
Utility classes for vCloud Director PHP SDK

v1.2.4 2014-04-15 08:33 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-13 00:57:56 UTC


Utility classes for vCloud Director PHP SDK

Build Status Coverage Status Dependency Status

Latest Stable Version


Installation can be done via Composer. All you need is to add this to your composer.json:

  "repositories": [
      "type": "pear",
      "url": "http://pear.php.net"
  "require": {
    "purple-dbu/vcloud-sdk-helpers": "1.1.3"


For full usage instructions, please read the API Documentation.

Right Helper

The Right Helper gives you the ability to manipulate user rights with ease. It helps you determining the current logged user rights.

Determine whether the current user is administrator of his organization, or not

$service = \VMware_VCloud_SDK_Service::getService();


// => true|false depending on currently logged user rights

Query Helper

The Query Helper gives you the ability to manipulate the vCloud SDK Query Service with ease. It provides abstraction for pagination.

Get all results for query 'adminVApp'

$service = \VMware_VCloud_SDK_Service::getService();


// => array(
//        \VMware_VCloud_API_QueryResultAdminVAppRecordType,
//        ...
//    )

Get the query result for 'adminVApp' with id 'c47ddf20-05de-44f5-b79e-c463992ffd3f'

$service = \VMware_VCloud_SDK_Service::getService();


// => \VMware_VCloud_API_QueryResultAdminVAppRecordType
// OR null if no vApp exist with such id

Exception Helper

The Exception Helper gives you the ability to manipulate vCloud SDK exceptions (VMware_VCloud_SDK_Exception) with ease. It allows extracting the error codes and messages from the original exception message, with is just raw XML of the form:


Get the error message

catch(\VMware_VCloud_SDK_Exception $e) {

    // => (string) The message contained in the error XML

Get the error code

catch(\VMware_VCloud_SDK_Exception $e) {

    // => (int) The major error code contained in the error XML

Metadata helper

The Metadata Helper gives you the ability to manipulate metadata on vCloud objects with ease. It helps finding objects with a particular metadata (to either one particular value, or any value).

Get all vApp Template with a given metadata set (any value)

$service = \VMware_VCloud_SDK_Service::getService();


// => array(
//        \VMware_VCloud_SDK_VAppTemplate,
//        ...
//    )
// The result array contains all the vApp Templates that hold a metadata named
// "myMetadata"

Get the first vApp Template with a given metadata set to a particular value

$service = \VMware_VCloud_SDK_Service::getService();


// => \VMware_VCloud_SDK_VAppTemplate
// The result vApp Template is the first vApp Template that holds a metadata
// named "someId" with the value "23d6deb1-1778-4325-8289-2f150d122675"


This project is released under MIT License license. If this license does not fit your requirement for whatever reason, but you would be interested in using the work (as defined below) under another license, please contact Purple DBU at dbu.purple@gmail.com.


Contributions (issues ♥, pull requests ♥♥♥) are more than welcome! Feel free to clone, fork, modify, extend, etc, as long as you respect the license terms.


You need to have the following software installed:

  • git
  • make
  • curl
  • php >= 5.3.2

You need to have a working vCloud Director installation.

Getting started

To start contributing, the best is to follow these steps:

  1. Create a GitHub account
  2. Create your own fork of this project
  3. Clone it to your machine: git clone https://github.com/<you>/vcloud-sdk-php-helpers.git
  4. Go to the project's root directory: cd vcloud-sdk-php-helpers
  5. Create the file tests/config.php: cp tests/config.php.dist tests/config.php
  6. Edit tests/config.php and set values according to your vCloud Director configuration
  7. Install dependencies: make dependencies
  8. Run tests: make test

Common tasks

  • Update dependencies: make dependencies
  • Clean dependencies: make clean
  • Check code quality: make lint
  • Run integration tests: make integration
  • Generate stubs for unit tests: make stubs
  • Run unit tests: make test
  • Generate API documentation: make doc
  • Publish API documentation: make publish


Using Semver as a base for versioning, this project also follow additional guidelines for version numbering. each version is in the format x.y.z where:

  • Each modification of x introduces backward compatibility breaks
  • Each modification of y introduces a new feature
  • Modifications of y are simply corrections of existing patches