
Query builder for Quibble

2.1.0 2025-02-27 18:19 UTC


Query builder for Quibble adapters.


Create a custom class extending your desired adapter which uses the Quibble\Query\Buildable trait:


$adapter = new class(/* connection params */) extends Quibble\Postgresql\Adapter
    use Quibble\Query\Buildable;

To create a Query Builder, call one of the convenience methods the trait adds. Their only parameter is the base table name you want your query to operate on:


$query = $adapter->select('foo');

You can now pass the $query around, call methods to add stuff like conditions, options, joins etc. and eventually fetch the result(s). Most calls will return the object itself so you can chain calls. Note: for these chainable methods (generally on SELECT queries), the query is cloned. So, if you need to work with a query object within an if {...} condition, say, make sure you assign the result. E.g.:


$query = $adapter->select('foo');
if ($someCondition) {
    $query = $query->where('bar = ?', $baz);

You can also directly instantiate one of the Query SQL classes, e.g.:


$query = new Quibble\Query\Select($pdo, $tableName);

Usually $tableName will be a string, but for the Select object, it can actually be another Select object, so it becomes possible to construct endlessly complex (sub)queries:


$query = $adapter->select($adapter->select('foo')->where('1=1'));

Selecting from more than one table

Just specify multiple table names:


$query = $adapter->select('foo, bar');
// SELECT * FROM foo, bar


As of quibble/query v2, joining is done via a callback receiving a Join object as its single parameter:


use Quibble\Query\Join;

$query = $query->join(function (Join $join) {
        ->on('bar.baz = foo.baz');

The Join class supports the following methods for the various join styles, each of which expects the desired table as its parameter:

  • inner - a normal, straight JOIN
  • left - a LEFT JOIN
  • right - a RIGHT JOIN
  • full - a FULL JOIN

Not that $table may be either a string, or a Select object itself. The builder makes sure all bindings are resolved correctly.

The Query builder does not support, anywhere you can pass bindings for placeholders, the use of named parameters. Always use question marks. Named parameters are handy when manually constructing a large blob of SQL with many of them, but using the query builder you typically only pass one or two bindings per method call so it is not needed to support this.


If any bindable or joined table is itself a Select query builder, it becomes a subquery and the associated bindings are "hoisted" to the parent query.

You can also specifically instruct a built query to act as a subquery with an optional alias:


$query = $db->select('foo')->fields('bar');

$query = $query->asSubquery('foobar');

echo $db->select('baz')->fields($query);
// "SELECT (SELECT bar FROM foo) foobar FROM baz"

Choosing which fields to select

The default is to select * so if that's what you want you don't need to specify anything. To fine-tune, use the fields method:


$query = $query->fields('foo', 'bar', 'baz AS buzz');

fields takes an arbitrary number of arguments representing the fields you wish to select in your query. Hence, the above example would translate to:

SELECT foo, bar, baz AS buzz FROM ...

Note that if fields is called multiple times, only the last call specifies the fields to select.

Decorating fields

A decorator class is anything that wraps a value and can be __toString'd. For bindings this is done automatically.

To automatically wrap a selected field in a decorator, take a look at the quibble/transformer package.

Adding WHERE clauses


$query = $query->where('foo = ?', $bar);

A WHERE clause is an AND clause by default. To add an OR clause, use orWhere:


$query = $query->orWhere('foo = ?', $bar);

WHERE clauses are wrapped in parentheses and appended verbatim. Hence, to nest calls one would simply pass in multiple clauses in parantheses where applicable:


$query = $query->where('foo = ? AND (bar = ? OR bar = ?)', $foo, $bar1, $bar2);
// ... (AND) foo = ? AND (bar = ? OR bar = ?)

where and orWhere take as many arguments as is needed to build the clause. Note that it does not check for validity; supplying the correct number of arguments is up to the programmer.

Grouping complex WHEREs

If your WHERE clause gets really complicated, you can also pass a callable to any of the where functions instead of a string of SQL. This will be invoked with a single argument of the type Quibble\Query\Group. This object implements a subset of the query builder (to be precise, the methods of the Where trait) and allows you to nest conditions:


$query = $query->where('bar = ?', 1)
    ->orWhere(function ($query) {
        $query->where('baz = ?', 2)
            ->where('buh = ?', 3);

// SELECT * FROM some_table WHERE bar = 1 OR (baz = 2 AND buh = 3)


Use the orderBy method:


$query = $query->orderBy('foo ASC');

Once again, you can pass multiple arguments, concatenate them yourself or call the method multiple times.

At this point it should be noted that, apart from the final fetch call, all methods can be called in any order (with the caveat that of course the order of multiple where calls might influence the resulting query).


Use the limit method. The first argument is the number to limit to, the optional second one is the offset. Technically the first argument is also optional - if you pass null and a number as the second argument you get just the offset.


