
Generate type-safe PHP classes from your database

v4.2.1 2025-02-02 11:42 UTC


This library generates type-safe PHP classes from your database tables and thus allows you to interact with your database in a complete type-safe way.


In traditional ORMs you write a class add specific metadata and generate based on this class your tables, this means our source code defines how a table should look. This library thinks the other way around (database first), this means you first build your database schema i.e. through a tool like doctrine migrations and then you can use this library to automatically generate all repository and model classes based on the table schema. This has the great advantage that we can generate completely typed repositories. We automatically generate a class for each row (entity) and a repository which accepts this row. This concept is not new and the Java world has i.e. jOOQ which also follows this idea. It of course means also that you need to regenerate your classes if you change your schema.


To generate the table and row classes you can either integrate the PSX\Command\GenerateCommand into your Symfony console app or you can also do this programmatically through the PSX\Sql\Generator class s.


use PSX\Sql\Generator\Generator;

$connection = null; // a doctrine DBAL connection
$target = __DIR__;

$generator = new Generator($connection, 'Acme\\Table');
foreach ($generator->generate() as $className => $source) {
    file_put_contents($target . '/' . $className . '.php', '<?php' . "\n\n" . $source);

Basic usage

The following are basic examples how you can work with a generated table class.


use PSX\Sql\Condition;
use PSX\Sql\OrderBy;
use PSX\Sql\TableManager;
use PSX\Sql\Tests\Generator\SqlTableTestTable;
use PSX\Sql\Tests\Generator\SqlTableTestColumn;
use PSX\Sql\Tests\Generator\SqlTableTestRow;

$connection   = null; // a doctrine DBAL connection
$tableManager = new TableManager($connection);

/** @var SqlTableTestTable $table */
$table = $tableManager->getTable(SqlTableTestTable::class);

// returns by default 16 entries from the table ordered by the primary column descending

// returns 12 entries starting at index 0
$table->findAll(startIndex: 0, count: 12);

// orders the entries after the column "id" descending
$table->findAll(startIndex: 0, count: 12, sortBy: SqlTableTestColumn::ID, sortOrder: OrderBy::DESC);

// returns all rows which match the specified title

// returns a row by the primary key

// returns the count of entries in the table. It is also possible to provide a condition

// creates a new row
$row = new SqlTableTestRow();

// updates a row
$row = $table->find(1);

// deletes a row
$row = $table->find(1);


The following is an example of a generated table class.


namespace PSX\Sql\Tests\Generator;

