
At Respect we are serious about testing, this is Test the serious Project.

dev-master 2013-02-22 02:06 UTC

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Last update: 2024-10-12 13:01:50 UTC


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As the name suggests, this is where we make unit testing awesome. Often case we require specific platforms or systems in place and our tasks are not completed in isolation. Frequently the pure task of writing Mocks, Monkey patching, poly fills and shims are more troublesome than the work they aim to test.

To simplify our testing routines these tools came to be, now you too can benefit from these labours and have an inside look at why we think tests are so cool.

As more items are included this document will take shape, eventually seeing this paragraph disappear along with the white space. Feel free to become part of yet another awesome project at Respect.


Access properties of classes or objects without the fuss, Reflect makes it transparent whether you are accessing or changing properties for a class or an object or whether these properties are static or instance variables, whether they are public, private or protected. It's all the same for us.

Example class and object instance:

    use Respect\Test\Reflect;

    class HappyPanda
        private $p = 'private';
        protected $pr = 'protected';
        public $pu = 'public';

    $hp = new HappyPanda();


To get an instance of the Respect\Test\Reflect helper call the static on methoud and supply either an object or a string as class name.

    $reflect = Reflect::on($hp);

    /** or */

    $reflect = Reflect::on('HappyPanda');


The getProperty method will return the value of the named property.

    echo $reflect->getProperty('pu');

    // public

But due to fluent interface design to get a property from our HappyPanda using the instance object simply write a one-liner.

    echo Reflect::on($hp)->getProperty('p');

    // private

We can do exactly the same with only the class name.

    echo Reflect::on('HappyPanda')->getProperty('pr');

    // protected

setProperty($name, $value)

So you want to change a property, do you? Why this is what testing is all about.

    $reflect->setProperty('pu', 1234);
    echo $reflect->getProperty('pu');

    // 1234

Or through the magic of chaining giving you the freedom to combine it all on a single line once again.

    echo Reflect::on($hp)->setProperty('p', 'owned')->getProperty('p');

    // owned

We can do exactly the same with only the class name, what did I tell you.

    echo Reflect::on('HappyPanda')->setProperty('pu', 'easy')->getProperty('pr');

    // easy


As you may well know we need an instance (object) to modify these instance properties so it makes sense that you might want to get that instance itself back eventually. It doesn't matter if your class is abstract, has no constructor, constructor with required parameters or whether it is marked private or protected, Reflect will see to it that you get an instance back no matter what it takes.

Lets look at a new class definition with a private constructor that requires 2 non-optional parameters. We also load it up with some static properties but to us that is all the same now.

    class Panda
        private $p = 'private';
        protected $pr;
        public $pu;
        private static $ps;
        protected static $prs;
        public static $pus;

        private function __construct($a, $b)

Utilising the fluent interface to the maximum!

    $object = Reflect::on('Panda')
        ->setProperty('p', 1)
        ->setProperty('pr', 2)
        ->setProperty('pu', 3)
        ->setProperty('ps', 4)

That will leave you with a new instance of class Panda with each and every property changed, assigned to the variable $object. Looks something like this:

    class Panda
        private $p = 1;
        protected $pr = 2;
        public $pu = 3;
        private static $ps = 4;
        protected static $prs = 5;
        public static $pus = 6;

        private function __construct($a, $b)

Lets turn things up a notch, how about an abstract class? When you Reflect on an abstract class things are a little different. We can't have an instance of an abstract class, its not possible. So lets see what happens.

Lets make our Happy Panda abstract

    abstract class Panda
        private $val = 'private';

        abstract protected function eatBamboo(array $sticks=array());

        private function __construct(&$a, $b)
            $this->val = $b;

We Reflect on the abstract class and retrieve the instance.

    $object = Reflect::on('Panda')->getInstance();

Reflect will generate a Mock class for you so that you can have a valid instance of the abstract class to test against. The Mock class will be in the same namespace (if applicable) with the word "Mock" Prepended to the classname.

    class MockPanda extends Panda
        public function eatBamboo($sticks=array ())

As you can see we can get an instance of an abstract class from a private constructor but what if we wanted to execute that constructor? No problem just pass an array of the parameters you want to use to getInstance() and Reflect will call the private constructor for you. Note: example uses the new shorthand for arrays introduced in PHP 5.4 for 5.3 use array() instead of [ ]

    echo Reflect::on('Panda')->getProperty('val');

    // private

    $object = Reflect::on('Panda')->getInstance([&$a, 'New Value']);

    echo Reflect::on('Panda')->getProperty('val');

    // New Value

    echo $a;

    // 1

    $object = Reflect::on('Panda')->getInstance([&$a, 'New Value']);

    echo $a;

    // 2

    $object = Reflect::on('Panda')->getInstance([&$a, 'New Value']);

    echo $a;

    // 3


The PHP manual says, about the StreamWrapper, to take note:

This is NOT a real class, only a prototype of how a class defining its own protocol should be.

