
Ray.Di for Laravel

0.4.0 2024-03-01 10:15 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-26 09:39:04 UTC


DI+AOP, done the right way

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composer require ray/ray-di-for-laravel


Copy the module that describes the binding, the context, and the directory where the generated files will be stored.

cp -r vendor/ray/ray-di-for-laravel/RayDi app
cp -r vendor/ray/ray-di-for-laravel/storage/ storage

Change the following lines in bootstrap/app.php.

+ $basePath = $_ENV['APP_BASE_PATH'] ?? dirname(__DIR__);
+ $context = getenv('APP_ENV') ?: 'local';
- $app = new Illuminate\Foundation\Application(
-     $_ENV['APP_BASE_PATH'] ?? dirname(__DIR__)
- );
+ $app = new Ray\RayDiForLaravel\Application(
+     $basePath,
+     App\RayDi\Context\ContextProvider::get($basePath, $context)
+ );

Add the Ray\RayDiForLaravel\Attribute\Injectable Attribute to classes or interfaces you want to resolve by Ray.Di.

This class will be resolved by Ray.Di.


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Ray\RayDiForLaravel\Attribute\Injectable;

class HelloController extends Controller


This one will be resolved by the existing Laravel service container.


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

// no attributes
class MyController extends Controller



The RayDi/Context/ContextProvider generates a context class for the application runtime context.

Specify the module and cache in the context class and the context-specific injector will be selected.

Ray.Di for Laravel provides the following built-in contexts.

  • RayDi/Context/ProductionContext
  • RayDi/Context/LocalContext
  • RayDi/Context/TestingContext.php


In the RayDi/Context/ProductionContext, the injector is cached if the apcu extension is enabled.

Custom context

You may need your own context. Implement a custom context with reference to the built-in context and use it in RayDi/Context/ContextProvider.

Overriding Modules

When running tests, you may want to change the binding depending on the test case.

Use Ray\RayDiForLaravel\Testing\OverrideModule in your test class and call $this->overrideModule as shown below.

use Tests\TestCase;

final class HelloTest extends TestCase
    use Ray\RayDiForLaravel\Testing\OverrideModule;

    public function testStatusOk(): void
        $this->overrideModule(new MyModule());
        $res = $this->get('/hello');

        $res->assertSeeText('Hello 1 * 2 = 2.');


By installing the DiCompileModule, An optimized injector is used and dependency errors are reported at compile time, not at runtime.

For RayDi/ProductionModule corresponding to RayDi/Context/ProductionContext, DiCompileModule is already installed.


See hello-ray-di-for-laravel demo code.