
Pop Mime Component for Pop PHP Framework

2.0.2 2025-02-12 19:58 UTC

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Last update: 2025-03-12 20:14:26 UTC


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pop-mime is a component that provides the ability to work with MIME messages and content. With it, you can generate properly-formatted MIME messages with all their related headers and parts, or you can parse pre-existing MIME messages into their respective objects and work with them from there. This can be utilized with mail and HTTP components, such as pop-mail and pop-http.

pop-mime is a component of the Pop PHP Framework.


Install pop-mime using Composer.

composer require popphp/pop-mime

Or, require it in your composer.json file

"require": {
    "popphp/pop-mime" : "^2.0.2"



Creating a Simple MIME Message:

use Pop\Mime\Message;
use Pop\Mime\Part\Body;

$message = new Message();
    'Subject' => 'Hello World',
    'To'      => 'test@test.com',
    'Date'    => date('m/d/Y g:i A')

$body = new Body('Hello World!');

echo $message;

This will produce the following MIME message:

Subject: Hello World
To: test@test.com
Date: 11/13/2023 5:38 PM

Hello World!



The main message object is essentially a top-level part object. A part object can contain headers, a body object or other nested part objects. When a part object has nested parts, this creates a multipart message. The required boundaries are automatically generated.

use Pop\Mime\Message;
use Pop\Mime\Part;

$message = new Message();
    'Subject' => 'Hello World',
    'To'      => 'test@test.com',
    'Date'    => date('m/d/Y g:i A')


$html = new Part();
$html->addHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html');
$html->setBody('<html><body><h1>This is the HTML message.</h1></body></html>');

$text = new Part();
$text->addHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain');
$text->setBody('This is the text message.');

$message->addParts([$html, $text]);

echo $message;

The example above would produce:

Subject: Hello World
To: test@test.com
Date: 10/31/2023 6:12 PM
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=f79f7366a24132e15132142b0a830a9cac98010f

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Content-Type: text/html

<html><body><h1>This is the HTML message.</h1></body></html>
Content-Type: text/plain

This is the text message.



Part objects can be file attachments as well.

use Pop\Mime\Message;
use Pop\Mime\Part;

$message = new Message();
    'Subject'      => 'Hello World',
    'To'           => 'test@test.com',
    'Date'         => date('m/d/Y g:i A'),
    'MIME-Version' => '1.0'


$html = new Part();
$html->addHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html');
$html->setBody('<html><body><h1>This is the HTML message.</h1></body></html>');

$text = new Part();
$text->addHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain');
$text->setBody('This is the text message.');

$file = new Part();
$file->addHeader('Content-Type', 'application/pdf');

$message->addParts([$html, $text, $file]);

echo $message;

The example above would produce:

Subject: Hello World
To: test@test.com
Date: 11/13/2023 5:46 PM
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed;

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Content-Type: text/html

<html><body><h1>This is the HTML message.</h1></body></html>
Content-Type: text/plain

This is the text message.
Content-Type: application/pdf
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=test.pdf
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64

[...base64 encoded file contents...]




The header and header value objects allow for easy creation and granular control over the header values of a MIME message.

$header = new Header('Content-Type', 'text/html');
echo $header;
Content-Type: text/html


Header Values

Header values can be passed into a header object as strings, but they will become header value objects. When fetching them, you can get the value object like this:

$header = new Header('Content-Type', 'text/html');
print_r($header->getValue()); // Returns an instance of Pop\Mime\Header\Value
Pop\Mime\Part\Header\Value Object
    [scheme:protected] => 
    [value:protected] => text/html
    [parameters:protected] => Array

    [delimiter:protected] => ;
    [forceQuote:protected] => 

The benefit of the header value object is that it allows fine-grain control over the header value, including scheme, parameters, the delimiter and whether or not to force quotes.

