
QR payment library for Czech accounts

v5.3.0 2022-01-21 09:54 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-29 04:49:10 UTC


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A simple library to generate QR payment code for Czech Republic. All methods are documented in source code.

See also QR code payment generator for Slovak, Hungarian or European Union accounts.

Using Symfony? See the QR Payment Bundle.


Via composer: composer require rikudou/czqrpayment


You can create the QR payment for an object implementing \Rikudou\Iban\Iban\IbanInterface or from account number and bank account (which is then converted to \Rikudou\Iban\Iban\CzechIbanAdapter object).

See rikudou/iban for description of the interface and classes which let you for example validate the iban and/or the bank account number and bank code.

From IbanInterface implementing classes:


use Rikudou\CzQrPayment\QrPayment;
use Rikudou\Iban\Iban\IBAN;
use Rikudou\Iban\Iban\CzechIbanAdapter;

// initialized with IBAN directly
$payment = new QrPayment(new IBAN('CZ5530300000001325090010'));

// initialized from Czech account number and bank code
$payment = new QrPayment(new CzechIbanAdapter('1325090010', '3030'));

// the IBAN classes don't use strict typing so you can also use implicit conversion like this
// beware of bank codes that start with zero, those need to always be supplied as a string (like 0300)
$payment = new QrPayment(new CzechIbanAdapter(1325090010, 3030));

From account number and bank code directly:


use Rikudou\CzQrPayment\QrPayment;

$payment = QrPayment::fromAccountAndBankCode('1325090010', '3030');

// the class does not use strict typing so you can also use implicit conversion like this
// beware of bank codes that start with zero, those need to always be supplied as a string (like 0300)
$payment = QrPayment::fromAccountAndBankCode(1325090010, 3030);

Setting payment details

There are two approaches to setting payment details. You can set them in an associative array or using the methods provided in the class.

Using associative array


use Rikudou\CzQrPayment\QrPayment;
use Rikudou\CzQrPayment\Options\QrPaymentOptions;
use Rikudou\Iban\Iban\CzechIbanAdapter;

$payment = new QrPayment(new CzechIbanAdapter('1325090010', '3030'), [
  QrPaymentOptions::VARIABLE_SYMBOL => 123456,
  QrPaymentOptions::AMOUNT => 100,
  QrPaymentOptions::CURRENCY => "CZK",
  QrPaymentOptions::DUE_DATE => date("Y-m-d", strtotime("+14 days"))

// or you can assign the options later via setOptions()

  QrPaymentOptions::VARIABLE_SYMBOL => 123456,
  QrPaymentOptions::AMOUNT => 100,
  QrPaymentOptions::CURRENCY => "CZK",
  QrPaymentOptions::DUE_DATE => date("Y-m-d", strtotime("+14 days")),
  QrPaymentOptions::INSTANT_PAYMENT => true,

Using methods


use Rikudou\CzQrPayment\QrPayment;
use Rikudou\Iban\Iban\CzechIbanAdapter;

$payment = new QrPayment(new CzechIbanAdapter('1325090010', '3030'));
    ->setDueDate(new DateTimeImmutable('+14 days'))


Description of exceptions thrown:

  • __construct()
    • InvalidArgumentException - if you provide options in constructor and any of those options does not exist
    • \Rikudou\CzQrPayment\Exception\InvalidValueException - if any of the options contains an asterisk
    • TypeError - if any of the values is not assignable to the properties after standard php conversions
  • setOptions() - same as constructor
  • getQrString()
    • \Rikudou\CzQrPayment\Exception\InvalidValueException - if any of the options contains an asterisk or if the iban is not valid
  • getQrImage()
    • \Rikudou\CzQrPayment\Exception\MissingLibraryException - if the endroid/qr-code library is missing

All of these exceptions (except InvalidArgumentException and TypeError) extend the base \Rikudou\CzQrPayment\Exception\QrPaymentException.

