
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Composer plugin for automatic configuration of packages

Installs: 8 338

Dependents: 1

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 0

Watchers: 1

Forks: 1

Open Issues: 0


v2.2.0 2019-07-17 11:00 UTC


This composer plugin allows you to ship your configuration with your package for supported project types.

As soon as this package is installed in your project, it takes care of configuring your packages.


composer require rikudou/installer


If you want to use the installer in your package, just add it as a dependency and create the configuration directory .installer.

The .installer directory has the following structure:


Project types

Currently only Symfony 4 project type is supported, but you can define your own types in your package (more on that below).

Symfony 4 project type

  • available directories:
    • symfony4
    • symfony
  • example directories:
    • .installer/symfony4/[operation-type]
    • .installer/symfony/[operation-type]
  • detected via:
    • presence of the directory config/packages
  • machine name:
    • symfony4

Overriding project type composer.json

If you want to set a project type for your project while it cannot be detected, you can set the extra.rikudou.installer.project-type in your composer.json, the value should be the machine name of desired project type.

If handler for the type does not exist, it will be ignored and the detection will still take place.


  "require": {
    "php": ">=7.2"
    // your other dependencies
  "extra": {
    "rikudou": {
      "installer": {
        "project-type": "symfony4"

Note: JSON does not support comments, if you copy the above snippet, remove them

Operation types

Copy files operation

Everything from the operation dir (files) will be copied to the root directory of project.

On package uninstall any file that is identical in content to the one defined in package will be removed and any empty directory defined in directory structure will be removed.

  • directory structure:
    • .installer/[project-type-dir]/files
  • example directories:
    • .installer/symfony4/files
    • .installer/symfony/files
  • example full directory structure
    • .installer/symfony/files/config/packages/my_config_file.yaml

Env variables operation

Define your env variables in .env file and the content will be copied to .env, .env.dist and .env.example files in project root (if these files exist).

On package uninstall the environment variables will be deleted from the affected files.

  • directory structure:
    • .installer/[project-type-dir]/.env
  • example file path:
    • .installer/symfony4/.env
    • .installer/symfony/.env

Bundle register operation

Write a bundle config that will be appended to bundles.php file in Symfony.

On package uninstall the bundle configuration will be removed.

  • directory structure
    • .installer/[project-type-dir]/bundles.php
  • example file path:
    • .installer/symfony4/bundles.php

Example content:


return [
    Vendor\MyCoolBundle::class => ['all' => true],

Disable Rikudou Installer

You can disable Rikudou Installer for your project via composer.json configuration.

  • set extra.rikudou.installer.enabled to false
  • add package names to extra.rikudou.installer.exclude array to ignore the installer only for specific packages


  "require": {
    "php": ">=7.2"
    // your other dependencies
  "extra": {
    "rikudou": {
      "installer": {
        "enabled": false, // disable the installer
        "exclude": [
          "vendor/package" // exclude composer package called vendor/package

Note: JSON does not support comments, if you copy the above snippet, remove them

Define custom project type

If you want to support non-default project type, in your package define php classes in directory .installer/project-types that implement Rikudou\Installer\ProjectType\ProjectTypeInterface

The interface methods (and what it should return) are described in PHPDoc in the interface.

The class name or the namespace of defined types does not matter, but you should avoid having non-namespaced classes as there could be a name conflict.