$query = $query->limit(10, 5);


A Select query can have a single GROUP BY clause added (i.e., if you call it multiple times it will be overwritten). Use the groupBy method:


$query = $query->groupBy('foo, bar');

In conjunction, there is also a having method which accepts bindable additional parameters:


$query = $query = $query->groupBy('foo, bar')
    ->having('bar > ?', 42);


The union method accepts another Select object to use for the union. It will show default error handling (see below) if the selected fields are incompatible, so that's up to you.


$query = $query->union($anotherQuery);

The second argument $unionStyle is optional and specifies the union style to use (DISTINCT or ALL or whatever your engine supports). It defaults to DISTINCT (like SQL).

There is also a shorthand unionAll method which does what you'd expect.

IN statements

The SQL IN operator is very handy to filter results based on other results. Using a regular where call you would just write out the subquery and bind the necessary parameters, e.g.:


$query = $query->where('id IN (SELECT foo_id FROM bar WHERE bar_id = ?)', $bar_id);

However, sometimes your set comes from another source and you need to manually inject them (and the bindings) into your statement. The Grouped WHERE object offers a convenience method for this:


$query = $query->where(function (Group $group) use ($arrayOfPossibleValues) {
    return $group->in('field', $arrayOfPossibleValues);

Similarly, there's a notIn method. Like most Where methods, these are chainable, so you can go as deep as you like.

Fetching the data

Eventually, you're done building your query and will want data. Just use any of the fetch* methods as you would on a PDOStatement. They accept the same arguments and proxy to the underlying statement.

Quibble\Query also supports a generate method which returns a generator instead (handy for large query results). Its parameters are the same as fetch and are passed verbatim:


$results = $query->generate(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
foreach ($result as $results) {
    // ...

Counting rows

The Select builder also offers a simple convenience method to simply count the number of results. You've guessed it, it's called count :) It takes a single argument, $count, specifying what to count. It defaults to "*" so most of the times you can omit it.

This method returns an integer with the number of found rows.

Inserting data

Use the Insert class. Its execute method accepts a key/value pair of values and performs the insert immediately:


$result = (new Insert($pdo, 'tablename'))->execute(['foo' => 'bar']);
// INSERT INTO tablename (foo) VALUES (?) with bound parameter 'bar'

You can pass multiple arrays which will result in multiple inserts:


// Insert up to n rows:
$query->execute($array1, $array2, $arrayn);

Adapters implementing the Bindable trait have the convenience method insert defined:


$query = $pdo->insert('fooTable');

When passing multiple arrays, mutliple INSERT statements are executed. The execute method will only return true if all statements succeed. When using the Exception error mode, it will throw an exception if any of the statements fail, but the others will succeed. If that is not what you want, wrap the call in a transaction and roll back if you catch an exception or it returns false.

Updating data

Updating works like inserting, only the builder only accepts one set of key/value pairs to update. Like Select it uses the Where trait so you can control what gets updated:


$query = new Quibble\Query\Update($pdo, $tableName);
// or, alternatively:
$query = $pdo->update($tableName);

$query->where('foo = ? AND bar = ?', $foo, $bar)
    ->execute(['baz' => $foobar]);
// UPDATE tableName SET baz = ? WHERE foo = ? AND bar = ?
// with bindings foo, bar and foobar.

Inserting or updating raw values

Sometimes you need to insert or update "raw" SQL, e.g. SET column = NOW(). Wrap the raw statement in an array to accomplish this:


    ->execute(['column' => ['NOW()']]);
    ->where('id = ?', $id)
    ->execute(['column' => ['NOW()']]);

Deleting data

Like updating, only the execute method does not accept any parameters:


$query = new Quibble\Query\Delete($pdo, $tableName);
// or, alternatively:
$query = $pdo->delete($tableName);

$query->where('foo = ? AND bar = ?', $foo, $bar)
// DELETE FROM tableName WHERE WHERE foo = ? AND bar = ?
// with bindings foo and bar.

Error modes

Quibble\Query respects the ATTR_ERRMODE setting of the adapter used to instantiate each builder, augmenting it with its own more specific exceptions (these each are instances of PDOException as well).

Overriding the ERRMODE on specific statements is not supported and may cause unexpected results as the Query classes consistently look towards the statement to determine this setting. Having said that, in 20+ years of programming I've personally never felt the need to override this on a per-query basis.

Accessing the raw statement

All Query classes offer a getStatement method which returns the prepared statement. This could come in useful if you need to do something really evil, or simply if you need to pass $driver_options to prepare. The options are the parameter to getStatement and are passed verbatim (the SQL is injected for you).

Note that modifying the Query object after calling getStatement obviously won't modify its previous return value.

Additionally, the Query classes also provide getExecutedStatement which returns the current statement after being executed with the current bindings. This would allow you to call more low-level methods on an already executed statement (e.g. getColumnMeta).

Creating custom query builders

Extending query classes and/or using traits, you can of course build your own project-specific query builders! Some databases support some really exotic stuff you might use heavily, making it worthwhile to do this.


class MySelect extends Quibble\Query\Select
    // ...whatever custom logic you need...

$adapter = new class(...connection...) extends Adapter {
    use Buildable;

    public function select(string|Select $table)
        return new MySelect($this, $table);