 * @extends \PSX\Sql\TableAbstract<\PSX\Sql\Tests\Generator\SqlTableTestRow>
class SqlTableTestTable extends \PSX\Sql\TableAbstract
    public const NAME = 'psx_sql_table_test';
    public const COLUMN_ID = 'id';
    public const COLUMN_TITLE = 'title';
    public const COLUMN_DATE = 'date';
    public function getName(): string
        return self::NAME;
    public function getColumns(): array
        return [self::COLUMN_ID => 0x3020000a, self::COLUMN_TITLE => 0xa00020, self::COLUMN_DATE => 0x800000];
     * @return array<\PSX\Sql\Tests\Generator\SqlTableTestRow>
     * @throws \PSX\Sql\Exception\QueryException
    public function findAll(?\PSX\Sql\Condition $condition = null, ?int $startIndex = null, ?int $count = null, ?\PSX\Sql\Tests\Generator\SqlTableTestColumn $sortBy = null, ?\PSX\Sql\OrderBy $sortOrder = null): array
        return $this->doFindAll($condition, $startIndex, $count, $sortBy, $sortOrder);
     * @return array<\PSX\Sql\Tests\Generator\SqlTableTestRow>
     * @throws \PSX\Sql\Exception\QueryException
    public function findBy(\PSX\Sql\Condition $condition, ?int $startIndex = null, ?int $count = null, ?\PSX\Sql\Tests\Generator\SqlTableTestColumn $sortBy = null, ?\PSX\Sql\OrderBy $sortOrder = null): array
        return $this->doFindBy($condition, $startIndex, $count, $sortBy, $sortOrder);
     * @throws \PSX\Sql\Exception\QueryException
    public function findOneBy(\PSX\Sql\Condition $condition): ?\PSX\Sql\Tests\Generator\SqlTableTestRow
        return $this->doFindOneBy($condition);
     * @throws \PSX\Sql\Exception\QueryException
    public function find(int $id): ?\PSX\Sql\Tests\Generator\SqlTableTestRow
        $condition = \PSX\Sql\Condition::withAnd();
        $condition->equals('id', $id);
        return $this->doFindOneBy($condition);
     * @return array<\PSX\Sql\Tests\Generator\SqlTableTestRow>
     * @throws \PSX\Sql\Exception\QueryException
    public function findById(int $value, ?int $startIndex = null, ?int $count = null, ?\PSX\Sql\Tests\Generator\SqlTableTestColumn $sortBy = null, ?\PSX\Sql\OrderBy $sortOrder = null): array
        $condition = \PSX\Sql\Condition::withAnd();
        $condition->equals('id', $value);
        return $this->doFindBy($condition, $startIndex, $count, $sortBy, $sortOrder);
     * @throws \PSX\Sql\Exception\QueryException
    public function findOneById(int $value): ?\PSX\Sql\Tests\Generator\SqlTableTestRow
        $condition = \PSX\Sql\Condition::withAnd();
        $condition->equals('id', $value);
        return $this->doFindOneBy($condition);
     * @throws \PSX\Sql\Exception\ManipulationException
    public function updateById(int $value, \PSX\Sql\Tests\Generator\SqlTableTestRow $record): int
        $condition = \PSX\Sql\Condition::withAnd();
        $condition->equals('id', $value);
        return $this->doUpdateBy($condition, $record->toRecord());
     * @throws \PSX\Sql\Exception\ManipulationException
    public function deleteById(int $value): int
        $condition = \PSX\Sql\Condition::withAnd();
        $condition->equals('id', $value);
        return $this->doDeleteBy($condition);
     * @return array<\PSX\Sql\Tests\Generator\SqlTableTestRow>
     * @throws \PSX\Sql\Exception\QueryException
    public function findByTitle(string $value, ?int $startIndex = null, ?int $count = null, ?\PSX\Sql\Tests\Generator\SqlTableTestColumn $sortBy = null, ?\PSX\Sql\OrderBy $sortOrder = null): array
        $condition = \PSX\Sql\Condition::withAnd();
        $condition->like('title', $value);
        return $this->doFindBy($condition, $startIndex, $count, $sortBy, $sortOrder);
     * @throws \PSX\Sql\Exception\QueryException
    public function findOneByTitle(string $value): ?\PSX\Sql\Tests\Generator\SqlTableTestRow
        $condition = \PSX\Sql\Condition::withAnd();
        $condition->like('title', $value);
        return $this->doFindOneBy($condition);
     * @throws \PSX\Sql\Exception\ManipulationException
    public function updateByTitle(string $value, \PSX\Sql\Tests\Generator\SqlTableTestRow $record): int
        $condition = \PSX\Sql\Condition::withAnd();
        $condition->like('title', $value);
        return $this->doUpdateBy($condition, $record->toRecord());
     * @throws \PSX\Sql\Exception\ManipulationException
    public function deleteByTitle(string $value): int
        $condition = \PSX\Sql\Condition::withAnd();
        $condition->like('title', $value);
        return $this->doDeleteBy($condition);
     * @return array<\PSX\Sql\Tests\Generator\SqlTableTestRow>
     * @throws \PSX\Sql\Exception\QueryException
    public function findByDate(\PSX\DateTime\LocalDateTime $value, ?int $startIndex = null, ?int $count = null, ?\PSX\Sql\Tests\Generator\SqlTableTestColumn $sortBy = null, ?\PSX\Sql\OrderBy $sortOrder = null): array
        $condition = \PSX\Sql\Condition::withAnd();
        $condition->equals('date', $value);
        return $this->doFindBy($condition, $startIndex, $count, $sortBy, $sortOrder);
     * @throws \PSX\Sql\Exception\QueryException
    public function findOneByDate(\PSX\DateTime\LocalDateTime $value): ?\PSX\Sql\Tests\Generator\SqlTableTestRow
        $condition = \PSX\Sql\Condition::withAnd();
        $condition->equals('date', $value);
        return $this->doFindOneBy($condition);
     * @throws \PSX\Sql\Exception\ManipulationException
    public function updateByDate(\PSX\DateTime\LocalDateTime $value, \PSX\Sql\Tests\Generator\SqlTableTestRow $record): int
        $condition = \PSX\Sql\Condition::withAnd();
        $condition->equals('date', $value);
        return $this->doUpdateBy($condition, $record->toRecord());
     * @throws \PSX\Sql\Exception\ManipulationException
    public function deleteByDate(\PSX\DateTime\LocalDateTime $value): int
        $condition = \PSX\Sql\Condition::withAnd();
        $condition->equals('date', $value);
        return $this->doDeleteBy($condition);
     * @throws \PSX\Sql\Exception\ManipulationException
    public function create(\PSX\Sql\Tests\Generator\SqlTableTestRow $record): int
        return $this->doCreate($record->toRecord());
     * @throws \PSX\Sql\Exception\ManipulationException
    public function update(\PSX\Sql\Tests\Generator\SqlTableTestRow $record): int
        return $this->doUpdate($record->toRecord());
     * @throws \PSX\Sql\Exception\ManipulationException
    public function updateBy(\PSX\Sql\Condition $condition, \PSX\Sql\Tests\Generator\SqlTableTestRow $record): int
        return $this->doUpdateBy($condition, $record->toRecord());
     * @throws \PSX\Sql\Exception\ManipulationException
    public function delete(\PSX\Sql\Tests\Generator\SqlTableTestRow $record): int
        return $this->doDelete($record->toRecord());
     * @throws \PSX\Sql\Exception\ManipulationException
    public function deleteBy(\PSX\Sql\Condition $condition): int
        return $this->doDeleteBy($condition);
     * @param array<string, mixed> $row
    protected function newRecord(array $row): \PSX\Sql\Tests\Generator\SqlTableTestRow
        return \PSX\Sql\Tests\Generator\SqlTableTestRow::from($row);


