
A library that implements the php-api-fr-insee-cog-interface library


A library that implements the php-api-fr-insee-cog-interface library.

This library makes insee Official Geographic Code (COG) available as objects to populate a database. The COG is available at the url :

coverage build status

Last Updated Date : 2020-09-27


The installation of this library is made via composer and the autoloading of all classes of this library is made through their autoloader.

  • Download composer.phar from their website.
  • Then run the following command to install this library as dependency :
  • php composer.phar php-extended/php-api-fr-insee-cog-object ^8

Basic Usage

This library gives an unique endpoint : \PhpExtended\Insee\InseeCogEndpoint from which all data can be retrieved.

  • For retrieving pays, you may use :

$endpoint = new InseeCogEndpoint();
$paysIterator = $endpoint->getPaysIterator($endpoint->getMaximumAvailableYear());
foreach($paysIterator as $pays)
	// @var $pays \PhpExtended\Insee\InseeCogPaysInterface

If you want all the pays by year, do :

$endpoint = new InseeCogEndpoint();
foreach($year = $endpoint->getMinimumAvailableYear(); $year <= $endpoint->getMaximumAvailableYear(); $year++)
	foreach($endpoint->getPaysIterator($year) as $pays)
		// @var $pays \PhpExtended\Insee\InseeCogPaysInterface

  • For retrieving regions, you may use :

$endpoint = new InseeCogEndpoint();
$regionIterator = $endpoint->getRegionIterator($endpoint->getMaximumAvailableYear());
foreach($regionIterator as $region)
	// @var $region \PhpExtended\Insee\InseeCogRegionInterface

If you want all the regions by year, do :

$endpoint = new InseeCogEndpoint();
foreach($year = $endpoint->getMinimumAvailableYear(); $year <= $endpoint->getMaximumAvailableYear(); $year++)
	foreach($endpoint->getRegionIterator($year) as $region)
		// @var $region \PhpExtended\Insee\InseeCogRegionInterface

  • For retrieving departements, you may use :

$endpoint = new InseeCogEndpoint();
$departementIterator = $endpoint->getDepartementIterator($endpoint->getMaximumAvailableYear());
foreach($departementIterator as $departement)
	// @var $departement \PhpExtended\Insee\InseeCogDepartementInterface

If you want all the departements by year, do :

$endpoint = new InseeCogEndpoint();
foreach($year = $endpoint->getMinimumAvailableYear(); $year <= $endpoint->getMaximumAvailableYear(); $year++)
	foreach($endpoint->getDepartementIterator($year) as $departement)
		// @var $departement \PhpExtended\Insee\InseeCogDepartementInterface

  • For retrieving arrondissements, you may use :

$endpoint = new InseeCogEndpoint();
$arrondissementIterator = $endpoint->getArrondissementIterator($endpoint->getMaximumAvailableYear());
foreach($arrondissementIterator as $arrondissement)
	// @var $arrondissement \PhpExtended\Insee\InseeCogArrondissementInterface

If you want all the arrondissements by year, do :

$endpoint = new InseeCogEndpoint();
foreach($year = $endpoint->getMinimumAvailableYear(); $year <= $endpoint->getMaximumAvailableYear(); $year++)
	foreach($endpoint->getArrondissementIterator($year) as $arrondissement)
		// @var $arrondissement \PhpExtended\Insee\InseeCogArrondissementInterface

  • For retrieving cantons, you may use :

$endpoint = new InseeCogEndpoint();
$cantonIterator = $endpoint->getCantonIterator($endpoint->getMaximumAvailableYear());
foreach($cantonIterator as $canton)
	// @var $canton \PhpExtended\Insee\InseeCogCantonInterface

If you want all the cantons by year, do :

$endpoint = new InseeCogEndpoint();
foreach($year = $endpoint->getMinimumAvailableYear(); $year <= $endpoint->getMaximumAvailableYear(); $year++)
	foreach($endpoint->getCantonIterator($year) as $canton)
		// @var $canton \PhpExtended\Insee\InseeCogCantonInterface

  • For retrieving communes, you may use :

$endpoint = new InseeCogEndpoint();
$communeIterator = $endpoint->getCommuneIterator($endpoint->getMaximumAvailableYear());
foreach($communeIterator as $commune)
	// @var $commune \PhpExtended\Insee\InseeCogCommuneInterface

If you want all the communes by year, do :

$endpoint = new InseeCogEndpoint();
foreach($year = $endpoint->getMinimumAvailableYear(); $year <= $endpoint->getMaximumAvailableYear(); $year++)
	foreach($endpoint->getCommuneIterator($year) as $commune)
		// @var $commune \PhpExtended\Insee\InseeCogCommuneInterface

  • For retrieving commune events, you may use :

$endpoint = new InseeCogEndpoint();
foreach($endpoint->getEventCommuneIterator($year) as $event)
	// @var $event \PhpExtended\Insee\InseeCogEventCommuneInterface
