
CORS middleware for phputil/router

v0.5.2 2025-01-24 19:46 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-26 22:38:52 UTC


Version Build License


🔌 CORS middleware for phputil/router

  • Unit-tested ✔
  • Well-documented 📖
  • Syntax compatible with expressjs/cors 🎯


Requires phputil/router v0.2.14+

composer require phputil/cors


Basic usage

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
use phputil\router\Router;
use function phputil\cors\cors; // Step 1: Declare the namespace usage for the function.
$app = new Router();

$app->use( cors() ); // Step 2: Invoke the function to use it as a middleware.

$app->get( '/', function( $req, $res ) {
    $res->send( 'Hello' );
} );


function cors( array|CorOptions $options ): callable;

$options can be an array or an object from the class CorOptions. All its keys/attributes are optional:

origin: bool|string|string[]

  • Configures the response header Access-Control-Allow-Origin, which indicates the allowed origin.
  • true, the default value, reflects the Origin request header - that is, it allows any origin.
  • false makes it to return '*' as the header value.
  • A non-empty string (e.g. '') restricts the origin to the defined value. An origin must contain the protocol (e.g. http/https), and the port (e.g. :8080) when the port is different from the default for the protocol (80 for http, 443 for https).
  • A non-empty array indicates the list of allowed origins.
  • When the Origin request header is not sent and the option origin is true, it will return * - aiming to accept any origin (which may not work on httpS or using credentials). Other options will block the request.
  • Using * will probably not work when using credentials or httpS. Therefore, make sure to include the allowed origins.

Note: The status code returned for an origin that is not in the allowed list is 403 (Forbidden).

credentials: bool

  • Configures the response header Access-Control-Allow-Credentials.
  • true, the default value, makes it to include the header.
  • false makes it to omit the header.
  • This option is needed if your application uses cookies or some kind of authentication header.
  • Bonus tip: If you are using fetch() in your front-end (JavaScript), make sure to set credentials: 'include' (when cross-origin) or credentials: 'same-origin to your request options.

methods: string|string[]

  • Configures the response header Access-Control-Allow-Methods.
  • The default value is GET,HEAD,OPTIONS,POST,PUT,DELETE,PATCH when the request header Access-Control-Request-Method is not defined.
  • When the request header Access-Control-Request-Method is defined, the response header Access-Control-Allow-Methods will return the received method, unless the option methods is defined.
  • HTTP methods in a string must be separated by comma.

allowedHeaders: string|string[]

  • Configures the response header Access-Control-Allow-Headers.
  • The default value is '*', meaning to accept any request header.
  • The value * only counts as a special wildcard value for requests without credentials (e.g. cookies, authorization headers). Therefore, change it if your application needs credentials.
  • HTTP headers in a string must be separated by comma.

exposedHeaders: string|string[]

  • Configures the response header Access-Control-Expose-Headers.
  • The default value is '' (empty string), meaning to not include the header.
  • HTTP headers in a string must be separated by comma.
  • If your application needs credentials (e.g. cookies, authentication headers), you probably should configure it.

maxAge: int|null

  • Configures the response header Access-Control-Max-Age.
  • The default value is null, meaning to not include the header.
  • An int value means the number of seconds that a preflight request can be cached (by the browser).


Using an array:

$options = [
    'origin' => '',
    'methods' => 'GET,POST'

$app->use( cors( $options ) );

Using the class CorOptions, that has nestable builder methods with the prefix with:

use phputil\cors\CorsOptions; // Needed

$options = ( new CorsOptions() )
    ->withOrigin( '' )
    ->withMethods( 'GET,POST' );

$app->use( cors( $options ) );

Additional examples

Accepting credentials (e.g. cookies) and cross-site requests from authorized domains:

$options = [
    'origin'            => [ '', '' ], // Replace with your trusted domains
    'credentials'       => true,
    'allowedHeaders'    => [ 'Accept', 'Authorization', 'Cookie', 'Content-Length', 'Content-Type', 'Host', 'Origin', 'Referer' ],
    'exposeHeaders'     => [ 'Content-Length', 'Content-Type', 'Set-Cookie' ],
    'maxAge'            => 3600 // Cache Preflight requests for 1 hour

$app->use( cors( $options ) );


MIT © Thiago Delgado Pinto