
Randock AdminPress Bundle

Installs: 1 447

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 1

Watchers: 2

Forks: 0

Open Issues: 3



0.0.12 2020-02-25 14:30 UTC



Add stability directives and repository to composer.json project file:

"repositories": [
        "type": "git",
        "url": "git@github.com:randock/adminpress-bundle.git"
"minimum-stability": "dev",
"prefer-stable": true,

Install Package:

$ composer require randock/adminpress-bundle

Configure Encore Webpack :

$ yarn add sass-loader node-sass jquery --dev

Copy webpack config file from vendor folder

$ cp vendor/randock/adminpress-bundle/src/Resources/webpack.config.js.dist ./webpack.config.js

or add these entries to existing config file:

.addEntry('adminpress_js', './vendor/randock/adminpress-bundle/src/Resources/assets/adminpress.js')
.addStyleEntry('adminpress_css', './vendor/randock/adminpress-bundle/src/Resources/assets/adminpress.scss')
.addStyleEntry('adminpress_theme', './vendor/randock/adminpress-bundle/src/Resources/assets/scss/colors/blue.scss')

Ok, you are now ready to build the assets

$ yarn build

To use the dashboard template, create a template extending the base one

{# templates/base.html.twig #}
{% extends '@RandockAdminPress/base.html.twig' %}

And voilĂ !

Now you can see the base layout in action.



In webpack.config.js, replace the adminpress_theme entry with scss file what you want

.addStyleEntry('adminpress_theme', './vendor/randock/adminpress-bundle/src/Resources/assets/scss/colors/dark-red.scss')


  • page_content is the content of document, inside the dashboard layout
  • section_title will be the visible title of the page
  • header_css and header_js are located on the header section of html document
  • inline_js is the last block before the body tag is closed
  • header_extras is the right place to put all meta-tags you need
  • header_title is the content of <title> tag on header
  • left_sidebar_user_profile is the section on top of the left sidebar
  • right_side_toggle by default is empty, and is the button or element responsible of toggling the right side panel
  • footer is self explained
  • Other blocks, you can find out on base template


All you need to create the left menu, is to create a service implementing MenuItemProviderInterface. It has a single method addItems returning a Knp\Menu\ItemInterface as a menu root.

Then, tag the service with randock_admin_press.main_menu_add_items and priority.

# config/services.yaml

    public: true
        - { name: randock_admin_press.main_menu_add_items, priority: 10 }

Lang Menu

You need to configure routes with {_locale} parameter and tells to adminpress-bundle wich locales you want

# config/packages/admin_press.yaml

    - { code: en, name: US, icon: us }
    - { code: es, name: Spain }
    - { code: cn, name: China }
    - { code: in, name: India }

Right side panel

Override these two twig blocks

{% block right_side_toggle %}
<button class="waves-effect waves-light btn-inverse btn btn-circle btn-sm pull-right m-l-10">
    <i class="ti-settings text-white"></i>
{% endblock %}

{% block right_sidebar %}
    {% embed "@RandockAdminPress/components/right_sidebar.html.twig" %}
        {% block right_panel_title ''  %}
        {% block right_panel_body %}
        {% endblock %}
    {% endembed %}
{% endblock right_sidebar %}

Profile menu

Proced in same mode than the main menu. Implements MenuItemProviderInterface in one or more services. These menu items will be separated by visual dividers on profile menu.

Tag the service with randock_admin_press.profile_menu_add_items and assign priority.

# config/services.yaml

    public: true
        - { name: randock_admin_press.profile_menu_add_items, priority: 20 }

Notification lists

Notifications lists are shown on top bar. You should implement a provider per each type of notifications you want to get in top bar. In example, you can implement a Direc Messages provider, and a Mail Provider. They should implement NotificationProviderInterface. Priority indicates the order in which will be shown.

    public: true
        - { name: randock_admin_press.notification_provider, priority: 10 }

    public: true
        - { name: randock_admin_press.notification_provider, priority: 20 }

Family Icons

Main Menu

Main menu item accept an extra parameter named icon. This value should be a mdi icon name, listed Material Design Icons

$apps = $menu->addChild('Apps', ['extras' => ['icon' => 'bullseye']]);

Country Flag icons comes from Flag Icon CSS. If no icon is especified, Locale code are use to determine which will be used.

Lang Menu

    - { code: en, name: US, icon: us }
    - { code: es, name: Spain }

Profile Menu

Same as Main Menu, but Themify Icons used here

$menu->addChild('Logout', ['uri' => '/logout', 'extras' => ['icon' => 'power-off']]);

Notifications Icons

Material Design Icons, same as Main Menu


Create a new clean project

$ composer create-project symfony/skeleton mybackend

install dependences

$ cd mybackend
$ composer require knplabs/knp-menu-bundle symfony/translation symfony/twig-bundle symfony/validator symfony/webpack-encore-bundle

Clone repo in a symfony working project, inside lib/ folder

$ mkdir lib
$ cd lib
$ git clone git@github.com:randock/adminpress-bundle.git

Add namespace to class loader

# composer.json

"autoload-dev": {
    "psr-4": {
        "Randock\\AdminPressBundle\\": "lib/adminpress-bundle/src/"

At the root folder of project, rebuild autoload class

# inside root project folder
$ composer dump-autoload

You can run validation, code fixing and phpqa by running inside de repo folder

$ composer install
$ ant validate
$ ant fix
$ ant phpqa

Get running inside the project

Instance the bundle

# config/bundles.php

return [
    Randock\AdminPressBundle\RandockAdminPressBundle::class => ['all' => true],

Then, proceed with encore and template configuration as was explained at top of this document. You should change the path to entry files replacing ./vendor/randock by ./lib and enabling sass

.addEntry('adminpress_js', './lib/adminpress-bundle/src/Resources/assets/adminpress.js')
.addStyleEntry('adminpress_css', './lib/adminpress-bundle/src/Resources/assets/adminpress.scss')
.addStyleEntry('adminpress_theme', './lib/adminpress-bundle/src/Resources/assets/scss/colors/blue.scss')

Run dev-server. You may have some issues running inside a docker container. For better experience, run it on the local machine

$ yarn install
$ yarn dev-server