raigu / x-road-soap-envelope
PHP library for creating a SOAP envelope for X-Road request.
- php: ^7.2
- ext-dom: *
Requires (Dev)
- phpunit/phpunit: 7.*
- ext-csprng: Needed if you delegate request id generation to library (\Raigu\XRoad\SoapEnvelope\UniqueId)
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-02-23 19:10:11 UTC
PHP library for creating a SOAP envelope for X-Road request.
Intended for applications which proxy several X-Road services and must create SOAP requests dynamically. If you need to integrate only one X-Road service then this library might not be the best choice.
- php 7.2+
- DOM extension
$ composer require raigu/x-road-soap-envelope
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Raigu\XRoad\SoapEnvelope\SoapEnvelope; use Raigu\XRoad\SoapEnvelope\Client; use Raigu\XRoad\SoapEnvelope\ClientReference; use Raigu\XRoad\SoapEnvelope\Service; use Raigu\XRoad\SoapEnvelope\ServiceReference; use Raigu\XRoad\SoapEnvelope\ServiceRequest; use Raigu\XRoad\SoapEnvelope\UniqueId; $envelope = new SoapEnvelope( new Client( new ClientReference('EE/GOV/MEMBER1/SUBSYSTEM1') ), new Service( new ServiceReference('EE/GOV/MEMBER2/SUBSYSTEM2/exampleService/v1') ), new ServiceRequest( '<ns1:exampleService xmlns:ns1="http://producer.x-road.eu">' . '<exampleInput>foo</exampleInput>' . '</ns1:exampleService>' ), new UniqueId ); echo $envelope->asStr();
The above will output:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<env:Envelope xmlns:env="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:id="http://x-road.eu/xsd/identifiers"
<xrd:client id:objectType="SUBSYSTEM">
<xrd:service id:objectType="SERVICE">
<ns1:exampleService xmlns:ns1="http://producer.x-road.eu">
The order of input parameters in SoapEnvelope
constructor is not important.
There are more parameter types. See future test, it demonstrates all options.
$ git@github.com:raigu/x-road-soap-envelope.git
$ cd x-road-soap-envelope
$ composer install
Now you can run tests.
$ composer test
Human readable tests
$ composer test -- --testdox
Code coverage report
$ composer coverage
This library has grown out from raigu/x-road-soap-envelope-builder
in pursuit of improving code metrics. In the process studied several code metrics service providers (
some more badges
One lesson I learned worth of sharing is that be suspicious about Maintainability Index. I tend to agree with the statement "size as a measure of maintainability has been underrated, and that the “sophisticated” maintenance metrics are overrated" referred in this article.