
Transform json/xml service responds to exceptions

dev-master 2024-09-29 09:22 UTC

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Last update: 2024-09-29 09:22:20 UTC


ServiceException and ServiceExceptionKernel

A PHP 8 library for standardized exception handling in microservices architectures. This library provides:

ServiceException: A custom exception class that encapsulates error information in a consistent, serializable format, suitable for API responses and inter-service communication.
ServiceExceptionKernel: A helper class that centralizes exception creation, handling, and contextual information like service names and trace IDs.

Table of Contents

    Creating and Throwing Exceptions
    Catching and Handling Exceptions
    Generating API Responses
    Logging Exceptions
Best Practices
    Handling Sensitive Information
    Environment Configuration
    Example 1: Basic Usage
    Example 2: Handling Nested Exceptions
    Example 3: Custom Exception Types


Standardized error format for API responses.
Supports nested exceptions (inner_error) for detailed error chains.
Includes HTTP status codes for appropriate client responses.
Controls the level of detail in error responses based on environment and detail level.
Manages sensitive information to prevent exposure in production environments.
Facilitates distributed tracing with trace IDs.
Simplifies exception handling with the ServiceExceptionKernel.


Use Composer to install the library (assuming it's available via Composer):


composer require yournamespace/service-exception

Usage Initialization

At the entry point of your application (e.g., in a middleware or base controller), initialize the ServiceExceptionKernel:


use YourNamespace\ServiceExceptionKernel;

$environment = getenv('APP_ENV') ?: 'production'; $serviceName = 'UserService'; $traceId = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_TRACE_ID'] ?? null;

$exceptionKernel = new ServiceExceptionKernel( serviceName: $serviceName, environment: $environment, traceId: $traceId, defaultHttpStatusCode: 500, detailLevel: ($environment === 'production') ? 0 : 2 );

Creating and Throwing Exceptions

Use the ServiceExceptionKernel to create and throw exceptions consistently:


try { // Some code that may throw an exception $user = $userService->getUserById($userId); if (!$user) { throw $exceptionKernel->createException( errorCode: 'USER_NOT_FOUND', message: "User with ID {$userId} not found.", httpStatusCode: 404, details: ['userId' => $userId] ); } } catch (Throwable $e) { // Handle the exception }

Catching and Handling Exceptions

Catch exceptions and convert them using the kernel:


try { // Code that may throw exceptions } catch (Throwable $e) { $serviceException = $exceptionKernel->handleException($e); // Further handling... }

Generating API Responses

Use the toApiResponse method of ServiceException to generate standardized error responses:


$responseData = $serviceException->toApiResponse( detailLevel: $exceptionKernel->getDetailLevel(), environment: $exceptionKernel->getEnvironment() );

// Return HTTP response (using your framework's response class) return new JsonResponse($responseData, $serviceException->getHttpStatusCode());

Logging Exceptions

Log exceptions using a PSR-3 compliant logger:


use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;

// Assuming $logger is an instance of LoggerInterface $exceptionKernel->logException($serviceException, $logger);

Classes ServiceException

A custom exception class that extends PHP's Exception and implements JsonSerializable. Properties

errorCode (string): Custom error code.
message (string): Error message.
service (string): Name of the service where the error occurred.
httpStatusCode (int): HTTP status code associated with the error.
timestamp (string): Timestamp when the error occurred (ISO 8601 format).
traceId (string|null): Trace ID for distributed tracing.
exceptionType (string|null): Type of the exception.
details (array|null): Additional error details.
innerError (ServiceException|null): Nested inner exception.
stackTrace (array): Stack trace of the exception.


__construct(...): Initializes a new instance of ServiceException.
fromJson(string $json, bool $strict = false): ?ServiceException: Creates an instance from a JSON string.
fromArray(array $data, bool $strict = false): ?ServiceException: Creates an instance from an array.
fromException(Exception|\Error $error, string $service, int $httpStatusCode = 500): ServiceException: Creates an instance from an existing exception.
jsonSerialize(): array: Specifies data for JSON serialization.
__toString(): string: Returns a string representation of the exception.
toApiResponse(int $detailLevel = 0, string $environment = 'production'): array: Converts the exception to a format suitable for API responses.
getters: Various getters for accessing properties.


A helper class that centralizes exception creation, handling, and contextual information. Methods

__construct(...): Initializes the kernel with service name, environment, etc.
createException(...): Creates a ServiceException with provided information.
fromThrowable(Throwable $throwable, ?int $httpStatusCode = null): ServiceException: Converts any Throwable into a ServiceException.
handleException(Throwable $throwable): ServiceException: Handles an exception and converts it.
logException(ServiceException $exception, LoggerInterface $logger): void: Logs the exception.
generateTraceId(): string: Generates a unique trace ID.
getters and setters: Access and modify properties like trace ID, environment, detail level, etc.

Best Practices Handling Sensitive Information

Production Environment: Use minimal detail level (0) to avoid exposing sensitive information.
Development Environment: Higher detail levels (1 or 2) can be used to aid debugging.
Redaction: Implement logic to redact or exclude sensitive fields from error responses.
Logging: Log full exception details internally for debugging purposes.

Environment Configuration

Environment Variables: Use environment variables to set the application environment (APP_ENV).
Central Configuration: Configure default HTTP status codes and detail levels in one place.

Examples Example 1: Basic Usage


use YourNamespace\ServiceExceptionKernel;

$exceptionKernel = new ServiceExceptionKernel('UserService', 'production');

try { // Some code that throws an exception throw new \RuntimeException('An unexpected error occurred.'); } catch (Throwable $e) { $serviceException = $exceptionKernel->handleException($e); $responseData = $serviceException->toApiResponse( detailLevel: $exceptionKernel->getDetailLevel(), environment: $exceptionKernel->getEnvironment() ); return new JsonResponse($responseData, $serviceException->getHttpStatusCode()); }

Example 2: Handling Nested Exceptions


use YourNamespace\ServiceExceptionKernel;

$exceptionKernel = new ServiceExceptionKernel('OrderService', 'development');

try { // Code that may throw exceptions try { // Some code that throws an exception throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid order ID.'); } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) { throw $exceptionKernel->createException( errorCode: 'INVALID_ORDER_ID', message: 'The provided order ID is invalid.', httpStatusCode: 400, exceptionType: 'InvalidOrderIdException', innerError: $exceptionKernel->fromThrowable($e) ); } } catch (Throwable $e) { $serviceException = $exceptionKernel->handleException($e); $responseData = $serviceException->toApiResponse( detailLevel: $exceptionKernel->getDetailLevel(), environment: $exceptionKernel->getEnvironment() ); return new JsonResponse($responseData, $serviceException->getHttpStatusCode()); }

Example 3: Custom Exception Types


use YourNamespace\ServiceException;

class NotFoundException extends ServiceException { public function __construct( string $errorCode, string $message, string $service, ?string $traceId = null, ?array $details = null, ?ServiceException $innerError = null ) { parent::__construct( errorCode: $errorCode, message: $message, service: $service, httpStatusCode: 404, traceId: $traceId, exceptionType: 'NotFoundException', details: $details, innerError: $innerError ); } }

// Usage throw new NotFoundException( errorCode: 'USER_NOT_FOUND', message: 'The user with ID 12345 was not found.', service: 'UserService', details: ['userId' => 12345] );


Contributions are welcome! Please submit a pull request or open an issue to discuss improvements, bug fixes, or new features. License

This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

Note: Replace YourNamespace with the appropriate namespace for your project. Ensure that all dependencies are properly installed and autoloaded via Composer.

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need further assistance!