


Classic event handling

Classic event handling requires one class with a bunch of methods named equal to event name.

And multiple $eventsManager->attach() calls if you use more than one handler for single event:

class DispatchEventsHandler
    public function beforeCallActionMethod(
        Phalcon\Events\EventInterface $event, 
        Phalcon\Dispatcher\DispatcherInterface $dispatcher
    ): void {
        //do some stuff

    public function beforeDoSomeMistakes(
        Phalcon\Events\EventInterface $event, 
        Phalcon\Dispatcher\DispatcherInterface $dispatcher
    ): void {
        //do some right stuff

class DispatchEventsHandlerTwo
    public function beforeCallActionMethod(
        Phalcon\Events\EventInterface $event, 
        Phalcon\Dispatcher\DispatcherInterface $dispatcher
    ): void {
        //do another stuff in same event

$eventsManager = new Phalcon\Events\Manager();
$eventsManager->attach('dispatch:beforeCallActionMethod',new DispatchEventsHandler(), 100);
$eventsManager->attach('dispatch:beforeCallActionMethod',new DispatchEventsHandlerTwo(), 101);
$eventsManager->attach('dispatch:beforeDoSomeMistakes',new DispatchEventsHandler());
//or global way
$eventsManager->attach('dispatch',new DispatchEventsHandler(), 100);
$eventsManager->attach('dispatch',new DispatchEventsHandlerTwo(), 101);

Featured event handling

This manager version provides a feature of single responsible event handlers via configs, using __invoke.

Create your handler class:

class BeforeCallActionMethod
    public function __invoke(
        Phalcon\Events\EventInterface $event, 
        Phalcon\Dispatcher\DispatcherInterface $dispatcher
    ): void {
        //do some stuff

Define configuration in config file:

$config = new Phalcon\Config([
  'handlers' => [
      'dispatch:beforeCallActionMethod' => BeforeCallActionMethod::class,

Define Phalcon\Incubator\Events\Manager in container as eventsManager service using config of handlers:

$handlers = $config->get('handlers')->toArray();

$eventsManager = new Phalcon\Incubator\Events\Manager();

There are multiple ways to define configs of handlers:

Flat classname usage, if your handler is invokable:

$flat = new Phalcon\Config([
    'handlers' => [
        'dispatch:beforeCallActionMethod' => BeforeCallActionMethod::class,

Same, but more informative and with optional priority:

$verbose = new Phalcon\Config([
    'handlers' => [
        'dispatch:beforeCallActionMethod' => [
            'class' => BeforeCallActionMethod::class,
            'priority' => 100, //optional

Using callable constructions:

$callable = new Phalcon\Config([
    'handlers' => [
        //you can use any other public method name instead of method, for example run()
        'dispatch:beforeCallActionMethod' => [new BeforeCallActionMethod(), 'run'],
        'dispatch:beforeCallActionMethod' => [BeforeCallActionMethod::class, 'staticRun'],

Grouping more than one handler for one event:

$grouped = new Phalcon\Config([
    'handlers' => [
        'dispatch:beforeCallActionMethod' => [

$groupedVerbose = new Phalcon\Config([
    'handlers' => [
        'dispatch:beforeCallActionMethod' => [
                'class' => BeforeCallActionMethod::class,
                'priority' => 100, //optional
                'class' => BeforeCallActionMethodAnother::class,
                'priority' => 101, //optional
                'class' => BeforeCallActionMethodThird::class,
                'priority' => 101, //optional