
Helpers to manipulate collections

1.1.0 2016-06-08 16:18 UTC

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Last update: 2025-02-25 23:09:11 UTC


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$ composer require raphhh/trex-collection



Collection is just an ArrayObject implementing some additional methods.

Because Collection is just a facade, you can keep coding with ArrayObject (or any object castable into an array) and implement some TRex traits by yourself:

use TRex\Collection;

class MyCollection extends \ArrayObject
    use CollectionValueAccessorTrait;
    use CollectionKeyAccessorTrait;
    use CollectionFilterTrait;
    use CollectionComparatorTrait;
    use CollectionSorterTrait;


Provide methods to filter a collection.

Filter values with a callback: filter
use TRex\Collection\Collection;

$collection = new Collection([

$result = $collection->filter(function($value){
    return $value === 't-rex';

(array)$result; //['t-rex']
Apply a callback to the values: each
use TRex\Collection\Collection;

$collection = new Collection([

$result = $collection->each(function($value){
    return strtoupper($value);

(array)$result; //['T-REX', 'DOG', 'CAT']
Extract a part of the list: extract
use TRex\Collection\Collection;

$collection = new Collection([

$result = $collection->extract(1);

(array)$result; //[1 => 'dog', 2 => 'cat']


Merge any collections: merge, mergeA
$coll1 = new Collection(['t-rex']);
$coll2 = new Collection(['dog']);
$coll3 = new Collection(['cat']);

$result = $coll1->merge($coll2, $coll3);

(array)$result; //['t-rex', 'dog', 'cat']
Find the difference between any collections: diff, diffA, diffK
$coll1 = new Collection(['t-rex', 'dog', 'cat']);
$coll2 = new Collection(['dog']);
$coll3 = new Collection(['cat']);

$result = $coll1->diff($coll2, $coll3);

(array)$result; //['t-rex']
Find the intersection between any collections: intersect, intersectA, intersectK
$coll1 = new Collection(['t-rex', 'dog', 'cat']);
$coll2 = new Collection(['t-rex', 'dog']);
$coll3 = new Collection(['t-rex', 'cat']);

$result = $coll1->intersect($coll2, $coll3);

(array)$result; //['t-rex']


Reindex collection: reindex
$collection = new Collection(['a' => 't-rex', 'b' => 'dog', 'c' => 'cat']);
$result = $collection->reindex(); //[0 => ''t-rex', 1 => 'dog', 2 => 'cat']
Sort collection: sort
$collection = new Collection(['t-rex', 'dog', 'cat']);
$result = $collection->sort($callback); //indexes nex collection
Group by specific values: groupBy
class Bar
    public $foo;

    public function __construct($foo)
        $this->foo = $foo;

$collection = new Collection([
    new Bar('t-rex'),
    new Bar('dog'),
    new Bar('cat'),

//we will split the collection in 2: dinosaurs vs pets
$results = $collection->groupBy(function(Bar $bar){
    if($bar->foo === 't-rex'){
        return 'dinosaur';
    return 'pet';

count($result['dinosaur']); // a Collection with 1 Bar with 't-rex'
count($result['pet']); // a Collection with 2 Bar with 'dog' and 'cat'


Retrieve first value: first
$collection = new Collection(['t-rex', 'dog', 'cat']);
$collection->first(); //'t-rex'
Retrieve last value: last
$collection = new Collection(['t-rex', 'dog', 'cat']);
$collection->last(); //'cat'
Check is has value: has
$collection = new Collection(['t-rex', 'dog', 'cat']);
$collection->has('t-rex'); //true


Search keys: search
$collection = new Collection(['t-rex', 'dog', 'cat']);
$collection->search('t-rex'); //[0]
Extract keys: keys
$collection = new Collection(['t-rex', 'dog', 'cat']);
$collection->keys(); //[0, 1, 2]


Sort a collection by a property or a method result.

You need to extends the class TRex\Collection\AbstractSorter. In the method invoke, you have to return the value to sort for each object the collection content.

Note that the TRex sorter implements duck typing. You should create a sorter by key to access to the data, and not by type of collection content. For example, if you want to sort a collection of objects by them property '$foo', you should call your sorter 'FooSorter', anyway the objects the collection content.

use TRex\Collection\AbstractSorter;

class Bar
    public $foo;

    public function __construct($foo)
        $this->foo = $foo;

// we name the sorter with the name of the property $foo, and not the name of the class Bar
class FooSorter extends AbstractSorter
     * calls the property/method/key to extract the value to sort.
     * @param mixed $object
     * @return mixed
    protected function invoke($object)
        //here, we want to sort the collection by the property $foo
        return $object->foo;

$collection = [
    new Bar('a'),
    new Bar('c'),
    new Bar('b'),

uasort($collection, new FooSorter()); //will sort 'a', 'b', 'c'


You need to extends the class TRex\Collection\AbstractFilter. In the method invoke, you have to return the value to compare for each object the collection content.

Note that the TRex filter implements duck typing. You should create a filter by key to access to the data, and not by type of collection content. For example, if you want to sort a collection of objects by them property '$foo', you should call your sorter 'FooSorter', anyway the objects the collection content.

use TRex\Collection\AbstractFilter;

class Bar
    public $foo;

    public function __construct($foo)
        $this->foo = $foo;

// we name the filter with the name of the property $foo, and not the name of the class Bar
class FooFilter extends AbstractFilter
     * @param mixed $object
     * @return mixed
    protected function invoke($object)
        return $object->foo;

$collection = [
    new Bar('a'),
    new Bar('b'),
    new Bar('b'),

array_filter($collection, new FooFilter('b')); //wil keep only the 'b' ones