
Converts any value to a string

2.0.0 2023-04-22 19:23 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-22 22:49:49 UTC


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Converts any PHP value into a string.


Package is available on Packagist, you can install it using Composer.

composer require respect/stringifier

This library requires PHP >= 8.1.


Below a quick guide of how to use the library.

Using as a function

echo Respect\Stringifier\stringify($value);

Using as an object

$stringify = Respect\Stringifier\Stringify::createDefault();

// with the `value` method
echo $stringify->value($value);

// with the `__invoke` method
echo $stringify($value);


use function Respect\Stringifier\stringify;

echo stringify('string') . PHP_EOL;
// "string"

echo stringify(implode(PHP_EOL, ['Multi-line', 'string'])) . PHP_EOL;
// "Multi-line\nstring"

echo stringify(1) . PHP_EOL;
// 1

echo stringify(0.5) . PHP_EOL;
// 0.5

echo stringify(true) . PHP_EOL;
// `true`

echo stringify(false) . PHP_EOL;
// `false`

echo stringify(null) . PHP_EOL;
// `null`

echo stringify(INF) . PHP_EOL;
// `INF`

echo stringify(-INF) . PHP_EOL;
// `-INF`

echo stringify(acos(8)) . PHP_EOL;
// `NaN`

echo stringify([1, 2, 3]) . PHP_EOL;
// `[1, 2, 3]`

echo stringify(['foo' => true, 'bar' => 42, 'baz' => ['qux' => INF, 'quux' => null]]) . PHP_EOL;
// `["foo": true, "bar": 42, "baz": ["qux": INF, "quux": null]]`

echo stringify(tmpfile()) . PHP_EOL;
// `resource <stream>`

echo stringify(BasicEnumeration::FOO) . PHP_EOL;
// `BasicEnumeration::FOO`

echo stringify(BackedEnumeration::QUX) . PHP_EOL;
// `BackedEnumeration::QUX`

echo stringify(new WithProperties()) . PHP_EOL;
// `WithProperties { +$publicProperty=true #$protectedProperty=42 -$privateProperty="something" }`

echo stringify(new WithUninitializedProperties()) . PHP_EOL;
// `WithUninitializedProperties { +$uninitializedProperty=*uninitialized* }`

echo stringify(new class { public int $property = 42; }) . PHP_EOL;
// `class { +$property=42 }`

echo stringify(new class extends WithProperties { }) . PHP_EOL;
// `WithProperties@anonymous { +$publicProperty=true #$protectedProperty=42 }`

echo stringify('chr') . PHP_EOL;
// `chr(int $codepoint): string`

echo stringify([new WithMethods(), 'publicMethod']) . PHP_EOL;
// `WithMethods->publicMethod(Iterator&Countable $parameter): ?static`

echo stringify('WithMethods::publicStaticMethod') . PHP_EOL;
// `WithMethods::publicStaticMethod(int|float $parameter): void`

echo stringify(['WithMethods', 'publicStaticMethod']) . PHP_EOL;
// `WithMethods::publicStaticMethod(int|float $parameter): void`

echo stringify(new WithInvoke()) . PHP_EOL;
// `WithInvoke->__invoke(int $parameter = 0): never`

echo stringify(static fn(int $foo): string => '') . PHP_EOL;
// `function (int $foo): string`

echo stringify(new DateTime()) . PHP_EOL;
// `DateTime { 2023-04-21T11:29:03+00:00 }`

echo stringify(new DateTimeImmutable()) . PHP_EOL;
// `DateTimeImmutable { 2023-04-21T11:29:03+00:00 }`

echo stringify(new Fiber('strlen')) . PHP_EOL;
// `Fiber { strlen(string $string): int }`

echo stringify((static fn(int $number) => yield $number)(7)) . PHP_EOL;
// `Generator { current() => 7 }`

echo stringify(new ConcreteIterator()) . PHP_EOL;
// `ConcreteIterator { current() => 1 }`

echo stringify(new ConcreteStringable()) . PHP_EOL;
// `ConcreteStringable { __toString() => "This is the return of __toString()" }`

echo stringify(new ConcreteJsonSerializable()) . PHP_EOL;
// `ConcreteJsonSerializable { jsonSerialize() => {"0":1,"1":2,"2":3,"foo":true} }`

echo stringify(new WithDebugInfo()) . PHP_EOL;
// `WithDebugInfo { __debugInfo() => ["info": "This is the return of __debugInfo()"] }`

echo stringify(new ArrayObject([1, 2, 3])) . PHP_EOL;
// `ArrayObject { getArrayCopy() => [1, 2, 3] }`

echo stringify(new RuntimeException()) . PHP_EOL;
// `RuntimeException { in file.php:119 }`

echo stringify(new InvalidArgumentException('This is the exception message')) . PHP_EOL;
// `InvalidArgumentException { "This is the exception message" in file.php:112 }`

echo stringify(Traversable::class) . PHP_EOL;
// `Traversable`

To see more examples of how to use the library check the integration tests.

Custom stringifiers

Stringifier library is extensible, you can create your own stringifiers and use them with the Stringify class.

use Respect\Stringifier\Stringifier;
use Respect\Stringifier\Stringifiers\CompositeStringifier;
use Respect\Stringifier\Stringify;

$compositeStringifier = CompositeStringifier::createDefault();
$compositeStringifier->prependStringifier(new class implements Stringifier {
    public function stringify(mixed $raw, int $depth): ?string
        if (is_object($raw) && method_exists($raw, 'toString')) {
            return $raw->toString();

        return null;

$stringify = new Stringify($compositeStringifier);

echo $stringify->value(new class {
    public function toString(): string
        return 'Hello, world!';
// Hello, world!