
The Laravel Framework Service Provider for Railt

dev-master / 2.x-dev 2023-10-17 23:25 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-18 01:51:17 UTC



PHP 8.1+ railt.org Discord Latest Stable Version Total Downloads License MIT


This Laravel Provider provides integration of GraphQL using Railt GraphQL.


  • php: ^8.1
  • laravel: ^9.0|^10.0
  • railt/railt: ^2.0


Library is available as composer repository and can be installed using the following command in a root of your project.

$ composer require railt/laravel-provider

Then add provider into the config/app.php file to the providers list:

    'providers' => [
        // ...
         * Package Service Providers...
          * Application Service Providers...
         // ...

To publish an assets (config file, example files, etc), use the command:

$ php artisan vendor:publish --tag=railt


All application configs are located in the config/railt.php file.

Default routes of the main application:

  • /graphql - For the GraphQL requests.
  • /graphiql - For the GraphQL playground (GraphQL Web IDE).

All Configuration Options

Below is an example of a provider configuration with all possible options.


return [
    | List of Compilers
    | ```
    | 'compilers' => [
    |   <name-1> => [
    |     'option' => 'value-1',
    |   ],
    |   <name-2> => [
    |     'option' => 'value-2',
    |   ],
    | ],
    | ```
    'compilers' => [
        'default' => [
            | Reference to the cache store.
            | See "cache.stores" in /config/cache.php.
            | default: null
            'cache' => null,

            | Compiler's specification version.
            | Should be one of:
            | - "railt" - Modern extended version of specification.
            | - "draft" - See https://spec.graphql.org/draft/
            | - "october-2021" - See https://spec.graphql.org/October2021/
            | - "june-2018" - See https://spec.graphql.org/June2018/
            | - "october-2016" - See https://spec.graphql.org/October2016/
            | - "april-2016" - See https://spec.graphql.org/April2016/
            | - "october-2015" - See https://spec.graphql.org/October2015/
            | - "july-2015" - See https://spec.graphql.org/July2015/
            | default: "railt"
            'spec' => 'railt',

            | Reference to predefined types service.
            | Should be instance of `Railt\TypeSystem\DictionaryInterface`.
            | default: null
            'types' => null,

            | Autogenerated root types stubs.
            'generate' => [
                | Generated root object type name for queries.
                | default: "Query"
                'query' => 'Query',

                | Generated root object type name for mutations.
                | default: null
                'mutation' => null,

                | Generated root object type name for subscriptions.
                | default: null
                'subscription' => null,

            | Auto casting types compiler's options.
            'cast' => [
                | Allow to cast integer values as floats.
                | ```
                | input Example {
                |   "Allow Int(1) as default of Float"
                |   inCaseOfEnabled(arg: Float = 1): Any
                |   "Allow only Float(1.0) as default of Float"
                |   inCaseOfDisabled(arg: Float = 1.0): Any
                | }
                | ```
                | default: true
                'int_to_float' => true,

                | Allow to cast scalar values as strings.
                | ```
                | input Example {
                |   "Allow Float(1.0) as default of String"
                |   inCaseOfEnabled(arg: String = 1.0): Any
                |   "Allow only String("1.0") as default of String"
                |   inCaseOfDisabled(arg: String = "1.0"): Any
                | }
                | ```
                | default: true
                'scalar_to_string' => true,

            | Default values extraction logic.
            'extract' => [
                | Allow to extract nullable types as default values.
                | ```
                | input Example {
                |   "Allow nullables as default values"
                |   inCaseOfEnabled(arg: String): Any
                |   "In case of disabled the default value must be defined explicitly"
                |   inCaseOfDisabled(arg: String = null): Any
                | }
                | ```
                | default: true
                'nullable' => true,

                | Allow to extract list types as default values.
                | ```
                | input Example {
                |   "Allow lists as default values"
                |   inCaseOfEnabled(arg: [String]!): Any
                |   "In case of disabled the default value must be defined explicitly"
                |   inCaseOfDisabled(arg: [String]! = []): Any
                | }
                | ```
                | default: true
                'list' => true,

            | List of directories from which GraphQL files should be loaded.
            | In the case that a "resource_path('graphql')" directory is
            | specified, then in case when assembling the schema, type "Example" is
            | required (for example: `field(arg: Example): String`) then
            | "/resources/graphql/Example.graphqls" or
            | "/resources/graphql/Example.graphql" will be loaded (if exists).
            | default: []
            'autoload' => [

    | List of public GraphQL endpoints.
    | ```
    | 'endpoints' => [
    |   <name-1> => [
    |     'option' => 'value-1',
    |   ],
    |   <name-2> => [
    |     'option' => 'value-2',
    |   ],
    | ],
    | ```
    'endpoints' => [
        'default' => [
            | URI pathname to the GraphQL endpoint.
            | required
            'route' => '/graphql',

            | List or available route methods.
            | default: ['post']
            'methods' => ['get', 'post', 'put', 'patch'],

            | Pathname to the GraphQL schema file.
            | required
            'schema' => \resource_path('graphql/schema.graphqls'),

            | List of variables passed to the schema file.
            | You can use these values inside the schema file:
            | ```
            | variables:
            |   exampleController: "Path\To\ExampleController"
            | ```
            | ```
            | type UserList {
            |     get(count: Int! = 100): [User!]
            |         @route(action: $exampleController)
            | }
            | ```
            | default: []
            'variables' => [
                'isDebug' => env('APP_DEBUG'),

            | Reference to defined compiler (from "compilers" section) name or
            | reference to Symfony's DI service.
            | default: null
            'compiler' => 'default',

            | List of Laravel middleware.
            | default: []
            'middleware' => [],

            | List of Railt GraphQL extensions (plugins).
            | Should be instance of `Railt\Foundation\Extension\ExtensionInterface`.
            | default: []
            'extensions' => [

    | GraphQL Playground

    | List of GraphQL playground (GraphiQL) endpoints.
    | See: https://github.com/graphql/graphiql
    | ```
    | 'playground' => [
    |   <name-1> => [
    |     'option' => 'value-1',
    |   ],
    |   <name-2> => [
    |     'option' => 'value-2',
    |   ],
    | ],
    | ```
    'playground' => [
        'default' => [
            | Reference to "endpoints" section for which this
            | playground will be used.
            | required
            'endpoint' => 'default',

            | URI pathname of playground.
            | required
            'route' => '/graphiql',

             | List or available route methods.
             | default: ['get']
            'methods' => ['get', 'head', 'options'],

            | List of route Laravel middleware.
            | default: []
            'middleware' => [],

            | List of additional optional headers that be used for each request.
            | default: []
            'headers' => [
                'X-Api-Playground' => 'GraphiQL',