
Laravel package for prooph components to get started out of the box with message bus, CQRS, event sourcing and snapshots

v0.5 2018-08-01 12:30 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-29 03:32:35 UTC



This is a Laravel package for prooph components to get started out of the box with message bus, CQRS, event sourcing and snapshots. It uses the prooph/pdo-event-store event store however there are more adapters available.

It provides all service definitions and a default configuration. This is more like a Quick-Start package. If you want to use the prooph components in production, we recommend to configure the prooph components for your requirements. See the documentation for more details of the prooph components.

For rapid prototyping we recommend to use our prooph-cli tool.

Available services

  • Prooph\ServiceBus\CommandBus: Dispatches commands
  • Prooph\ServiceBus\EventBus: Dispatches events
  • Prooph\ServiceBus\QueryBus: Allows for querying over a message bus.
  • Prooph\EventStoreBusBridge\TransactionManager: Transaction manager for service bus and event store
  • Prooph\EventStoreBusBridge\EventPublisher: Publishes events on the event bus

Available event stores

  • Prooph\EventStore\Pdo\MariaDbEventStore: MariaDB event store adapter
  • Prooph\EventStore\Pdo\MySqlEventStore: MySQL event store adapter
  • Prooph\EventStore\Pdo\PostgresEventStore: PostgreSQL event store adapter

Available facades


You can install prooph/laravel-package via Composer by adding "prooph/laravel-package": "^0.4" as requirement to your composer.json.

Service Provider

If you are using Laravel 5.5 or higher the package will automatically register itself. Otherwise you need to add Prooph\Package\ProophServiceProvider to your providers array. Then you will have access to the services above.

This package has configuration files which can be configured to your needs.

Deploy the prooph config files to add your configuration for the prooph components.

$ php artisan vendor:publish


Setup your database migrations for the Event Store and Snapshot with:

$ php artisan make:migration create_event_stream_table

Update the class CreateEventStreamTable:

class CreateEventStreamTable extends Migration
     * Run the migrations.
     * @return void
    public function up()
        \Prooph\Package\Migration\Schema\EventStoreSchema::createSingleStream('event_stream', true);

     * Reverse the migrations.
     * @return void
    public function down()

And now for the snapshot table.

$ php artisan make:migration create_snapshot_table

Update the class CreateSnapshotTable:

class CreateSnapshotTable extends Migration
     * Run the migrations.
     * @return void
    public function up()

     * Reverse the migrations.
     * @return void
    public function down()

Now it's time to execute the migrations:

$ php artisan migrate


You have only to define your models (Entities, Repositories) and commands / routes. Here is an example config from the proophessor-do example app.

Define the aggregate repository, command route and event route for RegisterUser in config/prooph.php.

// add the following config in your config/prooph.php under the specific config key
return [
    'event_store' => [
        // list of aggregate repositories
        'user_collection' => [
            'repository_class' => \Prooph\ProophessorDo\Infrastructure\Repository\EventStoreUserCollection::class,
            'aggregate_type' => \Prooph\ProophessorDo\Model\User\User::class,
            'aggregate_translator' => \Prooph\EventSourcing\EventStoreIntegration\AggregateTranslator::class,
            'snapshot_store' => \Prooph\EventStore\Snapshot\SnapshotStore::class,
    'service_bus' => [
        'command_bus' => [
            'router' => [
                'routes' => [
                    // list of commands with corresponding command handler
                    \Prooph\ProophessorDo\Model\User\Command\RegisterUser::class => \Prooph\ProophessorDo\Model\User\Handler\RegisterUserHandler::class,
        'event_bus' => [
            'router' => [
                'routes' => [
                    // list of events with a list of projectors
                    \Prooph\ProophessorDo\Model\User\Event\UserWasRegistered::class => [

Add the service container factories to config/dependencies.php.

// add the following config in your config/dependencies.php after the other factories
return [
    // your factories
    // Model
    \Prooph\ProophessorDo\Model\User\Handler\RegisterUserHandler::class => \Prooph\ProophessorDo\Container\Model\User\RegisterUserHandlerFactory::class,
    \Prooph\ProophessorDo\Model\User\UserCollection::class => \Prooph\ProophessorDo\Container\Infrastructure\Repository\EventStoreUserCollectionFactory::class,
    // Projections
    \Prooph\ProophessorDo\Projection\User\UserProjector::class => \Prooph\ProophessorDo\Container\Projection\User\UserProjectorFactory::class,
    \Prooph\ProophessorDo\Projection\User\UserFinder::class => \Prooph\ProophessorDo\Container\Projection\User\UserFinderFactory::class,

Here is an example how to call the RegisterUser command:

    /* @var $container \Illuminate\Container\Container */
    /* @var $commandBus \Prooph\ServiceBus\CommandBus */
    $commandBus = $container->make(Prooph\ServiceBus\CommandBus::class);

    $command = new \Prooph\ProophessorDo\Model\User\Command\RegisterUser(
            'user_id' => \Rhumsaa\Uuid\Uuid::uuid4()->toString(),
            'name' => 'prooph',
            'email' => '',


Here is an example how to get a list of all users from the example above:

    /* @var $container \Illuminate\Container\Container */
    $userFinder = $container->make(Prooph\ProophessorDo\Projection\User\UserFinder::class);

    $users = $userFinder->findAll();



Please feel free to fork and extend existing or add new plugins and send a pull request with your changes! To establish a consistent code quality, please provide unit tests for all your changes and may adapt the documentation.


Released under the New BSD License.