
A library designed to create, modify, handle, and store images from any protocol

v1.2.2 2016-05-18 15:34 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-26 16:05:39 UTC


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ImgMan is a library that allows you to create various image renditions from any PHP supported URL-style protocol containing a picture.

You can modify an image (e.g., resize, crop, format, fit in, fit out, rotate) and save different renditions stored in your configuration.


  • PHP >= 5.5

  • Composer

  • Imagick (the only adapter currently supported to manipulate image)


ImgMan has various features:

  • Core

    contains the engine that execute the operations on the image. ImageMagick is the only adapter present.

  • Operation

    Contains a class, HelperPluginManager, that is a AbstractPluginManager where are config all operation that can attach to a rendition (i.e. Compression, Crop, FitIn, FitOut, Format, Resize, Rotate,ScaleToHeight,ScaleToWidth)

  • Storage

    ImgMan allows you to save the image in several layers persistence, via StorageInterface objects (i.e. FileSystem, Mongo)

  • Image

    Contains the class used to the image

  • Service

    A set of classes aimed at the instantiation of ImgMan service. With this service you can save the image in all renditions configured in the service (grab function) You can also save update, and delete an image in a specific redition


Install ImageImagick (version > 3.1.2) in php extension.

Add ripaclub/imgman to your composer.json.

   "require": {
       "ripaclub/imgman": "0.5.*"


Configure service manager with service factory (for storage and service), plugin manager and imagick adapter.

return [
    \\ ...
    'abstract_factories' => [
         // Load abstract service
         // Load abstract factory for mongo storage
         // Load abstract factory to FileSystem storage
          // Load abstract factory to aws storage previus import of aws/aws-sdk-php 3.17.6
    'factories' => [
         // Load (operation) helper plugin manager
        'ImgMan\Operation\HelperPluginManager' => 'ImgMan\Operation\HelperPluginManagerFactory',
    'invokables' => [
         // Load adapter
        'ImgMan\Adapter\Imagick' => 'ImgMan\Core\Adapter\ImagickAdapter',
        'ImgMan\ResolverDefault' => 'ImgMan\Storage\Adapter\FileSystem\Resolver\ResolverDefault'
    \\ ...

You can set only one storage configuration. Configure storage (e.g Mongo) where to save the images:

return [
    \\ ...
    'imgman_mongodb' => [
        'MongoDb' => [
            'database' => 'imgManStorage'
    'imgman_adapter_mongo' => [
        'Storage' => [
            'collection' => 'image_test',
            'database' => 'MongoDb'
    \\ ...

E.g aws configuration:

return [
    \\ ...
       'imgman_amazon_client' => [
           'AmazonS3Client' => [
               'secret' => 'testSecret',
               'key' => 'testKey',
               'region' => 'testRegion',
               'version' => 'latest',
               'name' => 'S3'
           'AmazonCloudFrontClient' => [
               'secret' => 'testSecret',
               'key' => 'testKey',
               'region' => 'testRegion',
               'version' => 'latest',
               'name' => 'CloudFront'
       'imgman_amazon_s3_service' => [
           'S3Service' => [
               'client' => 'AmazonS3Client',
               'bucket' => 'test'
       'imgman_amazon_cloud_front_service' => [
           'CloudFrontService' => [
               'client' => 'AmazonCloudFrontClient',
               'domain' => 'testdomain'
       'imgman_amazon_adapter' => [
           'Storage' => [
               's3_client' => 'S3Service',
               'cloud_front_client' => 'CloudFrontService',
               'name_strategy' => 'default',
               'name_strategy_config' => [
                   'prefix' => 'test'
    \\ ...

E.g filesystem configuration:

return [
    \\ ...
        'imgman_adapter_filesystem' => [
            'Storage' => [
                'path' => DIR_PATH_,
                'resolver' => 'ImgMan\ResolverDefault'
    \\ ...

Configure ImgMan service with the storage, helper, adapter and the various operations to attach on the renditions:

return [
    \\ ...
    'imgman_services' => [
        'ImgMan\Service\First' => [
            'adapter' => 'ImgMan\Adapter\Imagick',
            'storage' => 'Storage',
            'helper_manager' => 'ImgMan\Operation\HelperPluginManager',
            'renditions' => [
                'thumb' => [
                    'resize' => [
                        'width'  => 200,
                        'height' => 200,
                    'compression' => [
                        'compression' => 90,
                        'compressionQuality' => 70,
                'thumbmaxi' => [
                    'resize' => [
                        'width'  => 400,
                        'height' => 400,
    \\ ...


Now we get the IgmMan service, load a picture from file stream (filesystem) and save it in 3 renditions (original, thumb, and thumbmaxi).

$imgMan = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('ImgMan\Service\First');
$image = new ImgMan\Image\Image(__DIR__. '/../../../name_image.png'); //the path can be also a URL
$imgMan->grab($image, '/first/name/identifier/');

Finally, we can recover the image rendition we desire this way:

$imageOriginal = $imgMan->get('/first/name/identifier/', 'original');
$imageThumb = $imgMan->get('/first/name/identifier/', 'thumb');
$imageThumbMaxi = $imgMan->get('/first/name/identifier/', 'thumbmaxi');
