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dev-main 2024-07-29 20:40 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-29 20:58:36 UTC


This module is to take every environment variable set in platform.sh, and make it accessible to the Silverstripe configuration/environment.


composer require pikselin/platform-sh

Copy (manually, sorry), vendor/pikselin/platform-sh/.environment to your project root.

This bash script will set the environment variable based on what's set in the Platform console for SS_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE


In your _config.php, init the platform-sh:


use Pikselin\Platform\PlatformService;


Environment hardening.

To prevent environment variables from leaking, the allowed environment variables are listed and checked.

Note that explicitly the environment type is excluded in the list of allowed variables.

This is to avoid doubling up after it's already been set by the shell script.

To add your own list of allowed keys, create a YML like so:

name: 'my-allowed-envs'
after: 'platformsh-config'

If you're adding the SS_MFA_SECRET_KEY, you'll have to add this the following line to the .environment file too:

export SS_MFA_SECRET_KEY=$(echo $PLATFORM_VARIABLES | base64 --decode | jq -r ".SS_MFA_SECRET_KEY")

It's possible other .env variables work that way too.


If you're getting a server error or you find something like this in the logs Uncaught Exception TypeError: "in_array(): Argument #2 ($haystack) must be of type array, null given"

SSH into server

platform ssh

And remove the cache manually

rm -rf silverstripe-cache/web/*

Even though it is in the build/deploy hooks, it seems like they need to be run manually.