
JSON-RPC bundle for Symfony using modern php

Installs: 9

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 0

Watchers: 2

Forks: 0

Open Issues: 0


v1.1.1 2021-10-03 18:20 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-29 06:14:34 UTC


This allows you to respond and handle JSON-RPC requests using modern php.

Both batch requests and single requests are supported.


Requires php 8 and Symfony 5.x.

composer require rikudou/json-rpc-bundle


Create a controller that will be handling the traffic, the controller is very simple and basically looks like this:


use Rikudou\JsonRpcBundle\Response\JsonRpcResponse;
use Rikudou\JsonRpcBundle\Request\JsonRpcRequest;
use Rikudou\JsonRpcBundle\Service\JsonRpcResponder;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Annotation\Route;

final class MyController
    public function myHandler(JsonRpcRequest $request, JsonRpcResponder $responder): JsonRpcResponse
        return $responder->respond($request);

The JsonRpcRequest object is automatically injected based on current request and the JsonRpcResponder takes care of locating the correct method and providing response.

Creating methods

Creating methods is very simple and you have 3 options:

  1. use the Rikudou\JsonRpcBundle\Attribute\JsonRpcMethod attribute in a callable object (implementing __invoke())
  2. implement the \Rikudou\JsonRpcBundle\JsonRpc\JsonRpcMethod interface
  3. registering callables manually

Note that while the attribute and interface have the same name, the namespace is different.

Example with attribute


use Rikudou\JsonRpcBundle\Attribute\JsonRpcMethod;

final class MyMethod
    public function __invoke(): string
        return 'some-response';

Or if you want to accept parameters:


use Rikudou\JsonRpcBundle\Attribute\JsonRpcMethod;

final class MyMethod
    public function __invoke(string $parameter1, string $parameter2): string
        return $parameter1 . $parameter2;

If any other parameters are provided, an exception might be thrown, to avoid that you can add a variadic parameter that catches all other parameters (the name of the parameter doesn't matter):


use Rikudou\JsonRpcBundle\Attribute\JsonRpcMethod;

final class MyMethod
    public function __invoke(string $parameter1, string $parameter2, ...$allOtherParameters): string
        return $parameter1 . $parameter2 . json_encode($allOtherParameters);

Example with interface


use Rikudou\JsonRpcBundle\JsonRpc\JsonRpcMethod;
use Rikudou\JsonRpcBundle\Request\JsonRpcRequestParams;

final class MyMethod implements JsonRpcMethod
    public function getMethodName() : string
        return 'myMethod';
    public function execute(JsonRpcRequestParams $params) : int|string|null|float|JsonSerializable|array|stdClass
        return 'some-response';

You can also check for parameters:


use Rikudou\JsonRpcBundle\JsonRpc\JsonRpcMethod;
use Rikudou\JsonRpcBundle\Request\JsonRpcRequestParams;

final class MyMethod implements JsonRpcMethod
    public function getMethodName() : string
        return 'myMethod';
    public function execute(JsonRpcRequestParams $params) : int|string|null|float|JsonSerializable|array|stdClass
        if (!$params->hasParams()) {
            throw new RuntimeException('There are no parameters!');
        if (!isset($params['myParam'])) {
            throw new RuntimeException('The parameter "myParam" is missing!');
        $allParameters = $params->getParams();
        return $params['myParam'] . json_encode($allParameters);

Registering other callables

You can register other callables manually in a configuration file (for example config/packages/json_rpc.yaml).

Here's an example configuration:

    - name: myMethod
      callable: someGlobalFunction
    - name: myOtherMethod
      callable: App\MyClass::myStaticMethod
    - name: myThirdMethod
      callable: [App\MyClass, myStaticMethod]
    - name: myFourthMethod
      callable: ['@App\MyService', myInstanceMethod]

These formats of callables are supported:

  • functions
    • globalFunction
  • static methods
    • App\MyClass::someMethod
    • ['App\MyClass', 'someMethod']
  • service method
    • ['@App\MyService', 'someMethod']

Note that the service name starts with @.

Working with request object

If you want to do some checks on the request object you can do so before passing it to the JsonRpcResponder service.

The JsonRpcRequest is a marker interface that doesn't contain any methods meaning you need to check yourself if it's an instance of JsonRpcSingleRequest or JsonRpcBatchRequest.

The JsonRpcSingleRequest object contains these methods:

  • getMethod(): string
  • getParams(): ?array
  • getId(): int|string|null

The JsonRpcBatchRequest contains these methods:

  • getRequests(): iterable<JsonRpcSingleRequest> - returns list of individual requests

In your controller you can also typehint the concrete class (JsonRpcSingleRequest or JsonRpcBatchRequest) but in that case you will get a TypeError when the other type of request arrives.

If you want to get the current request outside of a controller class, you will need to use the service JsonRpcRequestParser:


use Rikudou\JsonRpcBundle\Service\JsonRpcRequestParser;
use Rikudou\JsonRpcBundle\Request\JsonRpcRequest;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack;

final class MyService
    public function __construct(private JsonRpcRequestParser $parser, private RequestStack $requestStack) 
    public function getRequest(): JsonRpcRequest
        // if you don't provide a Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request parameter, the current request is used
        $request = $this->parser->parse();
        // or you can specify the request yourself
        $request = $this->parser->parse($this->requestStack->getCurrentRequest());
        return $this->parser->parse();

Working with response object

If you want to alter the response in your controller, you can call JsonRpcResponse's getJson() method which returns an array with the raw data that would be encoded to JSON.

You can check whether the response is a single one or batch one by checking for instance of JsonRpcSingleResponse and JsonRpcBatchResponse.


use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\JsonResponse;
use Rikudou\JsonRpcBundle\Request\JsonRpcRequest;
use Rikudou\JsonRpcBundle\Service\JsonRpcResponder;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Annotation\Route;
use Rikudou\JsonRpcBundle\Response\JsonRpcSingleResponse;
use Rikudou\JsonRpcBundle\Response\JsonRpcBatchResponse;

final class JsonRpcController
    public function jsonRpc(JsonRpcRequest $request, JsonRpcResponder $responder): JsonResponse
        $response = $responder->respond($request);
        $rawData = $response->getJson();
        if ($response instanceof JsonRpcSingleResponse) {
            // do something with $rawData
        } elseif ($response instanceof JsonRpcBatchResponse) {
            // do something with $rawData
        return new JsonResponse($rawData, $response->getStatusCode());