QR Code image

This library provides many implementations of QR code image using its sister library rikudou/qr-payment-qr-code-provider. If any supported QR code generating library is installed, the method getQrCode() will return an instance of \Rikudou\QrPaymentQrCodeProvider\QrCode which can be used to get an image containing the generated QR payment data.


use Rikudou\CzQrPayment\QrPayment;
use Endroid\QrCode\QrCode;

$payment = new QrPayment(...);

$qrCode = $payment->getQrCode();

// get the raw image data and display them in the browser
header('Content-Type: image/png');
echo $qrCode->getRawString();

// use in an img html tag
echo "<img src='{$qrCode->getDataUri()}'>";

// write to a file

// get the raw object from the underlying system
$raw = $qrCode->getRawObject();
// let's assume we're using endroid/qr-code v4
assert($raw instanceof QrCode);
// do some custom transformations
// the object is still referenced by the adapter, meaning we can now render it the same way as before
echo "<img src='{$qrCode->getDataUri()}'>";

List of public methods



  • \Rikudou\Iban\Iban\IbanInterface $iban required - the IBAN for the payment
  • array|null $options - the array with options. The helper class QrPaymentOptions can be used for options names.


use Rikudou\CzQrPayment\QrPayment;
use Rikudou\CzQrPayment\Options\QrPaymentOptions;
use Rikudou\Iban\Iban\CzechIbanAdapter;

$payment = new QrPayment(new CzechIbanAdapter('1325090010', '3030'));

// or with options

$payment = new QrPayment(new CzechIbanAdapter('1325090010', '3030'), [
  QrPaymentOptions::AMOUNT => 100


Sets the options, useful if you don't want to set them in constructor.


  • array $options required - the same as the constructor param $options


Returns itself, you can use this method for chaining.


use Rikudou\CzQrPayment\QrPayment;
use Rikudou\CzQrPayment\Options\QrPaymentOptions;
use Rikudou\Iban\Iban\CzechIbanAdapter;

$payment = new QrPayment(new CzechIbanAdapter('1325090010', '3030'));

  QrPaymentOptions::AMOUNT => 100


Returns the iban.





use Rikudou\CzQrPayment\QrPayment;
use Rikudou\Iban\Iban\CzechIbanAdapter;

$payment = new QrPayment(new CzechIbanAdapter('1325090010', '3030'));
$myIBAN = $payment->getIban(); 


Returns the string that should be encoded in QR image.




use Rikudou\CzQrPayment\QrPayment;
use Rikudou\CzQrPayment\Options\QrPaymentOptions;
use Rikudou\Iban\Iban\CzechIbanAdapter;

$payment = new QrPayment(new CzechIbanAdapter('1325090010', '3030'), [
  QrPaymentOptions::AMOUNT => 100,
  QrPaymentOptions::VARIABLE_SYMBOL => 1502,
  QrPaymentOptions::DUE_DATE => new DateTimeImmutable('+14 days'),

$qrString = $payment->getQrString(); // SPD*1.0*ACC:CZ5530300000001325090010*AM:100.00*CC:CZK*X-PER:7*X-VS:1502*DT:20210413

static fromAccountAndBankCode()

Returns a new instance of the payment object created from the account and bank code. Is pretty much an alias to new QrPayment(new CzechIbanAdapter()).


  • string $accountNumber required - The account number
  • string $bankCode required - The bank code


Returns itself, you can use this method for chaining.


use Rikudou\CzQrPayment\QrPayment;

$payment = QrPayment::fromAccountAndBankCode('1325090010', '3030');
// do all the other stuff


Returns a Qr code via suggested third-party library.





use Rikudou\CzQrPayment\QrPayment;
use Rikudou\CzQrPayment\Options\QrPaymentOptions;

$payment = QrPayment::fromAccountAndBankCode('1325090010', '3030')->setOptions([
  QrPaymentOptions::AMOUNT => 100

header('Content-Type: image/png');
echo $payment->getQrImage()->writeString();


This is a list of options you can set.

  • int $variableSymbol - the variable symbol, has no default
  • int $specificSymbol - the specific symbol, has no default
  • int $constantSymbol - the constant symbol, has no default
  • string $currency - ISO 4217 code for currency, defaults to CZK
  • string $comment - the payment comment, has no default
  • int $repeat - the number of days that the payment should be repeated if it fails, defaults to 7
  • string $internalId - internal id of the payment, has no default
  • DateTimeInterface dueDate - the due date for payment, has no default
  • float $amount - the amount for the payment, shouldn't have more than 2 decimal places, has no default
  • string $country - ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for country, defaults to CZ
  • bool $instantPayment - whether the payment should be made as instant instead of standard payment (depends on bank support)

All of these options can be set using the QrPaymentOptions helper class as constants for the constructor or setOptions() or as methods.

For example, the amount can be set in an array using the constant QrPaymentOptions::AMOUNT or using the method setAmount().