rnr1721 / currency-service
Laravel Currency Service with currency library, formatting and conversion
- php: ^8.1
- ext-json: *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle: ^7.0
- laravel/framework: ^10.0
Requires (Dev)
- mockery/mockery: ^1.5
- nunomaduro/larastan: ^2.9
- orchestra/testbench: ^8.0
- phpstan/phpstan: ^1.0
- phpunit/phpunit: ^10.0
- squizlabs/php_codesniffer: ^3.7
Looking for a powerful and easy-to-use currency management tool for your Laravel application? Our Laravel Currency Service offers everything you need to manage currencies, handle conversions, track exchange rates, and store historical data — all in one seamless package.
- Currency conversion with configurable precision and rounding modes
- Customizable currency formatting (position, separators, decimals)
- Exchange rate management with historical tracking
- Multiple rate providers support (includes TestRateProvider and OpenExchangeRates)
- Advanced caching system
- Historical rates analysis
- SOLID architecture principles
- Comprehensive test coverage
- Full Laravel integration
- PHP 8.1 or higher
- Laravel 10.0 or higher
- Composer
composer require rnr1721/currency-service # Publish configuration file php artisan vendor:publish --tag=currency-config # Run migrations (migrations will run directly from the package) php artisan migrate # Optionally, if you want to customize migrations: php artisan vendor:publish --tag=currency-migrations
Configuration (If you want to make automatic rates synchronization etc)
The configuration file will be published to Config/currency.php:
return [ 'cache_ttl' => 3600, 'providers' => [ 'default' => OpenExchangeRatesProvider::class, // You can write own if you need rates sync ], 'formatting' => [ 'decimals' => 2, 'decimal_separator' => '.', 'thousands_separator' => ',', 'show_currency_code' => true, 'currency_position' => 'after', ], 'conversion' => [ 'rounding_precision' => 2, 'rounding_mode' => PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP, ] ];
Currency Management
Initial Setup
- First, create your base currencies. At minimum, you should define a default currency:
use rnr1721\CurrencyService\Facades\Currency; use rnr1721\CurrencyService\DTO\CurrencyDTO; use rnr1721\CurrencyService\Repositories\CurrencyRepository; // Get repository instance $repository = app(CurrencyRepository::class); // Create default currency $repository->save(new CurrencyDTO( code: 'USD', name: 'United States Dollar', isDefault: true )); // Add more currencies $repository->save(new CurrencyDTO( code: 'EUR', name: 'Euro', isDefault: false )); $repository->save(new CurrencyDTO( code: 'GBP', name: 'British Pound', isDefault: false ));
Creating or Updating Currencies
The save() method handles both creation and updates based on currency code:
// This will create a new currency if JPY doesn't exist // or update it if it already exists $repository->save(new CurrencyDTO( code: 'JPY', name: 'Japanese Yen', isDefault: false ));
Retrieving Currencies
// Get all currencies $currencies = Currency::getAllCurrencies(); // Get all currencies with actual rates to default currency (except default currency) $currencies = Currency::getAllCurrenciesWithRates(); // Get specific currency $usd = $repository->findByCode('USD'); // Get default currency $default = Currency::getDefaultCurrency();
Or, available DI way
// You can inject CurrencyServiceInterface in standard Laravel way use rnr1721\CurrencyService\Contracts\CurrencyServiceInterface; $currencies = $currencyService->getAllCurrencies(); $currencyRates = $currencyService->getAllCurrenciesWithRates();
Manual Rate Management
If you're not using an automatic rate provider, you can manually manage rates:
// You can inject CurrencyServiceInterface in standard Laravel way use rnr1721\CurrencyService\Contracts\CurrencyServiceInterface; // Will set USD rate to default currency as 42.5 $service->saveDefaultRate('USD', 42.5);
Or more custom way:
// You can inject CurrencyRepositoryInterface in standard Laravel way use rnr1721\CurrencyService\Contracts\CurrencyRepositoryInterface; use rnr1721\CurrencyService\DTO\CurrencyRateDTO; // Set rate from USD to EUR $repository->saveRate(new CurrencyRateDTO( fromCurrency: 'USD', toCurrency: 'EUR', rate: 0.92, updatedAt: new DateTime() )); // Rates are automatically inversed when needed // so you don't need to save both USD->EUR and EUR->USD
