
1.3.4 2024-05-13 17:54 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-13 19:12:52 UTC


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This package is the Ray.Di module that performs the PSR-6 / PSR-16 interface binding.

You can use the PSR6 cache interface in two ways: Local and Public. Local is for caches that do not need to be shared among multiple web servers, and Public is for caches that need to be shared.


use Psr\Cache\CacheItemPoolInterface;
use Ray\PsrCacheModule\Annotation\Local;
use Ray\PsrCacheModule\Annotation\Shared;

class Foo
    public function __construct(
        #[Local] private CacheItemPoolInterface $localPool, 
        #[Shared] private CacheItemPoolInterface $sharedPool


use Psr\Cache\CacheItemPoolInterface;
use Ray\PsrCacheModule\Annotation\Local;
use Ray\PsrCacheModule\Annotation\Shared;

class Foo
    private CacheItemPoolInterface $localPool;
    private CacheItemPoolInterface $sharedPool;
     * @Local('localPool') 
     * @Shared('sharedPool') 
    public function __construct(
        CacheItemPoolInterface $localPool, 
        CacheItemPoolInterface $sharedPool
        $this->localPool = $localPool;
        $this->sharedPool = $sharedPool;

Create object graph

use Ray\Di\AbstractModule;
use Ray\Di\Injector;
use Ray\PsrCacheModule\Psr6ArrayModule;

$foo = (new Injector(new class extends AbstractModule {
    protected function configure()
        $this->install(new Psr6ArrayModule()); // PSR-6 
        // $this->install(new Psr16CacheModule()); // PSR-16

assert($foo instanceof Foo);


composer require ray/psr-cache-module

Module install



This module is for the development.

  • Local: Null
  • Shared: Null
use Ray\PsrCacheModule\Psr6NullModule;

new Psr6NullModule();


This module is for the development.

  • Local: Array
  • Shared: Array
use Ray\PsrCacheModule\Psr6ArrayModule;

new Psr6ArrayModule();


This module is for a standalone server

  • Local: Chain(APC, File)
  • Shared: Chain(APC, File)
use Ray\PsrCacheModule\Psr6ApcuModule;

new Psr6ApcuModule();


This module is for multiple servers.

  • Local: Chain(APC, File)
  • Shared: Redis
use Ray\PsrCacheModule\Psr6RedisModule;

new Psr6RedisModule('redis1:6379:1'); // host:port:dbIndex


This module is for multiple servers.

use Ray\PsrCacheModule\Psr6MemcachedModule;

new Psr6MemcachedModule('memcached1:11211:60,memcached2:11211:33');  // host:port:weight

See https://www.php.net/manual/en/memcached.addservers.php


If you install Psr16CacheModule, the cache engine installed with Psr6*Module can be used with PSR-16 interface. PSR-16 bindings use PSR-6 bindings.

use Ray\PsrCacheModule\Psr16CacheModule;

new Psr16CacheModule();

Common Configuration Module


Specifies the cache directory. Optional.

use Ray\PsrCacheModule\CacheDirModule;

new CacheDirModule('path/to/dir');


Specifies the cache namespace (when multiple applications are placed on a single cache server). Optional.

use Ray\PsrCacheModule\CacheNamespaceModule;

new CacheNamespaceModule('app1');

Technical Note

Redis, Memcached classes and symfony/cache adapters are not serializable, but RedisAdapter and MemcachedAdapter, which inherit from symfony/cache and are provided in this package, are.