
Making Restful API development more restful 💤

v2.0.2 2024-09-26 09:01 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-26 09:39:30 UTC


Pionia Logo

Pionia Framework is a PHP framework for building RESTFUL APIs. It is a lightweight framework that is easy to use and easy to understand.

It runs on top of ✨ Moonlight ✨ architecture.

Creating a project

composer create-project pionia/pionia-app project_name

Please remember to replace project_name with your project name


|-- .htaccess
|-- index.php
|-- favicon.png
|-- pionia_logo.webp
|-- favicon.ico
|-- bootstrap.min.css
|-- cache
|-- logs
|-- scripts
  1. 📂 authentication:- This is where authentication backends should reside. These are the strategies that the app will use to authenticate users to the app context.
  2. 📂 middlewares:- This is where all request middlewares reside. These are the classes that run on every request and every response.
  3. 📂 services:- This is where our actual business logic resides.
  4. 📂 commands:- This is where all our commandline commands reside.
  5. 📂 environment:- This is where all our environment settings reside.
  6. 📂 storage:- This is where all our storage files reside.
  7. 📂 static:- This is where all our static files reside. Default files found here should never be deleted.
  8. 📂 vendor:- This is where all our composer dependencies reside.
  9. 📄 .gitignore:- This is where we specify files that should not be tracked by git.
  10. 📄 composer.json:- This is where we specify all our composer dependencies.
  11. 📄 composer.lock:- This is where we specify all our composer dependencies.
  12. 📄 pionia:- This is our commandline helper. For every command, we call this file.
  13. 📂 public:- This is where our public files reside. This is where our entry file resides.
  14. 📄 switches:- This is where our main app switch resides. This is where we register all our services.
  15. 📄 pionia:- This is our commandline helper. For every command, we call this file.
  16. 📄 README.md:- This is our documentation file. This is where we document our project.
  17. 📂 bootstrap:- This is where our application bootstrapping files reside. This is where we register all our routes.

After installation, just run the following to start the server

php pionia serve  # http://localhost:8000

By default, the server will run on port 8000, to change that, run the following

 php pionia serve --port 8080 # http://localhost:8080

Your endpoint is now running on http://localhost:8080/api/v1/

Official Documentation

You can follow along the documentation but its under active development.

Go to documentation here

You can also run php pionia to get a list of all available commands.

If you're making any http requests from your frontend, we recommend using the jet-fetch library. However, other framework-specific packages are still okay like the z-fetch for z-js and axios.

In the root of your project, run :-


npm install jet-fetch


yarn add jet-fetch

Then use the moonlightRequest method of the package to query any moonlight-powered backend.

import { Jet } from 'jet-fetch';
const jet = new Jet({
  baseUrl: 'http://localhost:8000/api/',

// unauthenticated requests
const res = await jet.moonlightRequest(
           service: 'yourService', 
           action: 'yourAction', 
    }, 'v2/');

// for jwt-authenticated requests
const res = await jet.secureMoonlightRequest(
               service: 'yourService',
               action: 'yourAction',
        }, 'v2/');

For details about jet-fetch, follow the readme guide provided here.


All forms of contributions are welcome from documentation, coding, community development and many more.

🔥🔥🔥 Goodluck, and happy coding 🔥🔥🔥