
Redbean PHP that allow easy use of this ORM in any PHP project

1.0.8 2023-12-03 17:57 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-03 21:04:01 UTC


Allow easy use pagination, validation and normalisation in any PHP project that use Redbean PHP


  • PHP 8.1 or higher.
  • Composer 2.0 or higher


All dependencies installs automatic by composer

What it can?

  • Easy-to-use models classes in some namespace
  • Pagination using Entify entity framework
  • Validation using rules (using Entify entity framework)
  • use arrow RedbeanPHP method calls instead static methods
  • Contain very simple lightweight SQL query builder


composer require rnr1721/le7-db-redbean


composer test

How it works?

After installing, you need decide where will be your models. For example in \Model. Any model is class, that contain entity rules. IMPORTANT: validation rules must contain information about all entity fields. Required fields is "label" and "validate". Any other fields is optional. All models must be extends of Model and implements ModelInterface same as in this example below:

Example of model (in namespace Model):



namespace Model;

use Core\Entify\Interfaces\ModelInterface;
use Core\Database\Redbean\Model;

class Contact extends Model implements ModelInterface
    public function getRules(): array
        return [
            'id' => [
                'label' => 'ID',
                'validate' => ''
            'name' => [
                'label' => 'Name',
                'validate' => ''
            'lastname' => [
                'label' => 'Lastname',
                'validate' => ''
            'another' => [
                'label' => 'Another field',
                'validate' => 'required|minlength:1',
                'unique' => true // This field must be unique


You can read more about entity field rules options on Entify project page https://github.com/rnr1721/le7-entify (validation etc). Here it should be said that the specific field option for this package, unlike other fields, is "unique", that must be true or false. Also, when saving entities the "hide" filter will be skipped.

This software is convenient to use along with a dependency container. In the container, you can pre-configure everything, and then conveniently and easily use it in your code using dependency injection (DI).

So, now we can use this model.

Basic usage

use Core\Database\Redbean\Db;
use Core\Database\Redbean\DbConn;
use Core\Entify\Entification;
use Core\Entify\RulesLoaderClass;
use Core\Database\Redbean\Drivers\DbSql;

// Create rules loader for classes, and set namespace for models
$loader = new RulesLoaderClass('\\Model\\');

// Create instance of Entify framework
$entification = new Entification($loader);

// Now, create array with parametres
// But you can configure DB driver with methods if need
$connectionArray = [
    'namespace' => '\\Model\\', // Importsnt! Namespace for models
    'driver' => 'mysql', // mysql, pgsql, curbid
    'host' => 'localhost', // Db host
    'port' => '3306', // Your Db port
    'user' => 'user',
    'name' => 'database',
    'pass' => '123'

// Now we create driver
$driver = new DbSql($connectionArray);

// Create object that connect, disconnect and switch between DBs
$connection = new DBConn($driver, $entification);

// Create database object wrapper
$db = new Db($connection);

// Code above you can run in DI container so it not scarry :)

// Now we can use non-static Redbean methods with $db object
$bean = $db->dispense('contact');

// See in model class above
$bean->name = 'John';
$bean->lastname = 'Doe';
$bean->another = '';

try {
    // Now this make invalidArgumentException because in rules another is
    // required field
} catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
    // Get errors
    $errors = $bean->getErrors();

// See the errors
if (isset($errors)) {

// But now, we try to make correct saving
$bean->another = '777';

If you need multi-lingual validator messages, please send me translations for this projects (or make commit requests) and I add them: https://github.com/rnr1721/le7-validator

Multiple entities

Now we can try to work with arrays of entities. For example, we need to paginate SQL request or filter it after recieving.

use Core\Database\Redbean\EntificationSql;
use Core\Database\Redbean\Db;
use Core\Database\Redbean\DbConn;
use Core\Entify\Entification;
use Core\Entify\RulesLoaderClass;
use Core\Database\Redbean\Drivers\DbSql;

$loader = new RulesLoaderClass('\\Model\\');

$entification = new Entification($loader);

$connectionArray = [
    'namespace' => '\\Model\\', // Importsnt! Namespace for models
    'driver' => 'mysql', // mysql, pgsql, curbid
    'host' => 'localhost', // Db host
    'port' => '3306', // Your Db port
    'user' => 'user',
    'name' => 'database',
    'pass' => '123'

$driver = new DbSql($connectionArray);

$connection = new DBConn($driver, $entification);

$db = new Db($connection);

$entificationSql = new EntificationSql($loader, $db);

// Now we end DI container part. And now we can use repository entities

// Get repository data provider
// You can also set bindings and custom query
$provider = $entificationSql->getDataProvider('contact');

// Case1 - get paginated result:
// Per page 5 items, and current page 1
$entity = $provider->paginate(5, 1)->getEntity();
$data = $entity->export(); // Get data as array
$info = $entity->getInfo(); // Get pagination data and rules info

// Case2 - get paginated custom result
$entity = $provider->paginate(5, 1)->select()->from()->where('id = 1')->getEntity();
$data = $entity->export(); // Get data as array
$info = $entity->getInfo(); // Get pagination data and rules info

Of course you can use tokens, something like this:

$bindings = [1,2,3];
$provider = $entificationSql->getDataProvider('contact',$bindings);
$entity = $provider->paginate(5, 1)->select()->from()->where(' id = ? OR id = ? OR id = ? ')->getEntity();
$data = $entity->export(); // Get data as array
$info = $entity->getInfo(); // Get pagination data and rules info

About this knows all, but for same, I strongly recommend use bindings instead direct values!

// Unpaginated result
$entity = $provider->select()->from()->where('id = 1')->getEntity();
$data = $entity->export(); // Get data as array
$info = $entity->getInfo(); // Empty pagination data and rules info


You can easy add databases, and manage connections. Example:

// We have already created $db, see above

// Switch to another (in this case Sqlite) database
$driver = new DbSqlite(['path'=>'./db.sqlite']);
// Get connection status (after use it), bool
$status = $db->getConnection()->isConnected();
// Disconnect from Db