
Authentification and users for MongoDB

v3.0 2020-03-06 08:56 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-04 19:29:23 UTC


Build Status

MongoDB Backend for user, group, acl storage in photon

Quick start

  1. Add the module in your project

    composer require "photon/auth-mongodb:dev-master"

or for a specific version

composer require "photon/auth-mongodb:^2.0"
  1. Define a MongoDB connection in your project configuration

Declare your MongoBD database

'databases' => array(
    'default' => array(
        'engine' => '\photon\db\MongoDB',
        'server' => 'mongodb://localhost:27017/',
        'database' => 'orm',
        'options' => array(
            'connect' => true,
  1. Enable session backend

The authentification module use a session to store user information

'session_storage' => '\photon\session\storage\MongoDB',
'session_cookie_path' => '/',
'session_timeout' => 4 * 60 * 60,
'session_mongodb' => array(
    'database' => 'default',
    'collection' => 'session',
  1. Configure the authentification backend

Configure the authentification backend to use this module

'auth_backend' => '\photon\Auth\MongoDBBackend',
  1. Create a user

Create your first user to be able to login

$user = new \photon\auth\MongoDBUser;
  1. Create a login view

Add a login view in your app, the following code is the minimal one

class MyViews {
    public function login($request, $match)
        if ($request->method === 'POST') {
            $user = \photon\auth\Auth::authenticate($request->POST);
            if ($user !== false) {
                \photon\auth\Auth::login($request, $user);
                return new Redirect('/');

	    return shortcuts\Template::RenderToResponse('login.html', array(), $request);

Declare the login view in your urls.

array('regex' => '#^/login$#',
      'view' => array('\Dummy', 'dummy'),
      'name' => 'login_view')
  1. Enjoy !

Advanced usage

Custom user class

If you want to add application specific content to the user class, you just have to extends it. It's allow you to change the collection name where object are stored.

class MyUser extends \photon\auth\MongoDBUser
    const collectionName = 'foobarcollection';

    public function isAdmin()
        return $this->admin;

Then, you must configure the MongoDB auth backend to use your class. Edit your photon configuration file to add :

'auth_mongodb' => array(
    'user_class' => '\My\App\MyUser',

Protect your view with ACLs

The following view dummy is protected by precondition. The class MongoDBPrecondition will load the ACL with name adminPanel and ensure the user can access to this view, otherwize a 403 will be generated.

class Dummy
  public $dummy_precond = array(
  public function dummy($request, $match)
    return new \photon\http\response\NoContent;

The ACL can be created with the following code

$acl = new \photon\auth\MongoDBAcl;

You can ensure all ACL are created with the following code, users can be added later.

\photon\auth\MongoDBAcl::ensureExists(['admin', 'api', 'ntp']);

Conditional rendering in templates

You can use MongoDBTemplateTag in your template to test user ACL.

{acl 'adminPanel'}
Will be display only if the user have the adminPanel acl

The template must be declared in your configuration file

'template_tags' => array(
    'acl' => '\photon\auth\MongoDBTemplateTag',