The following is an example of a generated table row.


namespace PSX\Sql\Tests\Generator;

class SqlTableTestRow implements \JsonSerializable, \PSX\Record\RecordableInterface
    private ?int $id = null;
    private ?string $title = null;
    private ?\PSX\DateTime\LocalDateTime $date = null;
    public function setId(int $id): void
        $this->id = $id;
    public function getId(): int
        return $this->id ?? throw new \PSX\Sql\Exception\NoValueAvailable('No value for required column "id" was provided');
    public function setTitle(string $title): void
        $this->title = $title;
    public function getTitle(): string
        return $this->title ?? throw new \PSX\Sql\Exception\NoValueAvailable('No value for required column "title" was provided');
    public function setDate(\PSX\DateTime\LocalDateTime $date): void
        $this->date = $date;
    public function getDate(): \PSX\DateTime\LocalDateTime
        return $this->date ?? throw new \PSX\Sql\Exception\NoValueAvailable('No value for required column "date" was provided');
    public function toRecord(): \PSX\Record\RecordInterface
        /** @var \PSX\Record\Record<mixed> $record */
        $record = new \PSX\Record\Record();
        $record->put('id', $this->id);
        $record->put('title', $this->title);
        $record->put('date', $this->date);
        return $record;
    public function jsonSerialize(): object
        return (object) $this->toRecord()->getAll();
    public static function from(array|\ArrayAccess $data): self
        $row = new self();
        $row->id = isset($data['id']) && is_int($data['id']) ? $data['id'] : null;
        $row->title = isset($data['title']) && is_string($data['title']) ? $data['title'] : null;
        $row->date = isset($data['date']) && $data['date'] instanceof \DateTimeInterface ? \PSX\DateTime\LocalDateTime::from($data['date']) : null;
        return $row;


The following is an example of a generated table column.


namespace PSX\Sql\Tests\Generator;

enum SqlTableTestColumn : string implements \PSX\Sql\ColumnInterface
    case ID = \PSX\Sql\Tests\Generator\SqlTableTestTable::COLUMN_ID;
    case TITLE = \PSX\Sql\Tests\Generator\SqlTableTestTable::COLUMN_TITLE;
    case DATE = \PSX\Sql\Tests\Generator\SqlTableTestTable::COLUMN_DATE;