
A PHP db libraray

1.0.2 2016-04-18 02:24 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-27 02:32:14 UTC


Build Status HHVM Latest Stable Version License


phossa-db is a PHP db connection management library which handles the interaction with db.

It requires PHP 5.4 and supports PHP 7.0+, HHVM. It is compliant with PSR-1, PSR-2, PSR-4.


  • Simple interface. Nothing you don't need.

  • Multiple db platform/driver support, currently PDO (all PDO drivers) and Mysqli.

  • Handles multiple connections through driver manager

    • Round-robin load balancing

      Multiple db connections are used in round-robin fashion and weighting factor (1-10) supported. Each connection is monitored (pinged).

    • driver tagging, so user can tag different db connection as 'reader' or 'writer'

  • Easy profiling, get each executed sql and its execution time.

  • Secure. All SQL executed through prepare/execute in low-level drivers.

Getting started

  • Installation

    Install via the composer utility.

    composer require "phossa/phossa-db=1.*"

    or add the following lines to your composer.json

        "require": {
          "phossa/phossa-db": "1.*"


  • Driver

    • DDL using execute()

      $db = new Phossa\Db\Pdo\Driver([
          'dsn' => 'mysql:dbname=test;host=;charset=utf8'
      // simple delete
      $res = $db->execute("DELETE FROM test WHERE id < 10");
      if (false === $res) {
        	echo $db->getError() . \PHP_EOL;
      } else {
        	echo sprintf("Deleted %d records", $res) . \PHP_EOL;
      // with parameters
      $res = $db->execute("INSERT INTO test (name) VALUES (?)", [ 100 ]);
      if ($res) {
      	$id = (int) $db->getLastInsertId();
    • SELECT using query()

      // simple select
      $res = $db->query("SELECT * FROM test WHERE id < 10");
      if (false === $res) {
        	echo $db->getError() . \PHP_EOL;
      } else {
        	$rows = $res->fetchAll();
      // with parameters & fetch first 5 rows
      $res = $db->query("SELECT * FROM test WHERE id > ? LIMIT ?", [10, 20]);
      if ($res && $res->isQuery()) {
      	$firstFiveRows = $res->fetchRow(5);
      // fetch first field
      $res = $db->query("SELECT id, name FROM test WHERE id < :id", ['id' => 10]);
      if ($res && $res->isQuery()) {
      	$firstCols = $res->fetchCol('id');
  • Statment

    Statement is returned by $db->prepare().

    // PREPARE using prepare()
    $stmt = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM test WHERE id < :id");
    if (false === $stmt) {
        echo $db->getError() . \PHP_EOL;
    } else {
        $res = $stmt->execute(['id' => 10]);
        if (false === $res) {
           echo $db->getError() . \PHP_EOL;
        } else {
           $rows = $res->fetchAll();
  • Result

    Result is returned by $db->execute(), $db->query() or $stmt->execute()

    $res = $db->query(...);
    if ($res) {
        // SELECT
        if ($res->isQuery()) {
            // get fields count
            $fieldCount = $res->fieldCount();
            // row count
            $rowCount   = $res->rowCount();
        // DDL
        } else {
            $affectedRows = $res->affectedRows();

Driver manager

Driver manager manages multiple db connections. Weighting factor N means add one driver virtually N times. Adding driver A with factor 5 and adding driver B with factor 1 into the pool, means when calling getDriver(), user will get A five times vs B for one time.

// writable connect 1
$db1 = (new Phossa\Db\Pdo\Driver($conf1))->addTag('RW');

// dbreader 2
$db2 = (new Phossa\Db\Pdo\Driver($conf2))->addTag('RO');

// dbreader 3
$db3 = (new Phossa\Db\Pdo\Driver($conf3))->addTag('RO');

// db manager
$dbm = (new Phossa\Db\Manager\Manager())
    ->addDriver($db1, 1)    // writable connection with factor 1
    ->addDriver($db2, 5)	// read_only, factor 5
    ->addDriver($db3, 5)	// read_only, factor 5

// get a db connect, no matter writable or read only
$db = $dbm->getDriver();

// get a readonly driver
$db = $dbm->getDriver('RO');

SQL profiling

Get the executed SQL and its execution time.

// init driver
$db = new Phossa\Db\Pdo\Driver($conf);

// enable profiling

// execute a DELETE
$db->execute("DELETE FROM test WHERE test_id > 10");

// get sql
$sql  = $db->getProfiler()->getSql();
$time = $db->getProfiler()->getExecutionTime();


  • PHP >= 5.4.0

  • phossa/phossa-shared ~1.0.10


MIT License