
European VAT Information Exchange System SOAP client

v1.0.8 2025-02-26 17:25 UTC


Latest Version on Packagist Build Status Quality Score

European VAT Information Exchange System SOAP client

This library is designed to handle validation trough VIES Soap WebService.

See for more information.


Install using Composer :

$ composer require prometee/vies-client


$loader = require_once( __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php');

use Prometee\VIESClient\Soap\Client\DeferredViesSoapClient;
use Prometee\VIESClient\Soap\Client\ViesSoapClient;
use Prometee\VIESClient\Soap\Factory\ViesSoapClientFactory;
use Prometee\VIESClient\Helper\ViesHelper;

// Use the Deferred client to avoid getting error
// when the WSDL file is not accessible
$viesSoapClientFactory = ViesSoapClientFactory(ViesSoapClient::class);
$viesSoapClient = new DeferredViesSoapClient($viesSoapClientFactory);

$viesHelper = new ViesHelper($viesSoapClient);

// Should print:
// 0: CHECK_STATUS_INVALID => Format is not valid and the webservice is not reachable)
// 1: CHECK_STATUS_INVALID_WEBSERVICE => Format is not valid according to the webservice
// 2: CHECK_STATUS_VALID_FORMAT => Format is valid but the webservice is not reachable
// 3: CHECK_STATUS_VALID_WEBSERVICE => Format is valid and the VAT number exists