Deleting the currencies
// You can inject CurrencyRepositoryInterface in standard Laravel way use rnr1721\CurrencyService\Contracts\CurrencyRepositoryInterface; // Will try to delete EUR currency with related rate history $repository->deleteCurrency('EUR');
Currency Administration Tips
Initial Setup
- Always set up a default currency first
- Use standardized 3-letter ISO currency codes
- Consider implementing a seeder for basic currencies
Rate Management
- Update rates regularly if managing manually
- Consider implementing a schedule for rate updates
- Keep historical rates for reporting
Best Practices
- Validate currency codes before saving
- Handle rate update failures gracefully
- Consider implementing rate validity periods
- Add logging for important currency operations
Basic Usage
use rnr1721\CurrencyService\Facades\Currency; // Currency conversion $euros = Currency::convert(100, 'USD', 'EUR'); // Convert 100 USD to default currency $amount = Currency::convert(100, 'USD'); // Format amount $formatted = Currency::format(99.99, 'USD'); // "99.99 USD" // Format amount with default currency $formatted = Currency::format(99.99); // Get current exchange rate $rate = Currency::getCurrencyRate('USD', 'EUR'); // Get current exchange rate (to default currenct) $rate = Currency::getCurrencyRate('USD'); // Set default currency Currency::setDefaultCurrency('EUR'); // Update exchange rates Currency::updateRates(); // Get all currencies Currency::getAllCurrencies(); // Get current default currency Currency::getDefaultCurrency();
of if you prefer Di, you can inject it and use:
namespace App\Http\Controllers; use rnr1721\CurrencyService\Contracts\CurrencyServiceInterface; class CurrencyController extends Controller { private CurrencyServiceInterface $currencyService; public function __construct(CurrencyServiceInterface $currencyService) { $this->currencyService = $currencyService; } public function convert() { $amount = 100; $fromCurrency = 'USD'; $toCurrency = 'EUR'; $convertedAmount = $this->currencyService->convert($amount, $fromCurrency, $toCurrency); return response()->json([ 'converted_amount' => $convertedAmount ]); } }
Advanced Usage
use rnr1721\CurrencyService\DTO\FormatSettingsDTO; use rnr1721\CurrencyService\DTO\ConversionSettingsDTO; // Custom formatting use rnr1721\CurrencyService\DTO\FormatSettingsDTO; $formatted = Currency::format( amount: 99.99, currencyCode: 'USD', settings: new FormatSettingsDTO( decimals: 2, decimalSeparator: ',', thousandsSeparator: ' ', showCurrencyCode: true, currencyPosition: 'before' ) ); // "USD 99,99" // Custom conversion settings $converted = Currency::convert( amount: 100, from: 'USD', to: 'EUR', settings: new ConversionSettingsDTO( roundingPrecision: 3, roundingMode: PHP_ROUND_HALF_DOWN ) );
Working with Exchange Rate History
use rnr1721\CurrencyService\Facades\Currency; use DateTime; // Get paginated history $history = app(CurrencyRateHistoryRepositoryInterface::class)->getPaginatedHistory( fromCurrency: 'USD', toCurrency: 'EUR', startDate: new DateTime('-30 days'), perPage: 20 ); // Get statistics $stats = app(CurrencyRateHistoryRepositoryInterface::class)->getHistoryStats( fromCurrency: 'USD', toCurrency: 'EUR', startDate: new DateTime('-7 days'), endDate: new DateTime() );
Custom Rate Providers
You can create your own rate providers by implementing CurrencyRateProviderInterface:
use rnr1721\CurrencyService\Contracts\CurrencyRateProviderInterface; class CustomRateProvider implements CurrencyRateProviderInterface { public function getRates(string $baseCurrency): array { // Implement your rate fetching logic return [ 'EUR' => 0.92, 'GBP' => 0.79, // ... ]; } }
Then register it in your configuration:
'providers' => [ 'default' => CustomRateProvider::class, ],
Exception Handling
The service throws the following exceptions:
- CurrencyNotFoundException - When a requested currency doesn't exist
- CurrencyRateNotFoundException - When an exchange rate is not available
- CurrencyProviderException - When there's an error fetching rates
- NoCurrencyException - When no default currency is set
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MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.