Example 1:
use Pop\Mime\Part\Header;

$header = new Header('Content-Disposition');
$value  = new Header\Value('attachment');
$value->addParameter('filename', 'filename.jpg');

echo $header;
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=filename.jpg
Example 2:
$header = new Header('Authorization');
$value  = new Header\Value();
    ->setScheme('Digest ')
    ->addParameter('username', 'my_username')
    ->addParameter('realm', 'my_realm')
    ->addParameter('nonce', 'my-nonce-123456')
    ->addParameter('uri', '/my-uri')
    ->addParameter('response', 'my-response-123456');

echo $header;
Authorization: Digest username="my_username", realm="my_realm", nonce="my-nonce-123456", uri="/my-uri", response="my-response-123456"

You can always get the header value as a string:

$headerString = $header->getValueAsString();


Multiple Header Values

In some cases, a header may need to contain multiple values. They can be passed as an array to the constructor:

$header = new Header('X-Multi-Header', ['value-1', 'value-2', 'value-3']);

or, by individual header value object:

$header = new Header('X-Multi-Header');
echo $header;
X-Multi-Header: value-1
X-Multi-Header: value-2
X-Multi-Header: value-3

You can access each header value by index:

$value = $header->getValue(2);


Multipart Messages

There is a interface to assist in easily creating multipart messages, instead of doing it the more manual way outlined in the above examples.

HTTP Multipart Form

use Pop\Mime\Message;

$formData = [
    'username' => 'admin@test/whatever%DUDE!',
    'password' => '123456',
    'colors'   => ['Red', 'Green']

$formMessage = Message::createForm($formData);
echo $formMessage;
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=1f39a2798e049befa5b835a1434a6c7a21e9713a

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Content-Disposition: form-data; name=username

Content-Disposition: form-data; name=password

Content-Disposition: form-data; name=colors[]

Content-Disposition: form-data; name=colors[]


If you just need the main form parts without the top-level header and MIME preamble, you can do that like this:

use Pop\Mime\Message;

$formData = [
    'username' => 'admin@test/whatever%DUDE!',
    'password' => '123456',
    'colors'   => ['Red', 'Green']

$formMessage = Message::createForm($formData);
echo $formMessage->renderRaw();

And that will render just the form data content, removing the top-level header and the preamble:

Content-Disposition: form-data; name=username

Content-Disposition: form-data; name=password

Content-Disposition: form-data; name=colors[]

Content-Disposition: form-data; name=colors[]


HTTP Multipart Form with a File

You can also create form data with files in a couple of different ways as well:

Example 1:

$formData = [
    'file'     => [
        'filename'    => __DIR__ . '/test.pdf',
        'contentType' => 'application/pdf'

Example 2:

$formData = [
    'file'     => [
        'filename' => 'test.pdf',
        'contents' => file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/test.pdf')
        'mimeType' => 'application/pdf'

In example 1, the file on disk is passed and put into the form data from there. In example 2, the file contents are explicitly passed to the contents key to set the file data into the form data. Also, for flexibility, the following case-insensitive keys are acceptable for Content-Type:

  • Content-Type
  • contentType
  • Mime-Type
  • mimeType
  • mime




This component adheres to the MIME standard which uses CRLF ("\r\n") for line breaks. If a mime message does not adhere to this standard, parsing may not work as intended.

Parsing a message:

To parse MIME messages and content, you can take the string of MIME message content and pass it in the following method and it will return a message object with all of the related headers and parts.

use Pop\Mime\Message;

$message = Message::parseMessage($messageString);

Parsing a header string:

If you happen to have the MIME header string, you can parse just that like below. This will return an array of header objects:

use Pop\Mime\Message;

$headers = Message::parseMessage($headerString);

Parsing a body string:

If you happen to have the MIME body string, you can parse just that like below. This will return an array of part objects:

use Pop\Mime\Message;

$parts = Message::parseBody($bodyString);

Parsing a single part string:

And if you happen to have the string of a single MIME part, you can parse just that like below. This will return a part object:

use Pop\Mime\Message;

$part = Message::parsePart($partString);

Parsing form data:

As a special case, if you have multipart/form-data MIME content, you can parse it like below. This will return a form data array:

use Pop\Mime\Message;

$formData = Message::parseForm($formString);

It's important to note that in order for the above example to work properly, it has to have a header with at least the Content-Type defined, including the boundary that will be used in parsing the form data:

Content-Type: multipart/form-data;

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="username"

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="password"

