
Simple and fast DI container

v2.0.2 2022-01-09 01:08 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-09 07:24:15 UTC



A simple and fast PSR-11 compatible DI container with features to autowire, tag and inject services. Instead of YAML or config files services are simply defined at a class by adding i.e. a getMyService method.



It is possible to extend the Container class. All getXXX methods are service definitions which can be accessed through the get method.


use PSX\Dependency\Attribute\Tag;
use PSX\Dependency\Container;
use PSX\Dependency\Tests\Playground\FooService;
use PSX\Dependency\Tests\Playground\BarService;

class MyContainer extends Container
    public function getFooService(): FooService
        return new FooService();

    public function getBarService(): BarService
        return new BarService($this->get('foo_service'));


The following example shows how you can use the autowiring feature:


use PSX\Dependency\Inspector\ContainerInspector;
use PSX\Dependency\TypeResolver;
use PSX\Dependency\AutowireResolver;
use PSX\Dependency\Tests\Playground\MyContainer;
use PSX\Dependency\Tests\Playground\AutowireService;

$container = new MyContainer();
$inspector = new ContainerInspector($container);
$typeResolver = new TypeResolver($container, $inspector);
$autowireResolver = new AutowireResolver($typeResolver);

$service = $autowireResolver->getObject(AutowireService::class);

The autowire resolver checks all arguments of the constructor of the AutowireService class and tries to resolve each type based on the return type of the method definitions in the container. Please take a look at test cases to see a complete example.

It is also possible to provide a factory resolver which allow to resolve i.e. repository classes:


use Psr\Container\ContainerInterface;
use PSX\Dependency\TypeResolver;
use PSX\Dependency\AutowireResolver;
use PSX\Dependency\Tests\Playground\RepositoryInterface;

$typeResolver = new TypeResolver(...);
$autowireResolver = new AutowireResolver($typeResolver);

$typeResolver->addFactoryResolver(RepositoryInterface::class, function (string $class, ContainerInterface $container): RepositoryInterface {
    return $container->get('table_manager')->getRepository($class);

// this now allows to use the MyRepository class as a type-hint at a service and
// the autowire resolver injects the fitting service through the defined resolver
$repository = $autowireResolver->getObject(MyService::class);


The following example shows how to get services which are annotated by a specific tag:


use PSX\Dependency\Inspector\ContainerInspector;
use PSX\Dependency\TagResolver;
use PSX\Dependency\Tests\Playground\MyContainer;

$container = new MyContainer();
$inspector = new ContainerInspector($container);
$tagResolver = new TagResolver($container, $inspector);

$services = $tagResolver->getServicesByTag('my_tag');

To tag you service you need to add the #Tag attribute to your service definition method. Then it is possible to use the tag resolver to receive all services which have added a specific tag.


If you have created a large container it is possible to compile this container into an optimized class which improves the performance.

use PSX\Dependency\Compiler\PhpCompiler;
use PSX\Dependency\Tests\Playground\MyContainer;

$compiler = new PhpCompiler('Container', __NAMESPACE__);
$container = new MyContainer();

// contains the compiled DI container
$code = $compiler->compile($container);

Object builder

The object builder resolves properties with an #Inject attribute and tries to inject the fitting service to the property. If no explicit service name was provided the property name is used. Note usually it is recommended to use simple constructor injection, this class is designed for cases where this is not feasible.


class MyController
    protected FooService $fooService;

    protected BarService $baz;

    public function doSomething()

The object builder can use a cache instance to cache all defined service keys in production.


use PSX\Dependency\ObjectBuilder;
use PSX\Dependency\Tests\Playground\MyContainer;
use Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\ArrayAdapter;

$container = new MyContainer();
$cache = new Pool(new ArrayCache());
$debug = false;

$builder = new ObjectBuilder(

$controller = $builder->getObject(MyController::class);


It is also possible to set services on a container in the "Pimple" way. Through this you can easily extend or overwrite existing containers. Note it is not possible to use theses services for autowiring. In general it is recommended to create a custom container and extend from the default container to add new services.


use Psr\Container\ContainerInterface;

$container = new \PSX\Dependency\Container();

$container->set('foo_service', function(ContainerInterface $c){
    return new FooService();

$container->set('bar_service', function(ContainerInterface $c){
    return new BarService($c->get('foo_service'));