
There is no license information available for the latest version (0.2.0) of this package.

0.2.0 2021-11-30 19:08 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-29 05:49:39 UTC


PHP-Scoper Patcher for removing prefixes from global functions/classes/traits.


composer require --dev pxlrbt/php-scoper-prefix-remover


Import the required classes either manually or via composer autoloader:

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use pxlrbt\PhpScoper\PrefixRemover\IdentifierExtractor;
use pxlrbt\PhpScoper\PrefixRemover\RemovePrefixPatcher;

Extract the functions/classes/traits/interfaces you want the prefix removed from a stub file:

$identifiers = (new IdentifierExtractor())

Add the patcher in the patcher section of PHPScoper and pass the identifiers you extracted earlier:

'patchers' => [
    // Some patcher
    (new RemovePrefixPatcher($identifiers)),
    // More patchers


For removing prefixes from WordPress functions/classes install WordPress stubs.

composer require --dev php-stubs/wordpress-stubs

Then add the stubs file to the extractor:

use pxlrbt\PhpScoper\PrefixRemover\IdentifierExtractor;

$identifiers = (new IdentifierExtractor())

Specific PHP version

There might be issues with new reserved keywords (e.g. readonly as new keyword in PHP 8.1 and WordPress function name). You can set the targeted PHP version by providing a non default lexer like this:

use pxlrbt\PhpScoper\PrefixRemover\IdentifierExtractor;
use PhpParser\Lexer\Emulative;

$identifiers = (new IdentifierExtractor())
    ->setLexer(new Emulative(['phpVersion' => '8.0']))