
Checks if your application is healthy.

1.0.0 2021-08-17 05:29 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-17 11:51:31 UTC


This package is meant to be used with Docker's HEALTHCHECK directive and has been designed accordingly.

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Requires PHP 8.0+

You can install the package via composer:

composer require redwebcreation/laravel-healthful

The package will automatically register itself.

You'll need to publish the migrations :

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="healthful-migrations"

Optionally you can publish the config file:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="healthful-config"

This is the contents of the published config file:


use RWC\Healthful\Checks\DatabaseCheck;
use RWC\Healthful\Checks\QueueCheck;
use RWC\Healthful\Checks\SchedulerCheck;

return [
    /* The route that should return the health status */
    'route' => '/_/health',

    /* A list of checks to be performed. */
    'checks' => [


Check if your application is healthy :

use RWC\Healthful\Facades\Health;


It returns true if all the checks were true or false if one failed.

You may want to expose your application's health publicly :

use RWC\Healthful\Facades\Health;


It registers a route at /_/health that returns a 200 if all the checks passed, or a 503 if one of them doesn't.

Custom checks

// app/HealthChecks/IsMondayCheck.php
use RWC\Healthful\Checks\Check;

class IsMondayCheck implements Check {
    public function passes() : bool{
        // Monday is never healthful.
        return !now()->isMonday();
// config/healthful.php
return [
    'checks' => [
        // ...

You can also use the Heartbeat model :

use RWC\Healthful\Models\Heartbeat;

$heartbeat = Heartbeat::firstOrNew([
    'type' => 100 // any number above 100


You need to specify a type above 100 so heartbeats of other kinds provided by this package won't ever collide with yours.

Then, in your check : <

use RWC\Healthful\Checks\Check;
use RWC\Healthful\Models\Heartbeat;

class MyCheck implements Check {
    public function passes(): bool {
        $heartbeat = Heartbeat::query()
            ->where('type', 100)
            ->where('updated_at', '>=', now()->subMinutes(5))

        return $heartbeat !== null;

Integration with Docker

# Dockerfile
HEALTHCHECK --interval=1m --timeout=30s --retries=3 CMD curl --fail http://localhost/_/health || exit 1


composer test

Healthful for Laravel was created by Félix Dorn under the MIT license.