
Example for Pug-php filter, use this base to create and publish your own

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Example for Pug-php filter, use this base to create and publish your own

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How to create and publish your own filter

Install composer: https://getcomposer.org/download/

Then create a project based on this package:

composer create-project pug-php/pug-filter-base yourfilter
cd yourfilter

Replace yourfilter with the directory name you wish, composer will create it and install pug-filter-base inside.

If your filter require somes other packages to work, add them with composer, for example:

composer require kylekatarnls/sbp

NB: By default, the composer.json file is set to "minimum-stability": "stable", but some packages have no stable version. To install them, set it to dev:

"minimum-stability": "dev",
composer require neemzy/stylus

Then rename src/Pug/Filter/Base.php to src/Pug/Filter/YourFilter.php For example, to create a filter you will call with :foo, call the file Foo.php, :foo-bar-baz, FooBarBaz.php and so on.

Then give the class inside this file the same name, and edit the __invoke method, you get the filter node of the Pug structure tree and the Pug compiler and you can treat each line to iterate on $node->block->nodes or get all the text with $this->getNodeString($node, $compiler) Here begin the fun part, execute any action as you want then return a string that will be rendered in the HTML.

Test your filter

Please do not publish a filter with no test. Give us one or more examples in the directory examples to see how to use your filter by creating a file with .pug extension then create another file with the same name but .html extension to show the result. (Replace or remove the basic example.)

You can now check that everyting work as expected with phpunit, execute at your project root:


If your filter render all your examples as expected, you get 100% and OK, else you will see the difference between the expected result and the rendered pug for each broken example.

Configure it

To publish your filter, you will need an account on https://packagist.org If you haven't already, create one. The username you choose will appear as the filter author on http://pug-filters.selfbuild.fr/.

Now you can set the name of your package in composer.json. It must follow this syntax: username/pug-filter-filtername or username/pug-php-filter-filtername (jade, the old name of pug is also accepted instead of pug) with username your packagist username and filtername the filter name as it will be called in the pug template, so if you sign up as dark-vador on https://packagist.org and create a package you will call with :foo-bar-baz in your template, your composer.json should contains:

    "name": "dark-vador/pug-filter-foo-bar-baz",

Then explain what your filter do in the description field.

Document it

Replace the project README.md with informations about how to install, for example:

composer require pug-php/pug-filter-sbp

Publish it

Now you can host your filter on any Git, Svn or Hg server.

We encourage you to use https://github.com as http://pug-filters.selfbuild.fr/ is optimized for it and you can follow this instructions: https://help.github.com/articles/adding-an-existing-project-to-github-using-the-command-line/

You can add Packagist as a service in GitHub with Settings > Webhooks & services > Add service > Packagist, enter your username and your token and each time you will draft a release in GitHub or push a tag, it will publish a version on Packagist and on http://pug-filters.selfbuild.fr/. It can take one minute or two.

Last step, go to https://packagist.org/packages/submit and enter the URL of your repository.