plispe / kiss
The most innovative PHP devstack standing on the shoulder of giants
2017-01-11 15:57 UTC
- php: >=5.6.0
- ext-fileinfo: *
- ext-intl: *
- ext-mbstring: *
- ad7six/dsn: 0.4.0
- adamwathan/form: 0.8.10
- air-php/view: 0.3.1
- anahkiasen/underscore-php: 2.0.0
- aura/router: 3.0.1
- bernard/bernard: 1.0.x-dev
- ccmbenchmark/ting: ^3.1
- consolidation/robo: 1.0.4
- container-interop/service-provider: 0.3.0
- danielstjules/stringy: 2.3.2
- dibi/dibi: 3.0.6
- doctrine/annotations: 1.3.0
- doctrine/cache: 1.6.1
- gordalina/cachetool: 2.1.0
- joegreen0991/error: 1.0.2
- latte/latte: 2.4.2
- league/tactician: 1.0.2
- league/uri: 4.2.0
- monolog/monolog: 1.21.0
- nesbot/carbon: 1.21.0
- oscarotero/psr7-middlewares: 3.18.0
- pda/pheanstalk: ^3.1
- php-di/php-di: 5.4.0
- relay/relay: 1.1.0
- robmorgan/phinx: ^0.6.5
- symfony/http-foundation: 3.1.7
- symfony/http-kernel: 3.1.7
- tedivm/stash: 0.14.1
- tracy/tracy: 2.4.3
- vlucas/phpdotenv: 2.4.0
- zendframework/zend-diactoros: 1.3.7
Requires (Dev)
- jakub-onderka/php-console-highlighter: 0.3.2
- jakub-onderka/php-parallel-lint: 0.9.2
- phpmetrics/phpmetrics: 1.10.0
- squizlabs/php_codesniffer: 2.7.0
- dibi/dibi: Dibi is Database Abstraction Library for PHP
- knplabs/gaufrette: PHP5 library that provides a filesystem abstraction layer
- league/flysystem: Filesystem abstraction: Many filesystems, one API.
- pomm-project/cli: Postgresql object model manager for PHP - CLI
- pomm-project/foundation: Postgresql object model manager for PHP - Foundation
- pomm-project/model-manager: Postgresql object model manager for PHP - Model Manager
- robmorgan/phinx: PHP Database Migrations for Everyone
- swiftmailer/swiftmailer: Swiftmailer, free feature-rich PHP mailer
This package is not auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-10 15:17:45 UTC
The most innovative PHP devstack standing on the shoulder of giants
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