
A library for making CLI commands.

0.2.6 2022-09-01 14:03 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:38:33 UTC


A package to simplify the creation of CLI commands in PHP, with BASH autocompletion support.

Execute Parameters

When writing your execute function, be aware that the keys for the options and switches will always be the longhand name, and without any hyphens. E.g. shell instead of s when the user enters --shell or -s.

Option Value Validation

We don't validate any of the values that get passed into the options, so you will need to perform any validation yourself.


Below is an example, in which I have written a command that wraps around docker-exec, to allow me to tab-complete the container names, and then enter them by ID, defaulting to the BASH shell, but allowing the user to provide the --shell or -s option to specify they want to use sh instead.

class DockerEnter extends \Programster\Command\Command
     * This is your entrypoint for the program when it is being told to execute, and not being
     * asked by BASH for tab-completion hints. 
     * @param array $options - an associative array of option-name/value pairs provided by the user.
     * E.g. a user passing --encoding=hevc would turn into ["encoding" => "hevc"]
     * @param array $switches - an associative array of switch-name/value pairs provided by the user.
     * E.g. a user passing --recursive would turn into ["recursive" => true]
     * @param array $args - a collection of arguments passed by the user.
     * @return void
    public function execute(array $options, array $switches, array $args): void
        if (count($args) !== 1)
            throw new Exception("You must pass the ID or name of the container you wish to enter.");

        $nameOrId = $args[0];

        $info = shell_exec("docker ps --format '{{ json .}}'");
        $lines = array_filter(explode(PHP_EOL, $info));
        $handled = false;
        $shell = array_key_exists("shell", $options) ? "/bin/{$options['shell']}" : "/bin/bash";

        foreach ($lines as $line)
            $containerArray = json_decode($line, true);

            if ($containerArray['ID'] === $nameOrId)
                passthru("docker exec -it {$containerArray['ID']} {$shell}");
                $handled = true;
            elseif ($containerArray['Names'] === $nameOrId)
                passthru("docker exec -it {$containerArray['ID']} {$shell}");
                $handled = true;

        if (!$handled)
            die("There is no container with that ID or name.");
     * Get a list of possible arguments for tab completion. In this case, we want to return a list
     * of all the running container names. 
     * @return array|null - all the hints, or an empty array/null if there are none.
    public function getPossibleArgs(): ?array
        $hints = [];
        $info = shell_exec("docker ps --format '{{ json .}}'");
        $lines = array_filter(explode(PHP_EOL, $info));

        foreach ($lines as $line)
            $containerArray = json_decode($line, true);
            $hints[] = $containerArray['ID'];
            $hints[] = $containerArray['Names'];

        return $hints;
     * Returns the list of possible options (e.g. --something=value). In this case we allow the
     * user to optionally set the shell to "sh" instead of the default of "bash"
     * @return CommandOptionCollection|null
    public function getOptions(): ?CommandOptionCollection
        return new CommandOptionCollection(
            new BasicCommandOption("shell", "s", ["bash", "sh"])

     * Set the switches (E.G. --something-on). In this case we have none.  
     * @return CommandSwitchCollection|null
    public function getSwitches(): ?CommandSwitchCollection
        return null;

     * Get a collection of any possible subcommands. In future we may wrap this DockerEnter 
     * command within a parent "DockerHelper" command, in which case this would return the
     * DockerEnter class inside a collection.
     * @return CommandCollection|null
    public function getSubCommands(): ?CommandCollection
        return null;

     * Get the name of this command, should it ever become a subcommand of another  
     * command in future.
     * @return string
    public function getName(): string
        return "enter";

// Need to call the command
$command = new DockerHelper();

Install Command

Once you have built a command using this framework, you will want to know how to "install" it, so that you can execute it from anywhere, and the BASH autocomplete functionality works.

Put It In Your $PATH

Place the command, or a symlink to it, in your $PATH at /usr/bin/{command name}. Make sure the executable flag is set.

Creating The BASH Completion File

Unfortunately, one still needs to create a completion file for your program, in order to tell BASH to ask your program for the tab hints. One case easily create this using your program, using the "hidden" --generate-autocomplete-file switch like so:

my-command --generate-autocomplete-file | sudo tee /etc/bash_completion.d/dothis-completion.bash > /dev/null

Alternatively, you can manually create your own completion script. Below is an example for a custom command you created called my-command.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

    if [[ ${COMP_LINE} == ${REGEXP} ]]; then
    readarray -t COMPREPLY <<< $(my-command --autocomplete-help ${ENDS_IN_SPACE} ${COMP_LINE})

complete -o nospace -F __my_command_completions dothis

Now open a new BASH shell, and you should see it working!.


  • Prevent suggesting options/switches that have already been passed.