
PHPCR migrations bundle

1.6.0 2024-04-05 15:47 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-05 17:05:24 UTC


This library provides a Symfony integration for the PHPCR migrations library.

It has initially been created by Daniel Leech as dantleech/phpcr-migrations-bundle and was then donated to the PHPCR organization.


Configure the path to your migrations:

# config/packages/phpcr-migrations.yaml
    paths: [%kernel.project_dir%/phpcr-migrations]

And the bundle will automatically pick up any migrations in the Resources/phpcr-migrations folder in any bundles registered in the kernel.

Creating migrations

First create two new migration files:

// phpcr-migrations/Version201501011200.php

use PHPCR\SessionInterface;
use PHPCR\Migrations\VersionInterface;

class Version201501011200 implements VersionInterface
    public function up(SessionInterface $session): void

    public function down(SessionInterface $session): void


// app/phpcr-migrations/Version201501011212.php

use PHPCR\SessionInterface;
use PHPCR\Migrations\VersionInterface;

class Version201501011212 implements VersionInterface
    public function up(SessionInterface $session): void

    public function down(SessionInterface $session): void

Migration status

Note that migration MUST be named as follows: VersionYYYMMDDHHSS. If they are not so-named, they will not be detected. The timestamp SHOULD be the current date (in this example 2015/01/01 12:00).

Now execute the phpcr:migrations:status command:

$ php app/console phpcr:migrations:status
|  | Version       | Date             | Migrated | Path                                         |
|  | 201501011200 | 2015-01-01 12:00 | NO       | app/phpcr-migrations/Version201501011200.php |
|  | 201501011212 | 2015-01-01 12:12 | NO       | app/phpcr-migrations/Version201501011212.php |
No migrations have been executed

Executing migrations

Now we can run the migrations:

$ php app/console phpcr:migrations:migrate
Upgrading 2 version(s):
 + [1/2]: 201501011200
 + [2/2]: 201501011212

This should run the two migrations.


You can now revert back to the first version as follows:

$ php app/console phpcr:migrations:migrate 201501011200
Reverting 1 version(s):
 - [1/4]: V201501011212


In addition to specifying versions you can specify actions:

$ php app/console phpcr:migrations:migrate up
Upgrading 1 version(s):
 - [1/4]: V201501011212

Actions are:

  • up: Upgrade one version
  • down: Revert one version
  • top: Migrate to the latest version
  • bottom: Revert all migrations