
An implementation of the php-inspector-interface library

8.0.5 2025-03-02 16:59 UTC


An implementation of the php-inspector-interface library.

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The installation of this library is made via composer and the autoloading of all classes of this library is made through their autoloader.

  • Download composer.phar from their website.
  • Then run the following command to install this library as dependency :
  • php composer.phar php-extended/php-inspector-object ^8

Basic Usage

In your code (for example, when trying to use a variable in an exception):

use PhpExtended\Inspect\Inspector;

if(!'<condition not satisfied with $myVar >')
	throw new Exception(strtr(
		'The given variable "myVar" is not an object, it\'s a {thing}.',
		['{thing}' => $inspector->inspect($myVar)]

The expected results are the following :

use PhpExtended\Inspect\Inspector;

$inspector = new Inspector();

echo $inspector->inspect(null);                 // echo 'null'
echo $inspector->inspect(false);                // echo 'boolean'
echo $inspector->inspect('myvar');              // echo 'string'
echo $inspector->inspect(1);                    // echo 'integer'
echo $inspector->inspect(1.5);                  // echo 'float'
echo $inspector->inspect(new stdClass());       // echo '\stdClass'
echo $inspector->inspect(fopen(__FILE__, 'r')); // echo 'resource(stream)'
echo $inspector->inspect([1]);                  // echo '[integer]'
echo $inspector->inspect([1.5]);                // echo '[float]'
echo $inspector->inspect([1, 1.5]);             // echo '[integer, float]'
echo $inspector->inspect([1, 2, 3]);            // echo '[integer]'
echo $inspector->inspect([new stdClass()]);     // echo '[\stdClass]'
echo $inspector->inspect([[1]]);                // echo '[[integer]]'


MIT (See license file).