If you also agree, that sucks. Wouldn't it be so much easier to just have this real class instead? Well so did we and here it is, StreamWrapper, by no other name.

Battling with an unwieldy interface, sparsely documented with a very specific set of implementations heavily intertwined into every aspect of the PHP interpreter. Those days are finally over.

Struggle free, seamless integration with the built-in default stream wrapper (file://) to use as file system mock in your tests without anymore tears. Create, modify, move, delete, link to, do whatever you need from the convenience of the default data protocol complete synergy with its physical counterparts, you won't be able to tell them apart.

If that's not cool enough already, how about:

  • configurable virtual files with data from PHP string variables.
  • read write seek virtual files indistinguishable from the real thing.
  • no path restriction we will fill in the directories for you.
  • accurately use standard stat functionality like verify existence, query type, open resources for reading, writing, amending, even add virtual files to existing folders.
  • zero configuration self managed, no need for you to do a thing.
  • zero maintenance as it cleans up after itself.
  • minimum overhead as it only interferes where it's intended
  • so easy to use you'll forget its even there.

The list can go on and on and on but you should rather see for yourself.

How to use StreamWrapper

Simply add the library to your include path, configure a few files (or add no files at all) to inject into the virtual file system and we're done .

The rest is taken care of for you.

We aimed for a simple design and the result, an interface of two methods.


The first available method setStreamOverrides allows you the option to configure a start up file system by mapping path to contents.

The file contents can be as simple as a string or as complicated as mapping a complete resource as content provider.

      'virtual/foo-bar-baz.ini' => $my_foo_here_doclet,
      'virtual/happy-panda.ini' => "panda=happy\nhappy=panda",

      'virtual/custom-stream.ini'=> fopen('data:text/plain;base64,'.
               urlencode('Sweet like a lemon'), 'wb'),
      'virtual/custom-stream-base64.ini'=> fopen('data:text/plain;base64,'.
               base64_encode('Sweet like a lemon'), 'wb'),

StreamWrapper takes care of its own business so you don't have to.

Once the PHP script runs its course StreamWrapper will free its resources and gracefully perish on exit.

Nothing else is needed from you.

To enable a bare bone virtual file system with no start up files simply use an empty array.


You can keep repeating this process and every time StreamWrapper will purge the current state and present you with the newly configured file system while ensuring the proper release of resources we used before.

Before we talk about the next and final Interface method # 2 lets have a quick look see at what we've got.

I/O as per usual

Additional virtual item can be created with your favourite PHP filesystem functions for example mkdir to create new directories or file_put_contents to populate new files.

To create a new text file with the string "The file will be created and accessible at any location" as content at: it/doesnt/matter/if/path/not/exist.txt relative to the current working directory.

       'The file will be created and accessible at the location');


        [0] => The file will be created and accessible at the location

But you also get all the directories, fully traversable, in between.

Lets try this simple recursion:

    function traverse($path) {
        echo "$path \$\n":
        foreach (new DirectoryIterator($path) as $i) {
            echo $i->getBasename(), PHP_EOL;
            if ($i->isDir())


See what do we get?

    it $
    it/doesnt $
    it/doesnt/matter $
    it/doesnt/matter/if $
    it/doesnt/matter/if/path $
    it/doesnt/matter/if/path/not $

Too good to be true, sure, lets see what the shell says outside of PHP.

$ ls it
    ls: it: No such file or directory

Usage like nothing has changed

For anything new StreamWrapper will create virtual resources and make them transparently available as if they were real.

Otherwise, it's business as usual falling back to the built-in functionality of the standard file:// stream wrapper protocol allowing access to physical resources as before.

    array (
      0 => '.',
      1 => '..',
      2 => 'bootstrap.php',
      3 => 'library',
      4 => 'phpunit.xml',
    echo file_get_contents('tests/phpunit.xml');

    <!-- a Courtesy of Respect/Foundation -->
    <phpunit backupGlobals="false"


There may come a time when you want to switch back to normality after a session in virtual land and this is what the method releaseOverrides are for.


We simply release the reference handle and allow StreamWrapper to start the cleaning up process at its own pace.

Should you find its taking too long before you can continue to use the default file system again, you may insist that the standard stream wrapper be restored immediately by calling the PHP function:


But this is not a requirement, all things will go back to normal once more.


This source is hot of the press and even though it has worked, active development may again cause some sparks to fly. We certainly haven't explored all edge cases and it is plausible you may find bugs yet undiscovered.

If you've read this far you know you found the holy grail of testing, its true.

Please help us by reporting any problems or making suggestions where it does not yet do precisely what you want it to do. There is no better time to bring these ideas to the table and see them realize.

Issues and pull requests are now being accepted...